The Vampire

lol i’m actually a 1/4 of a lower noble :wink:




There are rumors about royalty on my maternal grandfather’s side. But, no one knows for certain.


That is impressive :)… I heard there was an underground society of sorts… Temple of blood of something lol. Know if it?


Anti-Christ implies the Anti-Thesis of what Christ means. Its origins can be traced in the fact that the Roman Catholic Church appropriated alot of Pagan Symbolism and Knowledge. i.e. during the Inquisition they captured alot of witches and sorcerors, so does show that they interrogated them for their knowledge and whatever tombs of knowledge they may have stolen in the process.

So in Magick you turn Clockwise to make manifestation or a Thesis. Counterclockwise is generally the reversing of magick and a form of banishment. Anti-Christ is essentially the terminology used, because one is moving/turning “Counter” to Knowledge and Symbolism that has been appropriated by the Church in a sense to be its Anti-Thesis.

So when it is said the Anti-Christ was “never of them,” what is actually being implied is that the Sorceror with knowledge of roots is basically reversing all corruptions as he is “Of the Old Religion,” as in tapping into Ancestral Roots to clear away and be only tapping into an Uncorrupted Ancestral Source.

I do a Baptism of my own design to cleanse myself in the purifying Waters of the Source to remove any form of Judeo-Xian programming.


Idk …it was my grandmothers family in Silesia/ Schlesien.
~Why they went away? Maybe was it the first big war, but i don’t know for certain.

-IF she managed it to grow 92(93? i’m a terrible grandson) years old,
because something has been passed down by her, then i would be curious to know, what this something is :astonished::thinking:

Interesting. :slight_smile:

Idk actually, which part was buddhism and which part was esoteric BUT: in my time with the book of light and buddhism, i was told that the left-spinning-svastika, and that movement in general is for destructive purposes -or the shiva aspect. And that the righ-spinning-svastika, and the clockwise movement is for creative purposed -and even little things like stirring the food in the pot is supposed to be done with the mantra in mind and with that clockwise motion.

What i can say from my RHP time, is that feeding on others was a complete taboo, and that it was prefered to do fasting, to only eat what you barely need (to keep the attachment as small as possible) and a in general more passive approach, as you meditated often, to let the world vanish, so the core would be felt again -which is nonsense and pretty symbolic, knowing what they mean is pure existence -sure it is with the highest potential, but without a self, without will is that never going to manifest.


Haha I think it’s funny tbh, never really like those movies.


While the anti-Christ as the antithesis of Christ is true, that’s just basic semantics. The rest of your post shows that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I enjoy studying the history of ideas and the antichrist was coined by St. John, the Apostle. The original Greek word was antichristos which is a compound word from anti (which can mean one of four definitions, here it does mean opposition, but it doesn’t always) and christos, which means one who is anointed with olive oil. Only St. John uses it and only in his letters.

We know that St. John wrote the first epistle (at the very least) because St. Polycarp of Smyrna, who was claimed to be a disciple of St. John quoted from his letter in St. Polycarp’s letter to the Philippians (before 140 AD). And luckily, it’s a passage relevant to our discussion.

St. Polycarp of Smyrna, Letter to the Philippians 7, “For whosoever does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is antichrist; and whosoever does not confess the testimony of the cross, is of the devil; and whosoever perverts the oracles of the Lord to his own lusts, and says that there is neither a resurrection nor a judgment, he is the first-born of Satan.”

There is nothing about sorcerers here, only mentions of false dogmas. He’s specifically targeting the Docetae (from the Greek word dokein meaning to seem), a group of early Christians (history remembers them as heretics) who taught that Jesus only seemed to have a body.

Therefore, this word, antichrist, predates the Catholic Church as an institution, which wouldn’t officially become a political force until Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD.


Sure you know what you are talking about. So Christos means one who is annointed with Olive Oil, which you can annoint your Boyfriend with… AND… I will be the Anti-Christ and choose not to hang around and annoint another man with Olive Oil…but rather a Goddess. Because my Semantics in my groin are of the Anti-Christ whom favors a woman.


In regards to The Vampire… the reasons Vampires hate crosses so much is that when they were executed by being nailed to a Cross like Jesus Christ… they then died… So when awakening as a Vampire, there is that HATE of Jesus Christ and the Cross… for they Hate having been crucified like Christ. Hence… you have the term “Anti-Christ,” and the mythology of The Vampire as being of the undead is Symbolic of What happened during that time period.

The Vampire is one of many spirits of the Dead one Evokes and brings back as an Avenging Spirit to go attack those of the Church. It isn’t the only being of the Depths as far as spirit varieties go. Thus, Vampires are largely popular for whatever number of reasons, but thats the basis behind its mythology.


Yes, Christos means one anointed with olive oil, it comes from the Greek verb Chrio, which means to anoint someone with olive oil. Christos is a translation of the Hebrew Moshiach, or Messiah, which means the same thing. The Jews and Christians both believe that olive oil is a symbol of the Spirit of God. It’s just a title of Jesus, and not his last name.

The vampire mythology is one of the most ancient and widespread mythologies we have. It predates the Church, it even predates Judaism. Starting in Ancient Babylon where there was a demoness named Lilitu (later being incorporated into Hebrew mythology as Lilith) who drank the blood of infants. Most early stories of vampires depicted them as demons or spirits of some kind, rarely as people. Our modern myth of the undead vampire comes from the 18th century in Europe where rumors of vampires caused mass hysteria.

You said that vampires were crucified, but I’d need a source on that. The only methods of vampire killing I am aware of is a stake through the heart, or decapitation (sometimes decapitation with garlic in the mouth of the vampire). I’m not saying that you’re wrong, just that I’m not going to believe you without some proof.


@C.Kendall Can I drain someone over a period of time storing their energy to be used against them. Also would working with Baal help.

and what Can I store their energy in. And once the work is done what should be done with the items I stored their energy in.


Hm… i once read in a questionable non(?)fictional grimoire.
~He use a seal to store energy, so he could offer it to a entity,
or used it for workings with his own morphogenetic field, to change his body.

But i doubt that the low-res hebrew is in any way close enough to be practical

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could you link the guide please

im going to try this i think it would help my feeding more & help abilitys

What about the Nephilim and where the original concepts of actual Nephilim vampires got confused with energy takers? Its really why this whole concept of the vampire is so gods bedamned awful lol. Originally vampires were naught more than any normal supernatural physical being, a Nephilim of a type, one of any of several in fact. They suffered/er from a horrifyingly ancient and potent curse, and its always in the form of eating, be it eating Hans, each other, or the entirety of the countryside’s flora and fauna. The vampiric Akhkaru were quite the thirsty and flesh hungry lil buggers. Not at all the giant kin such as fabled Goliath of Canaan, your everyday average Akhkaru was normally no larger proportionally than a human, save that they all tended to be very lithe, nigh on skinny oft times, though rather obscenely durable for their size. They were horrible and violent and consumed each other in their curse. Although, that’s why they say they interbred with humans, to remove or least of all make it less compounded… Somewhere people who steal energy got thrown into that ‘life drinking’ mix. I’m at a loss there.


Also I should note that they were the ones with the elongated skulls, to start off with. Not just that sect, but all Nephilim save the giantkin.


If you do a search for vampir (to catch vampire & vampirism etc) and then click advanced search, membername arcane, there are a few threads come up, I’m not sure which one @FraterMagni meant but that might help in the meantime. :smiley:


Just found this thread, and wanted to add some things. I have been a psionic/energy vampyre since I was 3 years old. My grandmother picked up on it when she saw the plants around her house were dying after I have touched them. I was taught how to feed while at a supermarket, or clothing store. Tap the auric energies that were in the store and not just one person. I did have donors growing up. They were individuals who volunteered their energies.

Now I was also taught psionics (somewhat different than what Uncle Chuckie teaches), and learned to use the energy that I have gathered as a weapon and as a shield of defense. I also learned ways to protect myself through magick if a vampyre came after me. Doing astral travel, OOBE, pathworking, vision questing, etc. will light you up that will bring other entities toward you. So if you do not want anything nasty attaching itself to you, be warded.

FYI- An inverted Pentacle (Thats a five pointed star with a point downward surrounded by a circle) will stop a psychic vampyre. It takes them from the astral plane and grounds them. Feels like an airplane falling from the sky, crashing, and burning.

If anyone has further questions, ask away.


Interesting, who taught you psionics ?

And do you still have the same effect on plants ?

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@Aluriel My great grandmother and her daughter taught me psionic. Being psi vampyres we had to learn psionics to survive. I sometimes have that effect on plants, but most of the time I do not. I have blown out lightbulbs when my energies get out of control.