Last night I decided to spend some time with Satan and meditate. This whole two weeks was nothing but stress to me and I really was looking forward to spend some time with him. This also gave me a chance to try a tea that I had gotten a bit back that is called psychic tea. It is to help you become more sensitive and open.
So I brew a cup up and went up to my room. I turned on my flameless candles and got my meditation music on. The music I enjoy using is this one.
I opened my meditation by a evocation to Satan. I didn’t even drink my tea yet but the aroma had already open me up more. I felt tingly all over and super relaxed. I took my first sip and allowed me to be carried into a state. It was so blissful.
Most people it seems when they work with him they have their root or solar plexus opened up more. But for some reason while I did the evocation I felt my heart chakra open and expand out. It felt so amazing and just simply having that love was amazing.
I had them taken another two sips of my tea and closed my eyes. I listened to the music and just let it guide me. I know I blacked out but not from a lack of energy or too much of his energy. It was like I allowed my mind to just let go. Unfortunately I did not see anything. It left like only a moment but when I opened my eyes another meditation music was playing that automatically started on its own and honestly the title was perfect.
I then decided to end the session and thanked him. I got up and ready for bed. Sleep came easy to me for the first time. However I woke up some time latter. I looked at my clock and it said 3:33am. I tried to go back to sleep but could not.
Eventually I did fall to sleep with a odd dream. In this dream i was outside some place. There was a lot of birds around. I then looked to see a hawk coming by but this Eagle flew up and attacked it. They fought and the Eagle won. The Eagle however did not kill the Hawk but made it where it could not come closer to me. I recognized this Eagle from another dream. He is a really large Eagle probably when next to me would come close to my shoulder. I still don’t know who this could be. There was also a white owl that sat next to the Eagle. The owl was very pretty with moon white feathers.
I then decided to go to this one lady to tell her about something. Apparently something happened and I wanted her advice or something. So I went to see her. She was this African looking lady with braids in her hair. I couldn’t tell exactly how long her hair was. She had on the traditional attire that was the colors of orange, yellows and reds. She was on this island that was in the middle of this creek. The water and place looked very very clean. She was looking in the water as if scrying.
I greeted myself and told her about this one lady. She then became serous and told me I needed to be careful on what type of magic I deal with. I understood her concern but she was specifically pointing out Satan.
When I realized this I became extremely passionate about working with him. I felt my heart chakra open just like how it felt when I was meditating. This love just really poured from it and it was really interesting because I haven’t had a dream like this before.
I told her “I know the real Satan! And I KNOW who is the real Satan of OUR world!” Apparently there is another being that is the “Satan” that everyone talks about. The advisory persay. Then there is Satan who is the one I work with. I don’t know who the “Satan of our world” is but in my dream I knew I knew who they were.
Well this didn’t move her so I just left. As I came out I walked around this fence area and that’s when I stepped on something. I looked down to see at least six to seven snakes. Most were this beautiful ash black. The ash black ones looked like cobras. I then back a few steps and I accidentally stepped on one. I don’t think I did hard enough to hurt but the snakes all didn’t attack me. I even made a comment on how I was shocked they didn’t. In a past dream some guy attacked me with snakes so you see why I reacted the way I did.
That’s when these two guys showed up. I knew them apparently. I talked to them about the lady. That’s when one told me not to move. I was puzzled and both took two snakes off of me. One was a black one the other a normal looking cobra. They guys seemed to know they would not attack but were a bit shocked to see them just around me. Honestly I felt they were friendly at that point. They feel like basically lazy snakes that wanted a warm place and they found me lol And also they did look adorable.
But the guys took them off and I pointed out where I found them. After that I woke up.
Definitely a lot of symbolic stuff in this dream but not sure what it all could mean. Any ideas? What do you guys feel?
Hail Satan!