The Qlippothic sphere Da'at and Choronzon

Does anyone have any knowledge about the demon choronzon or his supposed relation to the Qlippothic sphere Da’at. If you have a working sigil for his evocation it would be greatly appreciated… Please post your results from working with any other spheres and demons of the Qlippoth as well.



This is one I found I dont know of the validity of it I will search through my library to see if I find one.


the Qlipphot work is hard stuff, you need a 100% stable mind. It`s not about
evoking the demonds you meet in there, you have to face them. The entrance is mostly painfull and you have to work your way up from the
the lowest sphere. The most guys sure look forward to meet Lilith in
the begin.

[quote=“Joy, post:3, topic:96”]necromaster,

the Qlipphot work is hard stuff, you need a 100% stable mind. It`s not about
evoking the demonds you meet in there, you have to face them. The entrance is mostly painfull and you have to work your way up from the
the lowest sphere. The most guys sure look forward to meet Lilith in
the begin.[/quote]

Have you worked through it? If so what was evoking choronzon like

I invoked Brugel a year ago and received a nearly fatal backlash…no qlipphoth for next 5 years for me…

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I’d recommend to anyone wanting to approach the Qliphoth to gather enough experience in evocation and become accustomed in contacting demons and dark entities. This is as dangerous as nuclear explosives.

[quote author=necromaster link=topic=86.msg706#msg706 date=1340071287]
Does anyone have any knowledge about the demon choronzon or his supposed relation to the Qlippothic sphere Da’at. If you have a working sigil for his evocation it would be greatly appreciated… Please post your results from working with any other spheres and demons of the Qlippoth as well.


Hi NECROMASTER! Did you ever find the info you were seeking? Regarding Chornzon? :wink: Z

I have found enough to evoke him but I believe I will invoke him instead for temporary possession.

When we look for correspondences between the Cthulhu Mythos and
the Qabalah, we may associate Yog-Sothoth with the hidden, eleventh sephira on the
Qabalistic Tree: Daath (Knowledge). Kenneth Grant also identifies him with
Choronzon - the entity representing Chaos and Dispersion, the sole “resident” and
the embodiment of the Abyss, a being able to assume all shapes and qualities, for it
exists in infinite forms and is all-present.

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the above was from clavicus nox 3

Choronzon can be contacted scrying the tenth Enochian aethyr ZAX. Crowley’s discription of the encounter is in The Vision and The Voice. The governor sigils used to unlock the gates can be found in Enochian Vision Magick by Duquette, and the scrying technique in John DeSalvo’s Lost Art of Enochian Magic works like a charm. Da’ath is actually Saturn, not Binah, as it is the gateway to the celestial, as well as a gateway to the infernal through the moon Titan. I don’t think Crowley had a chance to write a sigil down for Choronzon since he was under full possession and was busy trying to kill his scribe Victor Neuberg [url=][/url]


Want Choronzon to devour your astral shell eh necro? This is cool stuff indeed, too bad Crowley got the wrong idea on Choronzon

One of the main points of crossing “the” abyss or “an” abyss is to come out on the other side as a manifestation of your own spirit through flesh, blood and mind. The crossing itself may not be as painful as preparing to cross.

The point of preparing to cross Daath is to shed as much uselessness before the crossing in order to make the transition easier. Because once the crossing has started, if you weren’t prepared enough, it can cause a lot of turmoil as the things unneeded, both spiritually and physically, are stripped. Best to take your time before attempting this and not rush into things just because you think it would be “cool” as a lot of newer people to magick think. Rushing into things such as this can have bad effects if your will isn’t strong enough to withstand it. This especially applies if attempting the crossing from the Qlippothic side.

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This is one of those things where everyone has a “theory” on what it’s like and what happens when Daath is crossed. But the actual experience doesn’t even compare. In the end, you can prepare all you want for what you think may happen, as I thought I did; but in the end I was pushed to the edge of my limits. It wasn’t until it all settled that I saw the reason for everything that happened. There are several of what people call an abyss, but there is a reason Daath is referred to as ‘The Abyss’. The main thing that helped me through was the fact that I didn’t give up on everything. Drastic changes can happen, and the more you fight them the worse it gets. My advise is to give into them and you will see why they are happening and where they will lead you in the aftermath.

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Well, I can only share my personal experience:

  • Choronzon appears as an atrophied version of yourself since it is the living embodiment and personification of Chaos, Enthropy and Degeneration. Not in a bad or negative aspect, as much as a lit match can be used to light a candle, He burns and has his uses.

  • I thought of him as a swell dude to invoke and had a pact of what it turned out to be possession since age 12. It happened when I opened my arms and said “I refuse to believe you’re all that bad”, and when I realized I could not name him without going into uncomfortable sensations.

  • Asked of him to guide me in the patch of magick and he made me go through tests tht were MADDENING at the time because I could not see them as essons rather than attacks.

An example would be having to suddenly live through episodes where you cannot allow anyone to sit next to you or touch yo because you feel “you’re in their head” and that “they are you now” and that your identity is foregone, that you will dissolve into nothingness.

This helped me understand in the very long run that existence and lack of it are STATES rather than definite situations. Just because something is not, does not mean it does not exist at all.

  • I had weird dreams and situations where, despite being able to look at my own hands and feet, they felt “upside down”. Imagine every time you look at your hands you see five fingers, and you’re pretty sure they are there, but YOU CANNOT SHAKE the sensation that your pinkie fingers NEVER EXISTED.

Same with the spine. I’d have horriffic visions where my spine would detach itself from my lower self, flail madly around, and slowly exit with my skull through my head and fly away (my skull would’ve taken the shape of a dog’s or a wolf’s, but only upper jaw and a distincitive hole that suggests a third eye).

I’d see this happen just as spiritual halers pull out parasites out of people’s bodies. The lesson here? Do not hold back. “Allow yourself to become nothing and be nothing so that you can restructure yourself” Poetic, right? But that is not the full sense.

The sense is that I should forgo my sense of self and ego, of “this body”, “this personality”, this “all” and become a greater thing which is the complete flow of disorder and dissolution that rules the universe. Quite literally: Blow yourself up magickally and realize JUST as you feel you’re “done” for, that you can will things back into being.

What I a trying to convey, quite graphically, would be like sitting on a land mine and blowing up, going through the experience of dying, and just as you think of it “yeah that’s pretty much it, no way going back now, gotta cross to the other side and my body is bits”, you realize that the RULES OF EXISTENCE are in your head and that you’re anchored by them because youve belived it’s always been that.

You know AKA “We die, breath and eat because we allow ourselves to believe in the need of it”. Sure, helps in those altered states of consciousness but REALLY HURTS when you’re being pushed into those boundaries by a third party (CHoronzon).

  • Crossing the Abyss seems, from my limited perspective, an ordeal rather than an actual expedition to a plane. Mr. C explained to me that we cross Abysses every day:

a) When you’re late for class/reunion and you find the door closed but you’d rather stay back and say “fuck it, Ill just blame traffic” just not to deal with the anxiety/shame of having to knock in and excuse yourself? The moment you turn back towards the door and decide to do it anyways? That’s a moment of crossing.

b) When you’re faced by a situation such as a fight and you’d rather not punch back yet n the last moment ou overcome your fear and blast them in the eye with a good hit? That’s a crossing.

c) When you’re about to catch a bus but it’s already leaving and you resignate yourself to wait another 20 minutes, yet in the last moment you stand in front of it and basically coerce the driver into letting you in? That moment, the INTERNAL SNAPPING.

Choronzon explained that since he is Entrhopy he is what allows people to do certan things. The crossing meant allowing yourself to become something by dying, by letting go, by “becoming not”.

  • He will shoot you up the ladder of ascension but it will be too fast and potentially catastrophic, and when you just think he actually cheated and harmed you, you will unerstand that the catastrophy was THE BARE MINIMUM EFFORT required to break through. That destroying your life and mental healh as the only way to reach those heights you would rather not go out of security.

An example is having all the TVs at home making crackling sounds and having to fight “my alternate self” every time I fell asleep in the presence of one. Pure book example of schizophrenia huh? “Can’t sleep next to a TV or my self from a paralel dimension kills me”.

Well that was what kept happening. Coudn’t even open a laptop without undergoing visions and without it making snapping sounds as if someone was hitting it with a knuckle.

It made me realize that there is just no “me”, that there IS a veritable violation of the things we know as time and space, that those concepts do not exist in the astral, etc… A huge upgrade from my initial state where I knew barely anything besides sigilization and charging objects with elemental energy.

Problem is, accepting this was an ordeal because it begged the question of “then who am I” and made me feel uneasy to “just” be the aspect or a mask of a greater being. You lose your sense of worth and identity until you realize you’re more than that, just a massive being experiencing itself through many guises and all those Yogic concepts that you initially thought as new age rubbish.

  • Had moments where I thought myslf Choronzon, that maybe I had broken through the illusion of my human identity, only to then realize I was not, but that maybe I still was. It was his way of expressing that identity, conscience and all of those firm and unalterable truths were malleable. Thigs were pretty harsh.

  • All in all the desire to contact him was the catalyst that brought him into my life. Banishing was not an option since it felt I was divorcing myself from my very soul or being. Felt the same as pulling your eyes out and realizing you were THE EYE ALL ALONG instead of the OWNER OF THE BODY, you know, that you were not really a full being in its own right.

… or that the eye you pulled has hijacked your body and you’re forced to be a discarded organ from now on.

  • After years of veritable madness? All I have to say to Choronzon is my thanks. I miss talking to him but I explained to him that doing so made me go back into those horrible states.

  • Shapes his adopted: Degenerated and atrophied version of myself consumed by my vices (he hints at hings you’re allowing yourself to not be in control), miriad of columns composed of eyes, mouths and other parts that form a huge, infinte being, and a huge empty space that “becomes” a being.

Say like turning the lights of your room off and watching the momentary void that it becomes, and then seeing this void become a separate entity. Just as sleeping over a giant’s back and having it wake up.

  • Good luck, but beware, Qlippothic paths are fucked up D:

I don’t have much experiences with Choronzon,or the Sphere of Da’ath.

And even though in terms of this field in general(Sephiroths and Qlippoths)I am something of an ignorant mountebank,I am gonna ask you,have you considered doing Dante Abiel’s manifestation of the Left Palm?

I’ve been considering doing it when I get in contact with Nyx,she’s been calling me…

Really makes you think,why the attraction to Choronzone?As was stated he is Enthropy incarnate.

Temple of solomon the king Crowley refers to churonzon as being linked to Vera. Vera was the name of TWO women he was with when separated from Rose. Vera 1 was the infamous Lola. Vera two is the more hidden…a supposed actress he was unfortunately only able to spend 7 months with. He wrote about her as the name “alexandra” a rare publishing of his .

I know what this all about to an extreme. I spent 7 years with this same “character”

Awork of atavistic resurgence.

here’s the closest we’ll get to an explanation of this “net”

