Tiamat, The Black Pyramid, and Golden Dragon Eggs

I’m so happy for you. You must be relieved it’s over.

I had a dream that I felt was connected. I was sitting at a loom and I was weaving something. Then the loom started operating on it’s own and it wove five baby dragons out of yarn. Then they flew out of the loom and sat on me and started licking and cuddling me.

But you listed 12. I wonder why there were only five?


Maybe five resonated with you the most.

Do you feel a special connection to any of the twelve I listed ?


I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.

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I actually had a dream last night related to eggs.

I was cracking them open getting ready to eat. I don’t remember how many there were. However, I cracked one open and there was a live chick in it. I poked it. It was motionless, and it’s feather were all wet. Then, it moved around and became alert. Peeping. Then, I woke up.


Abaddon sticks out the most for me.

Are any of the dragons fully one color or another? I remember three in particular one red, one orange and one yellow.

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I think I know why there were 12 eggs …and all Tiamats, but they didn’t all hatch into dragons .

Belial, Azazel, Amaymon, Zagan, Abaddon are dragons…

Then Cuthulhu and Narlathotep
And a merman and king Paimon
Are not …
It depends on how Tiamat mixed with them…


Oh okay they aren’t all dragons. It makes sense. Maybe there is some sort of spiritual genetics but with energy how children will end up based on the parents.

Belial told me sometimes when it’s a human and a spirit the human is simply a vessel and the child takes after the spirit only energetically. Then the child is born and doesn’t interact with the vessel because doing so would “expose them to human weaknesses”

Belial isn’t particularly associated with dragons or birds but he has children that are.


I just saw a cloud formed in a shape of a baby dragon. By the time I went to take a picture of it, it deformed quickly like something was playfully teasing me. :neutral_face:


@anon9236988 @Sophia444



They were alive but they were made of yarn so it was extra cute.

I was astral travelling once and met a family of God’s. The males were good at science and architecture and influenced humanity in building things like Stonehenge.the female ones knitted life from looms. Even stars. It was like space itself emerged from their looms and knitting needles. I’ve never found out who they were. Makes me wonder if there is a connection