there are three doors to trance: dissociation, relaxation, and focus. dissociation and relaxation are both trancework. focus is flow work. flow is active where trance is passive.
to do flow work, focus on a visual or auditory mantra and then submodalize it thoroughly for a quarter of an hour until you get a visual or auditory hallucination. that is the transformation of consciousness and structuring properly explained. it takes practice to get it down. the key is in doing effective and thorough visual OR audient submodalizations over the course of about 15 minutes without losing your concentration or being disturbed. if you can’t do that or you get pulled out of state, you won’t get the rapture and the spirit will dissipate. i’m not saying it won’t arrive, i’m just saying you won’t see or hear it.
to get into the rapture using relaxation, you use hypnotic induction to get yoruself relaxed, andt hen just keep using multiple deepeners until you are in hypertrance and have hypnotic phenomena going on. at that point you have the spirit described to you until you see and hear them, or are guided into a somnambulist (sleepwalking) trance where you call the spirit. you will most likely need another hypnotist to guide you this deep into trance, it’s usually very hard to get there on your own.
if you do trancework and have someone who knows how to use a shock induction, you can get down to low theta/high delta state very quickly and be in a place where you can see and hear spirits in minutes, sometimes even in seconds depending on how good the hypnotist is and how hypnotizable you are. they guide you down into the esdaile state or slow-wave sleep state in order for you to see or hear the spirit. you for your own part will be almost unconscious physically and will most likely be lying down on the ground.
i believe erik either was not told or did not recognize that for the last two methods you have to be guided into the trance by an experienced hypnotist. he sold mastering evocation to us without that knowledge and most of us have no choice but to try to get the somanmbulist state using NLP, which is a completely different type of hypnotism. it CAN be done with NLP submodalizations, it’s just a lot harder to do that way.