The Rite of Respect with Melek Taus

I created this ritual after I got annoyed with the consistent patterns of my coworkers either no-showing when I’m supposed to be leaving my shift, or being late constantly. So, I at first approached my patron Belial; to which he forwarded me to Melek Taus/Lucifer.

I petitioned Melek Taus for his assistance, and he agreed to help me. After that was said and done, I created a ritual to ensure that my coworkers respected me enough to not force me to stay for half an hour at worst, or 30 minutes at best. What I’m providing here is that exact ritual.

What You Will Need
• One purple candle
• Incense of the Sun or Venus (I used frankincense)
• Lucifer oil, or an oil prepared specifically for Lucifer’s aspect as Melek Taus
• Parchment
• A tool to draw blood

The Ritual
Open your temple as you do per your tradition, and raise your energy. Take the sigil of Melek Taus and anoint it in your blood; visualise it vibrating and shining in a rainbow light, all the while chanting the following mantra:

“Melek Taus-Lucifer-Shaitan.”

When you feel the atmosphere in your ritual space begin to change, you can proceed with an invocation; either one of your own, or the invocation I used, which I sourced from Awakening Lucifer by Asenath Mason and Rev. Bill Duvenick.

“With the Flaming Trident
I open the gates to the Void
And I invoke Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel,
To come to my temple and manifest!
In the name of the Dragon,
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Ya! Zat-i-Shaitan!
I, (your name) invoke the Peacock and the Black Serpent,
The First of the Seven Great Gods,
Creator of the world and all living beings on earth,
He who was, is, now, and shall continue into eternity!
I call forth thr highest and the brightest of the angels,
Spirit of Immortal Fire,
Lord of Darkness in the womb of infinity!
Come with serpents and scorpions,
From shadow and light,
I summon your timeless essence unto me!
Arise from desert sands,
With the dawning sun and falling twilight,
Descend from the stars through the Seven Towers of Shaitan,
And bring your gnosis upon the earth and into this temple!
Enter my body and enflame my soul with your sacred fire!
Melek Taus-Lucifer-Shaitan
I welcome you into my temple!”

When you finish your invocation, take the purple candle (taper, chime or tealight even) and carve your name and the word “respect”. Anoint with the oil and say a prayer to Melek Taus to bestow you the respect of whom you wish. For this example, I asked Melek Taus for my coworkers to respect me enough to not be late when my shift is over (I work overnight and need to sleep during the day, to which then I have to work the morning after). Light the candle.

Next, take the parchment and write your name and D.O.B, in the centre draw the sigil of Melek Taus, and on the bottom write out your request for respect. Take your blood letting device and poke yourself, putting 3 drops of blood on the paper. Anoint the paper with the oil, and burn it. Let the candle burn down and close the ritual, giving thanks to Melek Taus for his assistance.

The Results
My results took 3 weeks to appear. Yesterday and today, I was able to clock out on time/not stay too late as my shift replacements started to arrive on time. I was pretty stoked that my ritual worked, and so I hand it off to yall! I designed the ritual to be pretty fluid with whom you seek the respect of; it can be one person, or it can be a group/department of people!

hail Lucifer and hail Melek Taus! This is the sigil I used, which I also sourced from Awakening Lucifer.

Hopefully this brings you the same results I got!


This looks like the work of Asenath Mason. Did you adapt something from one of her books?

Edit: Oh I see it: I have that book :slight_smile:

I thought the “Ho this ho that” bit and the art style looked familiar.


i use the mantra of the Dragon in all my works and incantations haha, it’s almost second nature to me


How does this mantra go?

in what regard; pronounciation or the power behind it?

Both please?

MEH-LEK-TOSS- Lucifer-SHAY-TAN is gow i personally pronounce it. the mantra serves as a calling to Lucifer’s aspect as Melek Taus, and the times i’ve used it has given me rushes of that Luciferian power.

Thank you very much for your info.

always happy to help <3