Tired of someone benefitting from their "chronic illness"

Why do you keep reading her comments if she annoys you?

And every day you choose to read it.

You’re as stuck as she is, getting salty that she doesn’t meet your definition of deserving. :thinking:

If you fuck her up and she gets really ill, who wins? Why not try healing her instead?

People who are whiny and pitiful do usually have some pain, somewhere, what if she was horrifically abused as a child or something, and cannot face that, so she presents something she can tolerate sharing?

Many cases of psychosomatic illness are variable, as you describe the way she can go out etc., but unrelated to the true problem.

Kicking someone when they’re down (even if they’re part-pretending) never helps anyone. At best you’ll just make her story come true. At worse, you could have wronged a person in real pain.


I’ve read so many posts on here of people doing what they please just because they feel like they can. And per the guidelines, there’s no judging. Yet I’ve pretty much been the villain in this entire story when I haven’t done anything to her considering I lost money because of her lies. It feels like the message is that I should turn the other cheek in this case. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. She’s also not stupid to not know what she’s doing. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I respect yours as well, but the only thing I can honestly agree with that most have said on here is to cut her off. And I did that today, which is why I posted this. Out of mere frustration and anger. But who’s going to give me back what I lost? No one. Sure you can also argue that it was my decision to have helped someone out, but it wasn’t my decision to be conned.

Edit: And by not having done anything to her, I mean I literally have not done anything to her. No spells, rituals work, made her life a living hell in person, etc. I’m simply angry at the fact that she got away with it and at my expense. I don’t care who else falls for her tricks, I was simply asking for my sake, not for anyone else’s. Tis all.


I don’t think you’re the villain! But you did ask:

Honest opinion given. :hamster:

She may not be able to do better. I know some people who do variations of this, but two of them have horrendous pasts that have obviously fucked them up in other ways.


I understand you want others to see what you see.
I’ve been in a situation like this too, with a co-worker. It was a different kind of behavior, totally different situation. But because of this I understand your desire to show other people what kind of person she truly is. You’re not a villain for feeling like this.

But in this case I agree with this:

In some cases it’s best to simply cut the chords.
Stop filling your mind with her issues.
Stuff like that was the main reason I got rid of most social media accounts years ago.
I’m only communicating through whatsapp, discord and well, this forum.
Dont focus too much on people whose behaviour makes you mad.


I have really thought about that. I mean based on what I know about her, but she’s always spoken about having a great childhood. I really did try to look at this from all possible angles. And I’m not going to lie, I really am bitter I got tangled up in her lies and just wanted some form of justice. I mean even what you suggested of healing her, it wasn’t something that crossed my mind. I was no longer thinking of her “well-being” because of how much she uses the martyr card. I was thinking more of myself at this point because thinking about her got me nowhere. Sure I’m being selfish now but it’s the honest truth.


You’re absolutely right. I should’ve cut the chords sooner. I agree with everyone else who has also said this.