Theogensis: The Hunter of Men

Hail NORATH who has helped me utterly massacre my enemies,the extent and numbers of which will be left obscure, and with strong and enthusiastic desire for continued cooperation! :smiley:


@anon68160656 thank you for sharing this! It’s exactly what I was looking for. I’ve done a couple of curses on the same target (with dra’talon, zuhgrim, Belial and Azazel). It’s been a few weeks, I’ve yet to see results. Though I must say, the target is starting to look and behave more and more distraught each day. I want to call upon Norath to finish the task.
Couple of questions-
Do I soak his sigil in my own blood?
After I wrap the sigil around targets picture, how long do I keep that? Do I burn both or throw somewhere?


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What does happen to the victims if they don’t reincarnate?

Mostly mythology believe these kind of souls to be stuck in service to the entity or trapped in limbo, especially considering energy can’t be destroyed


@Mapachtli I’m not sure if energy can’t be destroyed, that’s why I asked. Because I’ve heard about such a thing called second death, when the soul of someone is destroyed. S Rob has written a little book about it, it’s called kill in the spirit world.

You can. Pig’s blood also works.

They belong to Him. There is no escaping something like that.

They will cease to exist.


@anon68160656 how excellent is he at wiping out whole organizations? Does he have any qualms about who the target is?

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Does he kill only humans or entities as well?

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Is Norath more like shooting an arrow at a Target or dropping a bomb on their location? In other words is this an entity to call on when you care about what happens to those close to your target and want to minimize casualties or only for when you either give no fucks or want to wipe out an infestation?

Daaaaaamn, why you called me last night? You came in a dream told me your name (Nora, Nara, I couldn’t recall right this morning), you showed me your sigil which was THIS and told me your enn (do you have one now, a year after the original post??) But I couldn’t recall much except you told me I MUST call you. I just described you today in another post but just now I decided to search in BALG in case thesere is a spirit with this name…! Hunter of men! You did appeared in hunters clothes! And your sigil was either bright red or bright purple! But I don’t have anyone I want to kill, so…what is it? :joy:

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Well, isn’t this interesting.


How so

Well, I’ll have to wait till June 19, 2291 for an answer! Hahaha!

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You can evoke him and get an answer


@Eye_of_Ra I’d rather not! If he wants something from me he can come in a dream again!

P.S. In my dream was a female tho


I didn’t mean the hunter of men…but the op


As my stupidly psychic self, when I saw the sigil, I felt it ridiculously dark and potent.


Well, I’ve got someone in mind. What’s the point of preventing reincarnation, though, out of curiosity?


You make sure the piece of shit won’t come back? Hahaha!


They can’t come back and be assholes in another life

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