The most incredible thing you have done

And here I was hoping the EVPs I captured were gonna be cool, we get to hear Lord Satan.

I’m bummed that I got over shadowed, but psyched because that sounds awesome.

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That’s great ! Didn’t know someone else here is doing that, amazing !

How about opening a thread for EVP recordings and everyone can share what they have. I think it would be very interesting and helpful.

You can start with the thread if you like the idea and your recordings are ready :slight_smile:

Maybe…sounds cool. My old team has since disbanded, but I’ll be happy to post what I have.

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Cool that would wonderful :slightly_smiling_face:

Did it.

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Congratulations great captures :+1::+1:

Once I get my recording ready I will post them there :slightly_smiling_face:

I uploaded the audio - it’s a little short but hopefully you’ll hear it clearly :slight_smile:

@PegiiJune_Limberg @killua @Verdo


A basic spell, a green tea light with the sigil carved into it and burned. But the number 3 kept coming up everywhere which is why I focused on it.

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About 20 years ago when I was working at the airport as a Rickshaw puller for a security job, I had just got off work and was leaving work listening to the radio when 107.5 the Buzz, Dr. Judy comes on real late at night, Love/Sex phone time!

Anyways this caller asks if it’s possible for a man to bust a nut without masturbating, without penetration, without stimulation, you know just concentrate and BOOM…ooh-la-lah!

Dr. Judy responds by saying yes it is possible but with intense concentration. (That would be so cool, I’d be at work, my boss would be bitching, and I’d say hold on a minute and then just squeeze one out, then in a refractory tone of voice I’d say, “go ahead and bitch, I don’t care”.)

She goes on to say, that women can do it easier because their muscles are on the inside, and they can get off any time they want. (It’s not fair.)

I was in a hurry to get home to try this out. (This was way before I knew all the cool shit that I know about magic, probably the turning point that got me more interested in it.)

So I gets in the shower, one of those bathtub shower ones with the shower curtain and 3 adjacent walls and two shelves in each corner (for all my Ulta beauty products).

So I’m standing there like Goku from DBZ trying to power up, my little Gohan goes Super Saiyan as I visualize Chichi bent over in the most erotic fashion.

While standing, I feel this pulling sensation pulling out of my limbs and going towards the middle of my body and up to my 3rd eye area. (This is exactly the same preliminary conditions that occur just before an Astral Projection, except that I didn’t experience the sleep paralysis or the vibrations, totally bypassed all of that.)

By this time I’m wondering WTF is going on, by this time I’m looking straight up and I feel this involuntary movement of my head to bow like I’m looking at someone’s ass I’m about to kick, when all of a sudden I feel this force exit between my eyebrows and this shampoo bottle that was on the shelf in the corner just slightly to the left goes flying off the shelf with a lot force, hit two other walls opposite the shower.

By this time, I had lost total interest in busting a nut, and Mr. Gohan shriveled back to his pre-erect self.

Took me a couple of years to figure out what had happened. I found the answer to it in Vajrayana Buddhism, in the 6 Yogas of Naropa, a completion stage practice. (The provided picture is the highlighted information on this.)

That saying in that miniseries Salem, “All magic begins with arousal” made sense. For in the teachings on Kundalini yoga great emphasis is placed on arousing Kundalini from what I can tell other’s interpretation of what they think arousal consists of such as pranayama, yogāsanas, mudras, Bandhas, and mantras. BULLSHIT!
It means getting horny.

Albeit I did notice that when the 5 root winds (pranas/the 5 vayus) gathered into the central channel (sushumna nadi) that I was applying mula bandha, Uddiyana bandha, when I bowed my head jalanda bandha, and when the force exited that was kechari mudra. So I believe after you get Kundalini then you apply these bandhas (locks) to prevent Kundalini from descending.

Clear Light of Bliss, a Tantric book discussing the application of the Six Yogas of Naropa.
Here in these pages, describes how I achieved what I did.


So many… 2 that were awesome firstly was when I was driving around with EA practicing soul travel. We were coming up to a hill and he said why dont you travel straight ahead, tell me what you see. So I said ok cool… i did and I said I see a wooden fence made of logs. So we drive and saw a barbwire fence, we both were like ok lets try again, but then we went over the second hill and guess what, there was the fence.

The second soul travel was facing george town on top of a canyon, and he said see that mormon church. Go inside and tell me what you see. So I come out of the soul travel, and said I see what anyone would call a church, and the second floor I see a. Lot of chairs, all facing one direction but I also see tables, it looked like a banquet hall or a place for weddings. And EA looked at me and goes, ok now thats crazy. No one has ever been able to soul travel to the second floor because it because massive protections and I was not even allowd up there until I was 25, it is very sacred, wow, the chairs and tables are all there!

Another time I was doing ritual, I ended the ritual and for some reason I felt very very connected to the 4 candles flames, i raised my arms while imagining them rising, and they actually did! Then I would lower my arms and the flames would go down, and up again. I have never been able to do this again.

For anyone who may recall, my very first post on this forum was me asking about a white grey mist tthat was filling up my room when I would meditate, lady eva taught me about ectoplasm… I had never heard of this, but apparently my body was emitting ectoplasm and I would be ungulfed in a thick looking smoke whenever I would enter a deep meditation.

Bunch more but I just cant type them all out.


I guess what started me on my Journey happened when I was 9 years old. Me and my brother slept in a bunk bed. I was sleeping on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. I had this dream where I was in a dense Jungle and I noticed this snake tail dangling from a tree branch. I looked up and noticed this big snake on the branch. It scared me and as I backed away, I tripped on a Tree Root and fell backwards. The snake fell out of the tree and landed on my chest looking me straight in the face. I screamed and woke up and the snake was still on my chest.

I slapped it with my right hand and felt it slither off of me and went down the side of the bed nearest the wall. I was screaming for my mom and dad and they came running in there and asked what was wrong. I told them, “There’s a snake under my bed!”

They looked and there was nothing. My dad said I hallucinated it from a bad dream.

Later, in the morning, my dad asked what it looked like, and i said it was short and fat and had certain colorings on it. Later that night, my dad came in and said that it was impossible for such a snake to even exist in Texas, i was describing a pit viper which are not native in Texas.

For years this bothered me, how the hell did I pull a snake out of my dream? I finally came up with a test to see if i could reproduce the experience. I was curious if I could consciously dream while maintaining a little wakefulness. So I used a lit candle as a meditational aid.

I would stare at it for awhile, then close my eyes and try to visualize it to perfection. Took me about a month of steady everyday practice before i could hold the image for a couple of seconds before it dissipated.

My next stage was to do the same visualizing in a very dark room without the aid of the lit candle with my eyes open. Took me another month of steady practice before i was able to stabilize the image for a few seconds, but i eventually saw it. And what got my attention the most was that the light from the candle was illuminating the rest of the room.

As soon as I recognized what was happening, i was like Holy Shit, WTF, that’s impossible. It was a just a second of realizing this, what I now call doubt, but as soon as i doubted it, it disappeared.

I was blown the fuck away. I knew right then and there how Jesus fed the 5000, he did the same thing i was doing, but he was probably a little more advanced and was able to use the already provided 2 fish and 2 loaves as a meditational aid and his imagination like a lucid dream to control the multiplying of the food. And he was doing it during the day. Which was my next stage of practice that i wanted to do, but never got around to it.

I mean, visualizing picture perfection in broad daylight? Imagine all the distractions, and doubt that he had to bypass in order to accomplish this.

It was then that I came up with my definition of what Faith really was. Not the fucked up Christian interpretation which is based on Hebrews 11:1 and often confused with Belief.

No, Faith what Jesus was teaching is entirely different than what the Christians enforce. (I was born in a Christian family, so the only source of information i had on Magick was Jesus. The teachings on Faith, albeit very few passages that Jesus mentions is all i had to go on.) I am no longer a Christian, and I believe that Jesus was a Sorcerer like Solomon.

Matthew 17:20-21
Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and they will be done, nothing will be impossible for you.

This has completely nothing to do with the current interpretation of Faith enforced by the church based on Hebrews 11:1.

No, Faith is a concentration of mind that has to be generated and tested and be void of distraction, doubt, fear, and temptation.
This is what my practice concluded.

Even to this day, within 30 minutes i can visualize fire and see it blazing in dark rooms. I need to start practicing in dimly lit rooms, then finally in broad daylight. I want to manifest fire out of my hands for protection against witch hunters. If I can manifest fire, i can manifest lightening. “Return of Thor, fuck yeah!!!”

I also remember hearing E.A.Koetting referencing evocation for evoking things out of thin air. I haven’t finished watching the Evocation Course, but I am curious if our practices are similar?


Well I was kind of high from the adrenaline and it was somewhat of a first so I spoke to whoever it was and asked that if they weren’t supposed to be here then that they would leave but if they were supposed too then to understand that I’m still learning to sense them.

did they die?

No. The person in question had Magick ability so they successfully defended themselves. If it was any other target though, they’d be six feet under right now

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oh well, disappointed here

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I have a gift for energy every time i meditate or do any sort of spiritual work i can physically see the energy i also rarely see colored energy so during particularly intense energy work in a pitch black room with no visibility after I’m done i can see the entirety of my room

@Verdo, I just found your post as I was searching for people’s experiences of Dratalon. Was thinking of asking him to deal with a particularly stubborn enemy of mine. Your experience is pretty amazing! Any further update on the target? Did you achieve your aim?

No I changed my mind on bringing the person down after giving it more thought. But what I will say though is that if you go with Dra’talon, prepare to wait a while, as he tends to be methodical…waiting in the darkness for exactly the right time to strike. The only reason he failed in my case is because the target was basically an occultist himself, and had active protections up which I never dealt with beforehand. Regular folks however would stand no chance against him.

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I called asteroth and offered a dollar bill with my blood on it and asked for I don’t remember I think I just said a large sum of money without harming anyone. Next day I got a stimulus check😂not too crazy but that’s the most epic thing I done. Well actually there was both curses I did but I won’t get super into that I made a thread for one of them but I don’t talk about the other victim lol. That’s probably it aside from some small things with the goetia, I’m not really sure which is the most EPIC thing I did. Maybe I’d say the ritual with asteroth. I didn’t know she could do money but when I intuitively thought of her I said why not. I see asteroth as a she

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Back in 2015 I manifested the home my family currently lives in for the budget that was desired with sympathetic candle magic, tarot cards, and some loose idea of some kind of “christian Magick”

At the time I was very much on the fence, lost between a loose kind of “Christianity” but very interested in chaos magic as it didn’t require me to buy into or believe anything while I floated agnostic.

Fams been living there ever since.

Even better, the street number is a triple number (no, not 666)