The Occult Jewelry Thread

Rings made with planetary corespondence seals for Venus, left one is for Annael and it is old, and right one is for Haniel and it is not finished yet. I started wearing them short time ago, the right on the day, and left on when I sleep.
Effects I noticed- I started to wake up with felling like I’m in love, not in love with particular person or any object of feelings, but just unconditional love, quite pleasant.


Totally gorgeous. Is it make in Copper ?

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Excellent! Which tools did you use and how did you put the sigils on them?

where did you get that one?

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I got it from Etsy. Bulgarian Jewelry

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@Lucius Yep, it’s copper.,
@anon95990194 , I made it form copper plate that I cut in proper shape. Sigils in both rings I first drew and then engraved with sharpened file. The white metal is tin- on the face little plate was soldered.


Lucifer Ring
Poison ring for servitors
Santa Muerte ring
And kings of hell pendent


I got exactly the same coffin/servitors ring

I bought the coffin ring a week ago. I love it! I’m going to charge it using la negra (Santa Muerte). I’ve been wearing it to get used to it and once I feel it is a part of me, I will charge it. The servitor ring is a poison ring (it opens) that was gifted to me 25 years ago. I use it to keep my servitors.


So, I ended engravings on the ring I presented ealier, and now it looks like this:

Maybe someone want to scan it and tell what it is feeling?


Man those are awesome! The engraving looks really clean and tight.


I LOVE this! :heartpulse:

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From which material is the Asmodeus seal?

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Oh yeah i forgot about this thread. I think most of you have seen this, but it’s my newest wristband. I still need to empower it ritually, but I will be doing soon.


My personal sigil made into a necklace.


Pewter, stainless steel. Onyx and garnet. :blush:

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My goodness that one is pretty!!

Did you use magical inks for this wristband?

Not this one. This one is just plain leather with the Sigils burned in, then oiled :slight_smile:

I have a suede one though that I used dragons blood to color, but it didn’t take very well to it.

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