I am in my mid 50’s. This path to “The Left Hand Path” has been a long one beginning with fundamentalist Christianity making a 10 year stop at Mormonism, hanging a left at Angel Magick and landing here. One of the biggest cop outs I ever heard a Christian say when someone’s prayers were not answered (I’ve heard Angel Magick people say it too.) was, “Your prayer was answered. God merely said NO.”. Even as a young and enthusiastic Christian I felt that was a cop out. It was also pretty high up on my mist of reasons to lose faith in that path. Basically I felt, “Why do I bother with all of this prayer and faith if the answer will be NO at least half the time.” A Muslim friend of mine told me that most Muslims never ask God for anything at all because Allah knows what they need and will either provide it or not. I also heard a cop out in that as well. At one point during my mid 40’s when I was still praying and speaking to God but basically doing it in an accusing and disappointed tone most of the time I came to a point when I stopped being upset with God for what I felt was his self-centered habit of ignoring “his children” most of the time. I remember going to a chapel one night, getting down on my knees on the kneeler built into the back of the wooden pews and forgiving God. Yes, I forgave him. I was not willing to be angry with him anymore and I let the anger go. I did that more for me than God. I told him that I had tried to be faithful to him and I always did what I felt he wanted me to do but I did not feel that he ever showed that he was the least bit interested in me or my concerns. Perhaps running a universe is a lot of work and he simply didn’t have time. Or perhaps my concerns, as Earth shattering as they felt at times didn’t seem all that important to him. Maybe I was just one of the many billions of “nobodies” in his world that didn’t have some grand destiny to fulfill aside from eating, breathing, breading and eventually dying in obscurity. And maybe I was just someone he never actually card about. In any event - I forgave him for being the “absentee father”. I told him I would not bother him with my concerns anymore. I wasn’t angry anymore. I was just tired. If it was his decision that I be on my own in the universe leaving him to be more concerned with Trumps, Kardashians, and Rothchilds…so be it. And so I went on in a very non-spiritual manner for several years. Not an athiest or an agnostic as most people assumed I was. I believed in God. I just didn’t believe he gave a damn about me and we never talked anymore.
Yada yada yada, here I was yesterday speaking to a hard core practitioner of the Left Hand Path. I asked his advice about some very important work I did with a demon who is very popular but I will not name here. At any rate, the work was not successful at all. Low and behold his exact words were, “<Demon’s Name here> answered your request. The answer was NO.” OH COME THE FUCK ON !!! You did not just say that. Are we really going down that road again?! Really? Seriously?