The mammon group rite! ♾️ COMPLETE🌟

Wait… I thought we had to start the 8 days on the 24th.

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Wait… you did it early?

Yeah, I think it’s fine as long as you finish

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That’s cool.

Do you want to use incense for this rite? People claim different kinds of incense have health benefits so you may use that as an excuse.

I might have to redo it again, My candle broke because of my negligence. It was small and thin anyway :smiling_face_with_tear:

Idk what to do, Do I have to do it on the 24th?

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Take it as a sign dear Tae.

Start again on the 24th :blush:

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Alright, I will do it on the 24th. It was kinda funny to as I only did it early because i didn’t see the time to start it :clown_face:

I was happy to do my first group rite, Now I can do it without the silly mistake I did of starting early


Happens to the best of us! :blush: Be worryless and i am happy that you join us!


I want to participate in this group ritual, but I have a few questions.

First, “Hold the candle firmly in your right hand.” Do I light the candle while doing this?

Second, “After lighting the candle, state that this is a sacrifice to Mammon, to You, and to the other being(s) you are working with in this ritual.” Do I burn the candle by the wick and wait for it to melt or do I throw the candle into the burning fire?

Last question: 3 days out of these 8 days I will be outside my house, in another house with people and cats. I can tell the people not to disturb me but the cat may meow at the door to come in. Also, I may not burn incense so that the house doesn’t smell. Alternatively, I can do the ritual outside or in my car during these 3 days. Which would you suggest?

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1 . No you dont do this you just hold it and thats it after the finished 8th Rite you light it with the aformentioned intent.
2. You can let it Burn out in one go in a safe unburnable container or alternatively throw it in a fire yes, butpreferably do the former in a safe space be it outside or a Container etc
3.In this case work in nature, nature multiplyes and empowers magikal operations manifoldly and its usually more undisturbed by peoples at certain times especially when it slowly dawns into night. Use incense than outside.



Okay, thank you!

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Are we supposed to burn the paper with the candle?

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You’re welcome, allways!

Yes glue it around the candle with warm wax or simple glue very lightly. Or use a string band .but it should be on the candle somehow.

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Got it!

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Very Good!:blush:

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I ordered incense on Amazon prime and I’m fine with it coming after the 24th. However, I want the candle on time so I searched the pantry to find a big and thick uncertainted white candle. Does the whole candle need to burn or just for the time of the ritual?

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I figured that I can enscribe the sigil on the top face of the candle.

Edit: Nevermind! I found a smaller pillar that is shorter than both my palms together.

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Do you have any other uncertaintys and questions maybe worryes?