The most incredible thing you have done

I caused a train to derail, and i channeled energy to influence chaos at the Charlottesville Virginia riot.

So wait if Iā€™m not misunderstanding did you cause the riot?:joy:if so evil but cool af lol. Probably had your reasons though :grinning::joy:

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No, I donā€™t think I caused the riot, but I definitely had a hand in the charging of it. There was an anime convention the night before and I got a bunch of people to participate in a big dance with me, and I directed that energy that would come off of us to be used in a most chaotic fashion.

I got about forty people of all shades to start dancing, and it was glorious. We had no pain, we had no aches, no exhaustion, just delighted fervor. We danced for several hours. And then we dispersed. But all that time I was directing that energy to its most chaotic use.

I had no idea it was going to be utilized the very next day in Charlottesville, which wasnā€™t too far away to begin with.

I havenā€™t been to a convention since, but would I do this again? Sure. But not for chaotic purposes, Iā€™d do it for more constructive purposes nowadays.

I will say that I was very much against the removal of the Statue of Robert E. Lee and the renaming of the park, which is what started this silliness. However, I am not a fan of the methods of the KKK and other Race-centric groups.

One thing that history teaches us, is to never underestimate the power of Human Stupidity.

Thanks for the info. Yes, Iā€™m toying with the idea of whether to call on Dratalon. Iā€™ve thrown a lot of stuff at this enemy but she is strong and persistent. But quite mentally unhinged in many ways. So it might be fun to see how he can f**k her up.

How did you do it? what demons and ritual?

how do you do soul travel?

how did you do it?