Throw offerings right after im done with ritual or no?

Hi everyone, Im reading this book and following the ritual structure and it says that, **we should leave the offerings on demons sigil for 24 hours and throw it later * but i cannot do this since i don’t have the privacy. I will be performing the ritual in bathroom at midnight and i cant leave the sigil and offering there as someone will find it if i do. My question is it ok if i just throw it right after the ritual ? idk how the demon will react . Spirit in question here is King Paimon. But i want know the answer for all specially goetic spirits.

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You could undo the offering this way, if the essence is not taken. Ask the entity if it’s done with it already.

Conversely switch it up, do not make the offering during ritual, make it outside where you are not observed and let the offering go into running water, calling the entity and making the dedication at that time and thinking it for it’s efforts.

Keep the sigil open, fold it and place it in a book until results happen.

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so its okay to wait for appropriate time to do the offering as long as i do it right, if i cant do while in ritual ? the spirit wont mind or get angry ?

No that’s fine, just keep your head and heart in the right space and be confident and grateful, don’t put any energy into worry or doubt, and instead be happy it’s working. All this allows the energy to flow right to where you need it.


Thanks for the insight and help :smile:

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Jason Miller in one of his courses I took told us if we can’t leave offerings out or dispose of in nature just say a little prayer. State that you need to dispose of the offering unceremoniously and you wish the entity has received all of the benefit of the offering in the time you have. The prayer is an intent that no offense is given due to short time and method of disposal.


Interesting, I will do something similar then and ask the the spirit to take benefit of it when i leave it outside for as long as i can and excuse it for not being able to leave it for 24 hours. Hopefully King Paimon will be ok with it.