The most incredible thing you have done

Wow, great to hear. Firstly you are a great wife and very mature. Your husband is a lucky guy for sure.

What kind of techniques did you use, if you don’t mind sharing? Like did you just use visualization or did you use a spirit’s help too… or maybe something else?

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I used visualization for sure but I work well with candles so employed those.
I did ask help from Morrigan and when I did Loki came to me and informed me for some devotion he’d be personally helping my husband. I was happy with that and so I made him a candle and some incense. He also asked I tell my husband he was there. I was like sure, but he doesn’t follow that sort of thing. Loki said it was fine just that he knew.


I’ve never heard of Loki (besides in the movies, I’m sure that doesn’t count haha). Can you please tell me about him?

I’m curious as to how he ‘came’ to you. How did he speak to you? In a dream, in physical form while you were awake? Did you hear him in your mind very vividly? Please let me know. :relaxed:

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Secret link, share before the Laminati get it!

No really, they take these down all the time.


Win a scratch card. I never made a profit before Expedite.


I practice magick for long time now, so I can’t say anything is incredible to me at the moment. The only things that I will never forget and will always feel impressed and proud of, is getting Lucifer’s and Satan’s voices on my audio recorder.

Lucifer’s voice came in one word, I wasn’t sure he answered me and kept calling for him until he said it loud and clear… “Lucifer”. His voice was smooth but filled with power. I had an impression that he was saying it with a little smile. like he found my doubts of his presence funny somehow !

When Satan’s voice came in, it was a full sentence with different vocals… started with a female then as he was speaking it changed to a male voice. And also was identifying himself clearly as “Satan”. That, I will never ever forget. I hear it in my mind right now as I’m writing this, like it just happened few minutes ago.

Those two events for me were and still are the most incredible spiritual experience I had. Another similar experience happened few months ago. This time it was Lilith! Also identifying herself by saying her name loud and clear, almost screaming but not with anger, more like pleasure or surprise… can’t describe it very well. She sounded very proud of herself when she was saying her name! Very strong personality.

That’s for me is way more impressive than any effect I get from magick. No matter how miraculous it is.


I went a little over the top with my money magic and was working on manifesting $3000. After 3 days I had $3000 in my account and $6000 about to go into my partners but he declined it.
That was just recently but my most memorable, unintentional moment is when I saw myself levitating. It was not a spell per se but it was one of a few awakenings to my potential power.
P.s havent tried to do it again.


i have a couple. The first one happened just as i woke up at 3am. i woke up to my room being illuminated with an extremely bright red. Every wall and the ceiling was covered in red…it almost felt like i was in a different place…in hell or something. i have no object that shines red that brightly, and to this day i really cant say what it was.

The second experience was when i sent dratalon to kill somebody. Now in EAs grimoire…dratalon is described as being an entity made of smoke. Some time after sending dratalon off to the person…the target came to me and described a dream they had of an entity that had a body made of black smoke which tried to strangle him in his dreams, and every time he’d try to push the demon off, his hands would just go right through it. That was a “holy shit…this stuffs real” moment for me.


I was meditating with Morrigan and I heard him. I listened even though he was interrupting because Morrigan allowed him in.

He is a trickster but, ya, don’t judge him by Marvel. I’d suggest looking him up here, he’s a complex Norse Deity. :slight_smile:


It wasn’t anything I’ve done but a few nights ago I was laying in bed in the dark and saw a figure come stand in the doorway.

I heard and felt their presence. I assumed it was my partner so I said their name and when there was silence I repeated it and the figure didn’t move.

I stood up and walked out (somewhat nervou) and started saying okay hello what do you want to say? Are you here to say something? Lol

When something do tangible happens it can be unnerving but I want more experiences like that and work towards this :slight_smile:

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Brushed my teeth before meeting my Mother In Law.
No, Seriously. Gaining experiences, like Cosmic Orgasm, almost, out of body travel (head touching my feet when exiting, then waking up from a lucid dream), seeing in the 4th dimension (broader than 3D vision, my entire spine vibrating from base to top, all 33 vertebrae, from energy work, and having real hot flashes from fire meditation work.
These work for starters to show me that there is more to life than the ordinary 3D world


I’m too proud to keep this a secret. As of last night, I successfully merged 3 minds into one astral plane to see one another.

It was fucken amazing, my 3rd eye chakra and heart chakra is beyond overloaded and I feel sick and the other 2 have similar or close symptoms. They accurately described each other… fuck my mind is blown


you recorded him talking?

what happened after that?

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Do it again and send a few bucks this way :grin:

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Who did you ask for the dosh?

Yes I recorded him talking :slight_smile:

You can do that too. You only need audio recorder. I recommend simple/basic one, the advanced recorders automatically filter the audio to make it more clear, that could unintentionally block the frequencies used by spiritual entities to speak.

I recommend old versions of Olympus or Sony, or use an app called “EVP Analyzer” for android.

another way of doing it, is by using a spirit box, software or hardware. The best in my opinion is the psb-7 spirit box.

I will edit the audio because there are private information in my conversations and then I will share the recording of Satan here in a separated thread. Can’t find Lucifer’s recording unfortunately !


Can I hear it?

Oh shit i wanna hear this too

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I would love to publish it here, will edit the audio - some info were private - and I will open a separated thread for it :slightly_smiling_face:

I never shared an audio before, thinking of using sound could probably… not sure I can upoload audio directly in a thread, I’ll find a way.
