They leave after sex

Guys and girls, I am NOT looking for a relationship advice. I am just looking on how to stop the curse my ex set on me.

This kind of helped me, breaks curses and entity attachment , there’s lots of videos like this, You could probably see a shaman though
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Thank you x I really appreciate it

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Tbh it’s not gonna zap stuff away instantly , should be fine


So before your ex it was all working out as you preferred?

Okay. Well, no matter what the condition is, it is the result of our state of consciousness. From this no escape. One other thing to consider is how sex and the rest of it get mixed up. I mean, it is possible they did not truly seek to deceive you but maybe the sexual interest sorta warped everything else for them. A powerful sexual attraction can do that–get them thinking of family, relationship etc. and then when they have sex, they suddenly realise–or not–that sex was driving the whole thing.
As for the curse, well, the best way is to drop this whole issue and focus on other stuff. Don’t seek out relationships: let them find you. Just go about the rest of it.


I decided to cut someone from my life not too long ago. I wanted to completely disassociate from this individual. I wanted emotions and feelings completely shut off. I also wanted the psychic cord between us cut off. So, I used meditation, visualization, and the assistance of Lucifer.
So, I began to meditate and all of a sudden I am in a small island surrounded by the lake of fire. Everything around me is burning and there I was standing with that person. There is a psychic cord connection between us. I attempted to cut the cord. It was difficult to cut for some reason. I remember the person was making it difficult and in came Lucifer to help. I finally cut the psychic cord and threw that person into the lake of fire. Then there was more psychic cords that appeared of other people I needed to cut off. I looked at every individual straight in the eye, and I Cut the psychic cord for each individual and threw them into the lake of fire to burn. Some psychic cords were difficult to cut, but Lucifer was there to assist me. When I was done… I felt free. Rejuvenated. Weight was lifted. Certain people stopped coming to mind. It was interesting because my younger brother and I are talking. We did not talk for 3 years. My bro decided to be the bigger person and apologize. Interestingly, Lucifer exposed my sister in law as a liar :lying_face: and hypocrite. She and other brother were the cause of our challenges.

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You just gave me an idea.
I might try cutting chords with my ex for one more time.

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