The Satanic Diary

This is the start of my second Journal. I have decided to start this one for him just because of the amount of work I have done with him and am continuing with him.

He has done quite a lot for me and is still here doing things with me as I speak. My journey that he has taking me down is of course not easy and often times I have to admit I questioned myself and him.

But along the way of many many dips, drops, upheavals and so on, I saw a small glimmer of the person he saw in me. However much more is needed to be cleaned, uncovered, reshaped and chisel away to have me see more of what he sees.

You see Satan has told me before that I am like a diamond. A creation of nature that has gone through the extremes but because of this it is one of the strongest. He also has stated how like it, I am multifaceted and have different aspects of myself to know and to awaken. So far I know only a few and I feel more of myself is coming out the longer I am on this path.

One of the parts of myself I am learning to overcome is my lack of self confidence. This not only has harmed me but my relationships I have with the Goetia. You may ask how. Well if you don’t have the confidence in your self your magic, will, mind ect is nothing. So making pacts and seeing challenges through? Yeah forget about it.

It was this lack of confidence I had within my self that had pushed him and others back from me. He then started to teach me a hard lesson. He stepped back. You see I have a very close connection to him. Iv worked on this connection for some time. So when he stepped back, it felt like a empty space was there yet it was not empty just did not feel complete.

But after recent events things has changed. Even though I struggle with depression still, I feel some thing has awoken in me and I feel even more so determined.

So I decided to start this journal in honor of him and to post my experiences, invocations and such on here.

Hail Satan!



So this would be my first entry of this journal. It’s unfortunately not going to be anything to out there or impressive. But I really want to get this started and am eager to do this with him.

I have talked to him in the past about doing this with him and how I personally desired to get to know him better but also dive deeper into what I called it “his hidden paths.”

I know there is many different ideas, theories and such on who and what Satan is. Some may see him similar to me and some may not. But the bottom question is; What am I wanting to achieve from this? Naturally when people choose to pathwork with a being they do so with an intention. This intention can be anything from life changing to simply gaining new knowledge.

For myself it’s hard to say at first exactly what made me want to do this. I had ideas of why and what motivated me to make a decision on this. But as I sit here typing this up at 12am here at work I soon realize that it’s something that I have been doing already but it is now that I want to start doing this consciously.

This path working I am doing with him is slowly but surely remaking me and building me up. Through some stress and pressure I am now seeing that I am only getting stronger. Though I have been on this with him probably longer then I even knew, I know he has other paths and some not traveled on often.

I want to make it a goal of mine of this year to explore as many of them as I can. Which ones that would appear I’m not sure. But knowing that there is different paths with him in different elements and “lights” is quite fascinating to say the least.

I do feel he has been waiting for me to be ready for a long while and honestly I knew of this back a year ago when I felt him in my room but more in the background, waiting.

So what will I uncover I’m not sure. What will I learn or could take way from this and for you guys to be able to gain some wisdom as well? Not sure. But I am looking forward to this no matter how big or small it may seem.

I have came a long way compared to myself from when I first got to Las Vegas to this very moment and I know much more is to come.

Hail Satan!



I am adding another here that I want to share. This is more so an experience that I had last night.

Last night I was visited by unknown spirits. They were not there with good intentions and I knew it. I decided to reach out to Satan and asked for his protection and banishment of these beings. But how I said it was honestly interesting.

So I got what cleansing spray I had left and evoked Satan. I then started to say my prayer.

“Oh Lord Satan, you of the Infernal Empire, I call upon thee to come and bless this room with the fire and Earth of what your kingdom is made from. Bare these walls oh Lord Satan with your touch and penetrate these walls that surround me with your internal fire and protect me from harm. Banish these spirits oh Lord Satan by your name, and send them away. Purge this room with your fire oh Lord Satan and give help build up the very same walls of your kingdom. In your name, So it be.”

After I said this with me putting on his oil I literally felt a huge change immediately. I then could see my walls, floor and ceiling change to this black granite looking wall. I felt the spirits presence disappeared and only Satans energy there. It was really comforting and I still feel to this moment this closeness that had developed from this. It’s such a wonderful feeling honestly and it’s only making me want to do something more with him. Sadly when I get home I’ll only have time to take a nap before going back to work. But maybe tonight I will do something with him.

Hail Satan!

(Where the picture came from. Found on Google)

(NOTE: I am trying to give credit for pictures that is used that is not mine. So if I do post something like this as an example I hope I’m doing it correctly!)


So beautiful :black_heart:

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Thank you ^^ I am afraid I may not have word it exactly how I had said it do to me being tired from working over night lol

It’s always beautiful when they protect us from shxt parasites in the house. :black_heart: you do a good job.

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It is beautiful and I try honestly lol One of my goals is to be able to get rid of them myself and not have to call on anyone unless needed. But thank you :pray:t2:

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You can ask their energy without calling after a time. Just the fact to pronounce and feel your divine energy is enough. You know how well you’re protected so don’t worry too much about parasites. They’ll be scared of you. Ignore and banish this shxt

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:joy: Thank you for this and this is true. Honestly working on realizing this for myself at the moment. It’s not easy.

I understand It was the same for me at first. Then I realized that if I have to be scared for something it’s -human-. Not parasites. Don’t even let them enter your house. Must be your place, sometimes it can happen when you’re out and bring back some energies but do not let them play around. Trust me after it will be almost fun to throw them away. You will do it like we all do :muscle:t4:


Oh yeah I agree. I normally am really good at keeping my space cleaned but where I live it’s a mess and where I work is a mess and where I live I can not burn anything so I’m working on trying to find ways to do the same but without my normal tools.

I advice you deep meditation & trans, visualisation. Better than anything else. The rest are just tools that helps. I know sometimes it’s scary and you have jumpscares but it’s fine. They won’t kill you and you’re so much stronger.

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Oh I’m not so worried about being scared. It’s just me trying to get into that zone per say that is hard especially coming home from a 12 hour shift and having class and other things going on at the same time.

I use to be so good at it but after not doing it so long trying to even have the energy on some days to do it is hard. I honestly really miss the experiences I had even the more intense ones.

I can understand you completely. It’s so hard to work on it when so busy. You’ll find the energy again :pray:t4: There is a moment for everything.

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Last night I decided to spend some time with Satan and meditate. This whole two weeks was nothing but stress to me and I really was looking forward to spend some time with him. This also gave me a chance to try a tea that I had gotten a bit back that is called psychic tea. It is to help you become more sensitive and open.

So I brew a cup up and went up to my room. I turned on my flameless candles and got my meditation music on. The music I enjoy using is this one.

I opened my meditation by a evocation to Satan. I didn’t even drink my tea yet but the aroma had already open me up more. I felt tingly all over and super relaxed. I took my first sip and allowed me to be carried into a state. It was so blissful.

Most people it seems when they work with him they have their root or solar plexus opened up more. But for some reason while I did the evocation I felt my heart chakra open and expand out. It felt so amazing and just simply having that love was amazing.

I had them taken another two sips of my tea and closed my eyes. I listened to the music and just let it guide me. I know I blacked out but not from a lack of energy or too much of his energy. It was like I allowed my mind to just let go. Unfortunately I did not see anything. It left like only a moment but when I opened my eyes another meditation music was playing that automatically started on its own and honestly the title was perfect.

I then decided to end the session and thanked him. I got up and ready for bed. Sleep came easy to me for the first time. However I woke up some time latter. I looked at my clock and it said 3:33am. I tried to go back to sleep but could not.

Eventually I did fall to sleep with a odd dream. In this dream i was outside some place. There was a lot of birds around. I then looked to see a hawk coming by but this Eagle flew up and attacked it. They fought and the Eagle won. The Eagle however did not kill the Hawk but made it where it could not come closer to me. I recognized this Eagle from another dream. He is a really large Eagle probably when next to me would come close to my shoulder. I still don’t know who this could be. There was also a white owl that sat next to the Eagle. The owl was very pretty with moon white feathers.

I then decided to go to this one lady to tell her about something. Apparently something happened and I wanted her advice or something. So I went to see her. She was this African looking lady with braids in her hair. I couldn’t tell exactly how long her hair was. She had on the traditional attire that was the colors of orange, yellows and reds. She was on this island that was in the middle of this creek. The water and place looked very very clean. She was looking in the water as if scrying.

I greeted myself and told her about this one lady. She then became serous and told me I needed to be careful on what type of magic I deal with. I understood her concern but she was specifically pointing out Satan.

When I realized this I became extremely passionate about working with him. I felt my heart chakra open just like how it felt when I was meditating. This love just really poured from it and it was really interesting because I haven’t had a dream like this before.

I told her “I know the real Satan! And I KNOW who is the real Satan of OUR world!” Apparently there is another being that is the “Satan” that everyone talks about. The advisory persay. Then there is Satan who is the one I work with. I don’t know who the “Satan of our world” is but in my dream I knew I knew who they were.

Well this didn’t move her so I just left. As I came out I walked around this fence area and that’s when I stepped on something. I looked down to see at least six to seven snakes. Most were this beautiful ash black. The ash black ones looked like cobras. I then back a few steps and I accidentally stepped on one. I don’t think I did hard enough to hurt but the snakes all didn’t attack me. I even made a comment on how I was shocked they didn’t. In a past dream some guy attacked me with snakes so you see why I reacted the way I did.

That’s when these two guys showed up. I knew them apparently. I talked to them about the lady. That’s when one told me not to move. I was puzzled and both took two snakes off of me. One was a black one the other a normal looking cobra. They guys seemed to know they would not attack but were a bit shocked to see them just around me. Honestly I felt they were friendly at that point. They feel like basically lazy snakes that wanted a warm place and they found me lol And also they did look adorable.


But the guys took them off and I pointed out where I found them. After that I woke up.

Definitely a lot of symbolic stuff in this dream but not sure what it all could mean. Any ideas? What do you guys feel?

Hail Satan!



Here is the closest picture I could find of the owl that I saw. But the owl had a bit more white on her.


A new entry for my Satanic Diary. So I have been busy lately with work and well life. It is only this moment I found time to do an entry.

Today I decided to uptake a “ritual” of sorts. It’s more so thanking everyone. I just felt I wanted to reach out to each and everyone of them (that I can) and thank them.

How I started was shuffling the cards and that’s when I heard in mid sentence of me stating my purpose the name Astaroth. So I called them up the very first and spoke to them. I felt their energy come from the card and from there I went on to pull the next and then the next.

By the tenth card?? I believe it was…I was tired. I felt energy around me and even though I was tired (tired but not DRAINED) I took a nap. I felt energy around me and knew it was a few that decided to stick around.

Even though I was tired I felt energy come into my body and it felt nice. It felt like though I was tired I felt restored at the same time.

After my nap I continued until school came. I decided to walk and get some fresh air. It was wonderful. The trees are still bare and the drops of rain fell around me creating a calm and earthy feel. I could not help but to feel a connection then to Satan as I walked to school and to the store.

During this time I also felt grateful and looked forward to coming home for a nice warm cup of tea and enjoying my evening with him.

I know this was not a epic post but to me I cherish all moments with him not matter how big or small. Especially those small moments during work that I am reminded that he is there and continuing to cheer me on my path. Like today when I was on my way to school that this job is just but a stepping stone to my actual goal. That no matter how hard it may seem, I am never alone and I have what it takes to see to the end even though the end will be the beginning of the next book of my existence.


I decided to do a devotional art piece to Lord Satan based from an experience I had with him in the past. The music I was listening to was quite fitting as even though it’s from a game, in many ways it reminded me of him. I would love to know your thoughts on this drawing I did and what you felt if you felt any thing from it.


Just another one to add…


This is yet another page of this diary that I want to write. I honestly was starting it last night as I was at work. Sitting in the dark room to watch someone with only your thoughts to keep you company is quite interesting to say. But as I wrote the post I felt that it was not right, it felt off. So I decided to wait and glad I did.

Yesterday I took my first cleansing bath that I haven’t had a good one in a while. It was refreshing and rejuvenating. I said a prayer to Lord Satan to aid me in blessing it and after I went to my room and just was pulled to do something. It’s hard to explain but it was more as if my unconscious came about and took over. I lit my candles (flamless) and went to do some meditation. I then remembered the reading I was to do for a coworker so I took some of my new flying ointment and got into a trance state. I asked for Satan to come and join me for this reading.

Soon enough I felt his presence and I did the reading. During the time it was a very bonding experience to be with him one on one doing this. The reading was long and I had an appointment in the morning, so after it was completed I thanked him and went to bed.

As I was falling asleep I felt his presence still around and honestly I welcomed it. This morning I had gotten up and went to my appointment. As I was sitting there I decided to look at more posts about Satan. As I was I found this one that was written by a member some time ago.

The Satanic Current - #2 by Cogitation

As I read this I felt a sense of understanding and that’s when I felt a feeling in the core of my being that I felt a seed of sorts had been planted in me and this seed is going to bloom one day. What will it bring? Not sure. But it is a feeling that brings a sense of thrill and excitement to me.

I have always felt that Satan is so much more then what was often displayed by most. This post I felt was just a nod to me and a confirmation of this. This also came at a time that a sync event happened. As I was arriving at my Drs for my appointment the radio was on. In the radio the guy was talking about how he was tired of holding doors open for people and they don’t do it for those behind. As I got out and went to the doors, there was two women who did this very thing. The first held it for the one behind but as I got up to it she didn’t hold it. However as we came to the second set of doors she held it open. I found it funny just how it played out to me.