Thinking About Selling My Soul

I’ve had enough of chasing money the very thing we need to survive in this world, the whole idea of chasing money reminds me of a rat in a wheel. Recently I have realized how much money I’m going to need to survive and do good in this life and I don’t feel like I have enough time to acquire the money I need because my time on earth is a lot more limited than I initially thought. It seems like no matter what it’s about, money is always at the center of it no matter if it has to do with women or living more free and healthy and I have understood how normal jobs are made to keep you stuck like a trap in society so I no longer want to work a normal job and not anywhere near as hard as a normal job to acquire the large amounts of money I’m urgently in need of. I have tried before to keep a job but I know I’m not the type of person to do this type of stuff because I can feel the restrictions on me so clearly and I can’t tolerate it so I would rather “sell my soul” than work a normal job in hopes of making the money I need to survive before the environment I live in kills me. Who would be a good choice for this? I already have 2 pacts and this has been the only way I have been able to work with spirits and it might be like that for a while until I have other things figured out so I can put enough energy into my spirituality. Has anyone done this and what are the results?


Selling your soul is a very very last resort thing in my opinion, but lecturing on that isn’t my place. However, you said you have two pacts already, it might not be possible until those are fulfilled.


I’ll buy your soul! :laughing::laughing::laughing:


There is a whole thread about this.

I’ll give you two bucks for your soul. You still win: I have no use for your soul. And demons probably don’t have a use for it either.

Anyway, if you’re serious at some level, there are ways to get money with magic without the whole idea of selling your soul.


I am going to learn money spells but they won’t be able to manifest the amounts I need and I have no time to only rely on that and the only other option I see is doing illegal stuff but Id rather not get too deep into that

they do. enslavement or they can eat subtle bodies

Selling your soul you’d have to have time as well, it’s not always instant, however, you could learn manifestation, for me after a while I managed to be able to manifest funds for myself within a day or 2, starting small. All these take time.


If all of the MONEY MAKING RITUALS in the world worked so well, why is it that people like E.A. Koetting, Boker, Elmero, and others have to SELL THEIR PRODUCTS for such high prices, IF AT ALL,
The Money Rituals, should be enough to get rich
Obviously, they are NOT.
As far as selling my soul to Demons, Angels, Parasites, Humans are concerned I DO ! I PROMISE !
With this condition
“Air = the Mind, memory Intelect Fire = the Will, such as “I Will”. Water = Emotions.
The quality of consciousness that binds the 3 elements together is the Earth Element”
The Physical Body.


Yes but significantly less time but in the meantime I would obviously do whatever magick I can to improve my situation, combining methods is going to be necessary anyways


Then they have terrible taste, damn it!


Many beings don’t mind owning the soul of another for temporary or permanent servitude or whatever they have in mind. People underplay the stuff that goes on in the spiritual lol.


Sorry, but selling your soul is not going to bring you riches out of thin air, no matter who it is with, if you can’t even hold down a job. You’re still going to have to work for it.

Lasting wealth tends to come from some form of business. Real estate, telecommunications, and technology seem to be the main growth industries that create most current modern wealth.

Instead of bothering with the whole “sell my soul” shtick, why not work with a demon like Hala’la’thor from the Book of Azazel, who can help you find a job that not only provides for you, but that also aligns with your greater destiny?


start a business, a youtube channel, or something. Then they can manifest your desires faster, but you will still have to work for it. And they will probably work harder for you than a normal evocator.

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but would you risk being a slave for all eternity after your death?

Theres no point in selling your soul and just waiting, you have to knock on doors looking for opportunities to money to flow, like knight said why not use some demons to help u manifest what you want

Still you have to go look for jobs and stuff and the magick will help you get a good paying job fast
Its all teamwork you and the spirits


He did say he would and knows he has to put the work in further up lol.


It does for a lot of people that join secret societies and stay part of them for the rest of their lives, people without money suddenly have huge budgets. People in these secret societies work with demons and have these types of deals with them, there are even people outside the industry who have done this successfully. It’s going to take work anyways but the work would probably be different this way and bring about better results. I would work with any spirit pretty much if I could but the only way I can work with spirits, for now, is through pact and it’s most likely remain like that until other problems such as money are out of the way. Thanks for the tip but I really try to get away from the telecommunication and technology industry because it’s because of them that my situation is so urgent with the deployment of 5G.

Yeah it may be hard to join a secret society. You have to be chosen or referred in many.

and it is mainly higher ranked members who get the benefits

Yes the higher ranking members get better benefits but everyone who is part of it gets enough funds it seems

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