any one working on TK? where you at. Any videos?
recently i have been making mine. I have a can i moved and some target practice. its hard to upload sometimes.
EDIT: in that case
If the mods let me. ill post some videos on odysee
any one working on TK? where you at. Any videos?
recently i have been making mine. I have a can i moved and some target practice. its hard to upload sometimes.
EDIT: in that case
If the mods let me. ill post some videos on odysee
Someone posted videos of moving objects late last year and posted his videos.
Yes you can post videos that are not self-promotion in the marketing sense.
just odysee vids. they are like less then 1 minuet
First link if sorted by Relevance ^
It’s something I want to work on, but at the moments I’m working on mindsight and remote viewing and I don’t have time for more along with my other stuff.
getting videos to upload is a pain!!!