The truth about big conflict in heaven

Guys does anyone know the truth how it was in that great dispute in heaven? How God created us and some angels went away from god and they are called demons. Does anyone know this whole story?

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@damned.for.power I’m curious to hear your view on this

What type of account are you looking for?


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So there was a war between angels and demons over how best to maintain the universe, but they eventually called a truce and now get along great.

It had nothing to do with rebelling against God.


You might be interested in this post that talks about it, and @DarkestKnight gave a comprehensive answer during the discussion.

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Has anyone considered that the Lucifer/Satan of the NT, might be the brother of Jesus?
Now, many Christians would laugh at this, for a couple reasons:

  1. John 3:16 in a KJV states he was the only begotten son of God.
  2. There is an eventual destruction of Satan/Lucifer at the end.

However, the Bible is largely an Epic tale, or collection of Epic tales and poetry and symbolic imagery.

Many things are repeated in the Bible, what about Jesus as the new (not only) Adam but Able as well?
We still have the matter on YHVH/Jehovah/Yahweh to resolve. When did these new scholars correct such a tragic mistake in transliteration, or smudged it a tad?