Tiamat's chants for vampyric empowerment and alchemy

Itiorone akhkharuu ultimavee (6x)

Alatonaren Iportaka Rerhuna Rerhuna (vibrate these words)

Salve Tiamat, O Genetrix Wamphyri

Ave Apason, Regem et Draconis

Kingu Gloria– Aperiatur Khaos

Venire Tiamat– Veni Kingu et Absu

Germinet Azoth et Veneficium

Agios Absu Concennitor Khaos

Voco te Venefica– Invoco Kingu!

Grant me magickal empowerment!

Germinet anados!

Feed me your prana!

Hail Tiamat!

Hail Kingu!

Hail Absu!



Enjoy, fellas.


Cool beans. Are these your own channelings? What happened for you when you used these? What is the intention that should be help in mind during?

My own channelings plus one prayer from VK Jehannum.

It’s self explanatory. The chants are supposed to empower you for psychic vampyrism, defense, energy absorption etc. What happened was me getting vampirically empowered. The intention in the mind of the celebrant should be to connect with Tiamat, Kingu and Absu for vampyric energy empowerment and protection. Think of red energy.


What does that mean? You feel stronger, healthier and happier, or did you find vampiric feeding easier and that made you stronger? or did you get better results form other workings?

For people new to this kind of thing what can they expect to feel or have happen specifically?

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I think this is general does it all type of rite

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I feel more balanced and my vampyric metabolism can process energy way better. If I have to stay up late and complete tasks, for example, this ritual might come in handy. Beginners should expect intuition regarding new ways of feeding and vampyric mentality as well. Kinda like a predator mentality.