Tips to avoid lusting for results?

I did my first love ritual, well, my first ritual ever.
And I just keep getting frustrated and I start thinking that maybe it isn’t working.
I believe that if I keep doing that it is just not going to work.
So do you guys have any tips?

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A thing people do is try to transmute lust for results into love,happiness, gratitude etc.
Or accept that you feel lust for results and exhale the lust away then go do other things

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Do another ritual completely different than the one you just did .


This article may help


Thanks a lot, this solved quite a few of my questions! :grin:


The angel Kevashiel will help you with this.


Yeah literally line up different spiritual projects to stop you from focusing on the ritual you completed.


If you find yourself thinking of the object of your desire, you can visualize yourself loving on them, holding them, caressing them. Helps attach your energy and desire for them onto them. Also speaking into their mind can help draw them to you. Especially when they are asleep. You can program their subconscious mind. Of course, it helps to have the psychic senses open well to do these things effectively.


Thank you, this was a nicely written article. Basically it’s about having the sense that your desire is already on the present.
This avoids the fear, doubt and panic of the what if…


exactly :wink:

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great article. exactly what I needed to read. thanks


Every time you dwell upon your Magickal working during pedestrian consciousness, give yourself a good, hard, old-fashioned bitch-slap across the face. You’ll be surprised just how soon you stop thinking about your workings. Sets up an aversion barrier. Your conscious appreciates that going there causes pain.



Seems like a good solution to me :grin:

If using sigils, another tested method is to place your sigil somewhere conspicuous until you don’t actually ‘see’ it anymore, only your subconscious sees it - that’s when it starts working. Lipstick and bathroom mirrors, etc.

Alternatively, keep doing your ritual, daily if possible. Each time you’ll get better and learn something. This repetitive stuff impacts the morphic field (whatever that is, exactly). Eventually the lust of result is diminished by the constant ritual.

It’s harnessing your deficiencies and making these work for you. Why not?


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Practiced focus and mental discipline.

It’s that simple and there aren’t substitutes.

I’ve never thought about that.

I understand that feeling but then when I see that my magick manifests when I put myself first, love myself the most, and essentially living my life happily by taking a look around all the blessings I have, that is when the magicks starts to prove itself.