Things new magicians should do when they get here:

read ea’s newsletter

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Watch ea’s youtube channel

Use the search function.


Don’t pick fights.

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ea wrote two short blog posts on working magick with sigils. they are here and here.

you may either create your own sigils using the above method, or find an already-created symbol that represents your desire and use that.

common places for finding already-created sigils include (but are not limited to):
: seals in the magickal grimoires
: letters from magical alphabets
: business logos
: pop culture symbols
: graphics at
: tarot or playing cards
: i ching hexagrams and daoist trigrams
: doodled squiggles (automatic drawing)
: or any symbol from anywhere you can think of.
you are only limited by your imagination. as long as the symbol represents your desire in pictorial form it is good for use.

that should get you started doing simple but effective magick today.


-Read old threads
-Use search function (you are not the first one to need a love,money, protection, blessing, curse)
-Use the search function some more, if you have a question search for it.
-If you see something your not familiar with RESEARCH it, google is your friend. Once you have a basic idea on the subject then ask (this keeps you from asking unnecessary questions and people taking time to explain things you would know it you had researched.)
-Read all of RedCircles posts for newbies.

Oh yeah read all these books



Whats the one with the inverted triangle in the circle?

Infernal Colopatiron, its a book on gate opening using elemental gates as well as using entities for gate walking rituals. Nuctemeron Gates is the chapbook that has a ritual of opening 12 successive gates to lead to illumination.

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If you feel like you’re under magickal attack, consult some of us. It’s not like we’re enemies here, we can help you determine if your cursed or whatnot and give you tips to shattering it and chasing the enemy down.

And if you’re like me, you’ll want to drain them to death.


[quote="-TWF-, post:6, topic:2630"]-Read old threads
-Use search function (you are not the first one to need a love,money, protection, blessing, curse)
-Use the search function some more, if you have a question search for it.
-If you see something your not familiar with RESEARCH it, google is your friend. Once you have a basic idea on the subject then ask (this keeps you from asking unnecessary questions and people taking time to explain things you would know it you had researched.)
-Read all of RedCircles posts for newbies.

Oh yeah read all these books

JK[/quote] WHOA! Could you please post all the book names…

[quote="-TWF-, post:6, topic:2630"]-Re
Oh yeah read all these books


Top left looks like the novel Eldest. What is it’s actual name?

From top then left to right:
Secret Teachings of All Ages
Works of Lovecraft
Complete Works of E.A. Koetting
Book of Thoth
Understanding he Thoth Tarot
8 Minute Meditation
Tantric Brute Grimoire
Handbook of Rune Magick
Qaballah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magick
6th and 7th Books of Moses
Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot
The art of Mandalla Meditation
Necromantic Sacraments
Honoring Death
Throwing the Bones
Complete Book of Daemonalotry
Modern Magick
Creating Magickal Entities
Necromantic Sorcery
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magick
Key of Ocat Keys of Death Chapbook under it.
Mastering the Tarot
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Liber Falxifer
Liber Falxifer 2
Book of Sitra Achra
Infernal Colopatiron
Nuctemeron Gates
Daemonaltor’s Guide to Demonic Magick

Not pictured:
Lesser Key of Solomon
Daemonaltor’s Goetia
Complete book of incense oils and brews

That’s all folks.


Wow, I’ve only read 8 on that list. I now have a bad case have book envy :slight_smile:

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I haven’t read the Tantric Brute or finished Modern Magick or Keys of Ocat yet, the Tantric Brute, Modern Magick, 6th and 7th Books of Moses and Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot were gifts along with some nice Tarot decks from Mode_439 so THANKS MODE!!!

[quote=“-TWF-, post:6, topic:2630”]-Read old threads
-Use search function (you are not the first one to need a love,money, protection, blessing, curse)
-Use the search function some more, if you have a question search for it.[/quote]

and spend a day going through every single board on here. hit the back button adn go back awhile and read the more visited threads (HOT threads), you’ll learn a lot from the conversations that go on

+1 every word


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Before posting a question, ask yourself the following:

  1. If I already knew the answer to this, what might it be? I ask myself that all the time and your mind can be surprisingly resourceful when you give it permission to not have to be “right” but just to come up with a playful possible answer.

  2. Am I asking for help cutting the crap, or am I secretly hoping to have more conditions placed on me, more hoops to jump through and more permission and approval given by strangers on the internet, before I can feel capable, powerful, and entitled to perform effective magick?

I sometimes think I detect elements of #2, especially, in people’s questions, but I’m not the thought-police so whatever, I thought I’d post this here rather than on any one thread where I could just be way out of line.


Stop BSing that forum and its members, and above all yourself, with fake accounts and xp

Start a journal and include in it all workings performed.

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And re-read those journals periodically - sometimes, something you were told by an entity ages ago that made no sense will grant you a really important perspective on something that’s going on right now.


Master the theta AND delta states, or at least be comfortable in them. From there, you can do whatever the hell you want, but prior to it, don’t be so hasty to try and start summoning every damn spirit on Earth, or trying to find someone to bang or cursing someone you don’t like. All of us were pretty power hungry at some point, many still are, but before you get those states comfortable, CHILL. Just mastering those states alone will be a magic working of it’s own (random money, the opposite sex [or same sex perhaps] being far more interested in you, better health on all fronts), and you’ll be able to do a shitload without otherworldly entity help. However, you’ll find etheric guides anyway, and those you would wish to come in contact with will be quite easy to get ahold of.