Hello Everyone!
So Basically I never summon Satan and Lucifer in the Same space at the same time, because I personally believe that when Lucifer is Summoned, Satan Ceases To Exist, and when Lucifer is Summoned Satan Ceases to exist
But I wanted to know your guys’s opinions and experiences, because there are rites that I would like to perform with both at the same time but I don’t believe this is possible
You Words Are Much Appreciated
Because The Way I learned it is that while yes they’re two seperation entities, they’re two different aspects of the same consciousness
In my practice when I perform energy-hungry rituals or attempt to work with demon I never worked with, I usually do it within elemental circle, invoking Lucifer, Flereous, Leviathan, Belial and Satan at the center as the power that encompasses all. This personally balances me enough and re-centers anything that goes chaotic. Satan is Chaos, yes, but at the same time gathers and releases all energies in a way that they flow in order. Apologies if that is a bit convoluted, I still haven’t found one and only answer, perhaps will never find but I know I am on the right path. Never had this feeling that it is “not right” or that one “ceases to exist” at the presence of another. I have strong belief, actually it comes from my personal gnosis, that Satan and Lucifer are indeed not the same entity and exist separately from each other. As for “different aspects of the same consciousness” - that is, to me, not convincing.
V.K Jehannum says that they’re two parts of the same conscious
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vk also said he bought a dilto at Wallmart 
In my own worldview, I see “satan” as a skin, that any entity can wear. There are many many satans and anyone can act as a satan. Samael is said to have acted as a satan, an accuser, when he was sent to go on killing sprees, for example. I have said many time I am a satan, with a small s, for this reason, as I definitely accuse the god Jehova of being a petty psychopath.
For a head-honcho, the king of all is probably Iblis as “Shaitan” of shaitans - which is linked with Paimon not Lucifer.
Lucifer is the Morning Star, i.e. Venus, and is much younger than records of any satan. Because ALL entities that aren’t on the Christian’s A List of Celebs are all devils which is conflated with being a satan, then Lucifer is also eligible for that title.
So I do not see Lucifer as being satan or even close, because historically they have different origins, and I’m not a religious person so I don’t care what the religious say.
If you call both you’ll get both and the personality of the satan you get is bit of a crapshoot and depends on your expectations. Between the many entities happy to step up and the egregores out there including the Baphomet, you have a lot of options.
@Melissa-girly I Thought everyone knew he was Bisexual lol.
As for Satan traditionally it was a title for the adversary. Which was attached to Samael first as being the Head of the Satan’s. Lucifer was added later through a mistranslation which was metaphor for a fallen king. Lucifer was originally a greek/roman deity.
hihihi yes, but its all good tho so long he is happy

You know…come to think of it…he did say he was going through his hoe phase and he tried to fuck just about anything that moved
Lucifer was a reference to Venus in her morning phase as Venus is the first “star” to arise in the sky at daybreak. So yes, Lucifer is practically Venus’s “morning star” aspect.
@DarkPriorities Yeah in Greek Mythology he’s a Twin known as Eosphorus & his Twin was Hesperus (Eosphoros & Hesperos) Eosphoros (Morning Star) his twin Hesperos (Evening Star). Not sure if they were Titans or Aphrodite’s Childen. Or they became her children later.
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