Things Not (likely) Put in a Grimoire

Grim, but good work tonight.

I was notified that someone was going to be under magical attack and they were not able to protect themselves from it in any meaningful way. They wouldn’t have the capacity to understand, let alone do anything about it.

I couldn’t stand by amd let an innocent, a real innocent in this case, die due to petty bullshit from a wannabe magician.

Very well, let’s play the game.

My first call was to Ma’at. While I knew the relationship, I didn’t know anything else. While I could get it on my own, my relationship with her is such that I can ask.

I then took that signature and called on the local landspirits, pouring some beer for them, as I do whenever I drink something new. To my surprise, the Hawaiian landlords came, too. They were on board for a protection mission. Hell yeah.

I went back into my ritual space and felt Hel come up behind me with some of the dead. They were coming to help, too. Some were related to the person I chose tp protect. I don’t know about the rest, but they came on their own. I was grateful.

I lit joss sticks and several other kinds of incense, as requested, from my meager stash.

I then literally paced around my space for a bit to come up with the next part. I got the nudge.

I called Tiamat forth and let her come inside to taste some beer. She accepted and then suggested I call on Pazuzu, too, which I did. He also got to taste some beer.

At.this point, there were several layers of protection of different types, which was the best I was going to get.

I made it clear that how they all accomplished this, was up to them. They shpuld appraised if something else needs to be done.

I’m off to go burn the rest of my payment


I wanted to use the desktop site but YouTube’s sold out ass decided to put ads in it when I switched to “desktop” from my Kindle. My plate is full at the moment and I would have to remove…too many…layers…at present. There are Toll Vultures to educate first…

So, the short is that I’m Iraq, outside the wire, with no supply, our medic would entertain us with ICP quotes. 90% of their stuff…doesn’t resonate… But some stuff does.

Most of my “challenges” of the day aren’t in any way these days. I also feel no reason to use magic or similar.

But this song still strikes a cord. Even if I overcame it 20+ years ago, practically.


Regardless @Lucy144 this is what just happened.

The issue you’re speaking of (without details, please) IS being watched over.

Bael came uncalled, after I…gathered things… (the magician responsible).

Magicians, of whatever flavor, can exert their will. Every time a God/Goddess or similar has to “fetch” them, their value diminishes. If it’s a God/dess that wants to work with you, it lessens much more quickly.

The quickest way - they want to work with YOU.

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grumbles did I read that right? Theirs? Then why some of them hound me… :eyes: :rofl: :woman_shrugging:t3:

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In this case, it meant bringing the stray back home to heel.

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Every so often, I feel the pull to go back to where I was originally going to go with my practice - demonolatry. I had a goddess calling in me, pushing, prodding, asking me to contact her. She approached me gently, yet I could tell she had great power. I hadn’t felt anything like it.

I felt I should approach her respectfully and reddit was.pretty worthless at that point. There were no demonolatry subs I could find. Most questions about it were.met with dogma and ignorance, yet, I knew that I had to find a way. I.also.knew that I didn’t need protection in the form of Angels, nor call her into a tirangle.with threats and “blasting rods” - all of which seemed a little ridiculous to me when I could feel that this entity, this Goddess, wasn’t dangerous (to me) when she came.

Eventually, I found out about demonolatry and it seemed like the right way to go. I fumbled my way through a self-initiation, using oarts.of other other sources, as I.didn’t like the Complete Book of Demonolatry by S Connolly. I had no use for the other spirits they called upon, at that point in time.

Wasn’t sure what would happen after that, if I’m being honest. There was still some dogmatic fear, a heavy does of uncertainty, and hoping there wouldn’t be any kind of price my family paid. It is a bit comical now, but all I knew then was that I had to contact HER. I had to figure out who that was, too, but had by this point.

I clearly still remember the inner conflicts I had at that time. Even after saying the words and feeling both her presence and approval, I still wasn’t sure what to do. I had shut my senses off as a child, but thanks to Star Wars, the martial arts, and book-learned shamanism, I had been practicing a version clairsentience.

What could I do? Well, my wife is an atheist, so I wanted to keep it on the low. I only had freedom from prying eyes and ears was outside on my back porch. All right, but what could I do?

I made All State Choir in high school, but had to work to help bring in food. I had not kept up with my voice and my range was maybe 3/4 what it was back then. The quality was also not up to my remembered standard. But it wss what I could do cheaply.

So, I sang for Hecate in September of 2018 on the way to work. A song I felt she was good with, but seemed “inappropriate” for a Goddess. Yet, she accepted it (I felt the answer pop into my head). I even chamged.some of the lyrics because I felt they were “too disrespectful”.

So, I started my darker journey the same way I had my lighter one - through service. Different kind of service, but still service. It took a few.months (and Belial showing up on his own) to eventually persuade me that service is fine. Subservience is not.

Back to the current times. I periodically wish I could go back to that time. Not one of servitude, but of (more) service. I served in the military and still do as a civilian.

I was in that phase of consideration again and had just wrapped up my rituals for others, which happens about daily. Belial came into my space, as did Lucifer, and Tiamat. I don’t typically work with Lucifer, as we don’t seem to see as she as he does with others on the forum.

I knew what was going to happen at that point and it did. A(nother) test. They like to do that when I’m considering taking a “break” they don’t agree with. Words were said, energy was wasted (my words), and I had to break out of my desire to just…relax a bit…

This happens most times I contemplate this, once I started doing the actual work. It’s not the same thing as walking away. People do that all the time. They were preventing me from getting anywhere near that subservient mindset, even if I didn’t plan on going anywhere near it.

So, I’m recounting this here, feeling like I should, not as a “confession”. Just showing that I’m normal and human, like the rest of us. I think it’s important to do that to show others that even though calling big name entities is a daily thing (most days), we still have human tendencies.

Separates us from the show men/women and online personas that pretend to always be hard asses and aren’t. We all still wear a meat suit.


Tonight was supposed to be both a bit sorrowful and a celebration. We had some trees cut down that were dead, but 1 beautiful oak wasn’t. That will have to wait. I had a friend move from a place of support and help to being alone because someone they trusted had a vision.

Fine. They’re allowed to make their decisions, it’s part of being who we are. And so am I. Since I was asked by the 2nd to do a working, I did. Here are the pics from evoking Belial and asking him to break their binding chains. I did give my word and honored it.

Now, the premise I was given was not the same from both parties. That’s fine. It wasn’t a conflict between them, nor with me.

But one did let slip that there was another magician involved. And the friend convinced the other to just hide away, somehow thinking that burying their head in the sand meant the external magician would somehow grow a heart and give up.

What? Give up magic, including defenses and it will go away on its own? Has that worked for the past few years? No. Has it lessened? No. FFS…

Fine. But I can cast for the situation. And since the person isn’t a member and gave me permission in certain areas… 6 deities for different things nd the dead.


Now that that issue has been dealt with for the moment, let’s get back to the post that should’ve been for yesterday.

We had to take three dead oaks down and a live one that was threatening the foundation of the house. We really agonized over the healthy one, as there are a lot of trees dying in the neighborhood and that big, beautiful tree was doing really well.

I’d been making offerings to the land and land spirits since we moved in. Not only is it my style anyhow, but we knew the tree would have to come down. I think it’s likely they knew, but I’d been up front with them about it. Yesterday was the day.

The last crew was leaving as I pulled in, so I didn’t have to wait to get started. I went to each stump and place a few drops of blood on it. It took a few sticks, since they’re on opposite areas of the house and I have twice the platelets, so it starts drying up quickly. I did get a few squirters and it shot all over my hand and forearm, both times.

I them decided to give each stump (and the spirits I could feel that had a connection to the trees) a half mandarin orange.

Notice there are three orange pics there, but four stumps. I got interrupted by my neighbor as I went to place the fourth.

She had another table for me, if I wanted it.

The other day, she gave me a nice, round, solid wood table. Not the covered plywood kind. Old wood. I could feel it had energies I resonated with and graciously accepted it. Card table sized, round, good for doing rituals on.

Well, she wanted to give me the other, rectangular one. And then gave me some solid wood shelves to go with it!

Every big structural item I was planning on buying from antique stores (over time) had just been given to me. I was dumbfounded. I offered to pay for them, but she refused.

So, I set them up and once my tools come, I can properly put the legs back on.

And none too soon, since I had my rituals to do last night. The wooden brace is thick enough to cover my Pazuzu statue.

The other book shelf will hold books, once leveled. The floor slopes there.

So, tonight, I will be doing a a few rituals for that neighbor, her grandchild she’s mostly raising, and their parents, to help get them back on track.

She gave this to me for the kindness we’ve shown her grandchild, who has some social issues that don’t bother us or my son. She also needed to get rid of them, but she felt really strongly that I should have them, rather than just selling them or taking them to charity, with the other things.

Pretty grateful. So, when I do the various pieces, I’ll be putting them in a reply to this thread. I don’t know who’s responsible. Maybe it’s just me and just her, but someone deserves the recognition.

Edit - I did get the last half placed and washed the blood off. But it was in the while time, which was about an hour straight.

The Helios stuff will have to wait until tomorrow. I need to pay for this.


Amazing! I love solid wood book shelves like that. I wish I had some myself. That’s very kind of your neighbour.

Question: Do you always give blood to land spirits? Is that a common offering for them?


No and technically I didn’t here. I’ve never given them blood directly. The Land, yes. I will flick drops of blood into the Land.

I should’ve clarified, sorry about that. I spilt the blood of the tree, so I have some back to the Land in return. When I do that, I state it is non-binding on both sides and validate that with the blood as I give it.

That may not make sense to some and I get that. I give them tjinggs I would eat and value, like food and drink, but they can’t eat through me. For me, there needs to be a disconnect. Same with the Dead, but not those God/desses I work with that embody the energy. They get the offerings, the recognition, the thanks. But nothing to do with partial possession or similar.

Back to Land spirits. There is one I would give blood to. He doesn’t want it, but would accept it, if I gave it. The powerful one from Oahu. He’s the only and I suspect he’s Fae.


Including the photos here. Will probably write up a “proper” ritual for anyone else after dinner.

Tiamat was called to reduce the chaos of the household and individuals. She asked for blood on her candle joss incense, and blooded cone incense.

I then called on my neighbor’s dead husband, who was close and I’d alread sensed. I used his connection to all of the family members to give comfort and aid to all, but especially my neighbor. He’s welcome here. I put a joss stick from the Buddhist temple from Oahu. Tiamat’s was the same brand, but not bought there, thus having different energy, intents, and ties in tje respect (but still very much valued).

Finally, I reached out to those I work with in the Death, Decay, Afterlife fields to see who would help turn things around from that perspective.

Not Hecate, not Hel…Azrael stepped forward. Not to “take” one of them, but to deal with energies to lead things forward. I did happen to bring my grimoire with the “prayer” for him I had. The Angel of Death is now watching over them all, beneficially.

All right. I’ve “paid” for my stuff.


Well, I just did my first “real” ritual with the Lovecraftian current and it started because of a tarot reading.

Lot of change going on that really has continued since my last post. Not that it was a cause, it wasn’t. Just more came in different avenues. I did look to see there wasn’t some blanket or linked curse involved, but I don’t think so.

Because of all of the conflict/change, I decided to call upon Yog-Sothoth, as I have been for my forays into tarot. I felt like I should’ve done it says ago, but didn’t. Wasn’t procrastination, but things happening and the nudge was faint.

Today, though, I took off of work early, got the Helios stuff put of the way, it was raining and storming at times (no Friday night fire?!). I still have work with Tiamat to do, but had some time.

Some.of the cards were spot on and I asked for the near term.

I’d been putting off working with Lovecraftian spirits, since my plate is usually full. Guess he wasn’t having it anymore. I’ve been helping a friend with a pesky, dominating magician and this person resurfaced after a break. I was going to to a ritual tonight for it, but wasn’t sure what.

In the middle of the tarot reading, he says it’s time and doesn’t end the reading, but suggests it should start.“Now” and not to worry about the details. Wait, what? “I’ll gather others to help with your cause”. Uh, okay. Time to hit it and roll, I guess.

So, I start trying to think of what is the right thing to ask for, in the right way, and Shub-Niggurath comes. Okay. But I was told to place 3 candle holders… I felt the third come. Cthulhu. He wasn’t interested in ME so much as the problem. Fair enough. I’ve not really felt a connection there, but I’ll take it.

So, I pull the three candles quickly, with them watching, and state the problem. They already knew, but its a sort of " formal" way of framing things. I stated what type of resolution I wanted, but they already knew that, too.

They just wanted to be formally tasked. So I did. They are literally calling on their forces to get it resolved.

Then, after they accepted, I invited them inside for some beer.

So, my Helios stuff is done. My help for my friend is done. Tiamat is waiting for her turn. And I just opened some wine after my heavy beer. Hey, it’s my birthday, and it’s been productive.



I was staring at that for the whole time, like, wth…did I bring on myself…

Then I recognized the hat and realized I used to have the military version. Loved that hat in Winter…


Shush. I had to make a choice between this and a GIF with a semi nude Leslie Nielsen. No need to thank me. Happy birthday.


You’re a stone cold sweetheart😪


Ma’at came to me and told me that the previous family who refused to do almost everything when selling, had finally paid the literal price, but not the rest, nor the cost for the dead trees we just paid $7k to have removed.

I was thankful to her. My original ask was that they would for other things, without the trees we didnt know about.

She was essentially coming to be retained and I was grateful. There were some other spirits that were coming (lesser, on their own) to get a piece, nut the offering was to Ma’at to continue.

If the Goddess of Justice and Balance comes to you to tell you to keep up, it’s probably wise to listen.

So, I did.

Now, once Justice has been served, the game will change to vengeance. But not yet.

No one knowingly costs me $15k and gets away with it.


So, it’s Veteran’s Day. Clearly, I made it back. Since starting evocation and being decent at it, this made November 11th a dual holiday. I should call on those I knew that passed and, eventually, those I didn’t, who are around, but not ready to move on.

I.called forth those spirits I knew, both in Life and Death. Men I had trained, personally. One came. A fraction of the other came. Outstanding.

I.built a fire and poured out a couple of beers into a hole in the yard. I have felt and reached out to the wandering spirits that inhabit this area. Come, have some beer, enjoy the fire. Don’t disturb the family.

One of my personal friends didn’t fully come. His higher spirit did. He’s moved on. Fuck yeah, my Christian friend. :metal: