The Truth about Baphomet

You have to do the Baphomet Mass. Maybe you have the chance to work with and get through



we’ve had a bunch of similar debates on it in reference to Lilith… at least im pretty damn sure.

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Eh, I don’t see this as the same thing so that’s probably why I chose to forget about it.

What’s the Baphomet Mass? I’m hella confused because I asked Baphomet if they were my patron and they said yes BUT everywhere I look for information about them I see contradicting information , different information and things saying they don’t exist.

Work with the and ask. You’re going to get a lot of conflicting information from randoms either conflated information or little to no information. There’s no middle ground with this topic. Given their ‘historical’ information, talking to them directly would be easier.


Do you think Azazel is connected to Pazuzu?

I find that there could be some connection there, both names seem to be imitating the sound the wind makes, which makes sense, given Pazuzu was originally a wind demon. I have seen some speculation (for instance, on Wikipedia) that Pazuzu was Azazel’s antecedent, though nothing definite or particularly convincing.

No I don’t think he has ties to Pazuzu, Azazel I’d only currently go as far to say I believe he has ties to Shamash, that he could possibly be a fragment of Shamash that became its own being.


I don’t have any information to add except to say that this level of willingness to think critically about a being you experienced as your Patron is quite uncommon, and very welcome to see. :thinking:

Absolute credit to you for being willing to reconsider one model of things in light of new information, that’s a skill people 3 or 4 times your age struggle with.


This reminds me OP should really read about the different models of magicks existence

What does OP mean?

Yeah like people said there is a variety of mythos surrounding this figure and many others. It’s good to know the majority of info and theories that are out there. Until you can personally connect with said figure and find out what it will reveal to you itself.

Original poster.

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OP is you

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Also taking in some of this is individual titles given to the entity, you’ll find that a lot in some occult groups or with certain individuals where titles are clumped onto entities either within reason or with no reason at all but to conflate the being’s existence which in hindsight has been happening for years and years.

I’m confused. Please elaborate.

I’m having trouble reading this. Could you use the proper punctuations etc etc?

Mate, OP=Original poster=the person who made the thread :laughing:

It’s pretty straightforward, most of baphomet’s titles are made up by random people even if they are not accurate, in which case has been happening for year. I think you just have trouble reading in general xD


Ah yes, you may be right.

I have connected to all three, Pazuzu definitely has a very different energy (he is a demon after all), but Shamash (I prefer to call him Utu) and Azazel almost appear to be the same being. I cannot really tell them apart energetically, to be honest.

Djinn have been found in Sumer lore however not called djinn (as far as I’m aware) and Azazel son asmodeus is a djinn who has ties to the deva Aeshma, and through my own experiences with some of the djinn of sumer’s pantheon they have noted to call Shamash and Ishtar their creators, which is actually how I got into my experiences with Djinn to begin with. Azazel while he does have dark energy it’s possible to scan and trace his energy back to this intense solar energy atleast from what I have found.

So if they are not the same I’d go as far to say Shamash is the “higher self” of Azazel, who Azazel fragmented from but still remains connected to.


Please end this conversation or take it elsewhere. It’s irrelevant and I’m genuinely trying to conduct some Baphomet related information.