The mammon group rite! ♾️ COMPLETE🌟

Yes of course i have promised this as with so many other thinks with people but i think most did not realize i am not actually back i was just back bc mammon told me to do this specific mammon blessing, bc of personal obligations to him wich i fullfilled with the chosen person.

The group ritual and mammon Text is a sideproject for now and still is until after 10th of september due to initiation, i will be more or again active on instagram or tiktok etc after this chosen date.

As of now i do not fokus on thinks wich are not essential and are stressing me out including this one in my now journeys circumstance.

So i will take my time on that before i do nothing, alike, when i made spells per requests, and i just felt stressed out and because of that, even more procrastinated and just felt bad overall with myself due being a duty type of person, if i cant fullfill my duty or promises i just feel bad with myself. And its a downward spiral from there.

So i learn from my mistakes and just take my time and be flexible as i find the capacitys ill do it, as promised, or being honest more, wich i currently learn and think thrice before i make a comitment, or i refuse to do it and elaborate why.

And i know that that is sometimes, for some people too slow and this and that, wich is understandable and they do not need to wait for anything or do etc.

And i dont care if it is honestly or if they stoped caring too.

I take my mental and emotioanl health more important than people pleasing.

And you should too, if you feel called out!

:crown: LUX :snake: ANGUIS :fleur_de_lis:


Don’t worry. The world is not for heroes. The Gatekeepers even call me and others. It’s not like the world is going to collapse.

We improve, we learn, we are given gnosis and we have our own perspective on reality.

While you sleep, others work. There are many channels of power.

You only have one physical body, rest, you have the right to do so.


Thank you @Satanalash for your considered words!


Do we have to pay to be included ?.and yeah take care of yourself

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No it is for free, the (((payment))) is just MINIMALI your participating/generating from this ritual energys to mammon and the creator of this rite more not.

no like i sait, i do not go online on these platforms until 10th of september, but thank you for reminding me.


I am in …pls do include me


Of course ANYONE CAN .


i am continuing the process in the direction you had suggested … have a nice day

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This is against the rules of the forum so no. All work done through this forum has to be completely free, just so you know.

It’s also against the rules to offer to pay for work.

Such posts are normally removed. I’m leaving this up as we have a lot of new people who may not realize this. Please do read the rules, they’re not long and two minutes scanning them will clarify things:


its okay sometimes you need to rest, I would wait for this opportunity further, I don’t know about the others, but your appearance now is also very favorable, thank you

and so I 've been waiting for this moment :joy: , but I 'm a little scared when I hear the name Mammon , because brainwashing in Christianity is really strong , but I will participate :joy: , so sign me up


Yes ill remind you by mentioning all the past participants when it comes into formation.


Then I am in.thanks remind again when the time comes


I’m also waiting, I’m very afraid of being dismissed from my public office, which I’ve fought for! I have faith that Mammon can help me!

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You all are in and can participate!

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I’d like to be in too please

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Can I also join? It would be an honor.

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I would like to be added too please!:slight_smile:

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You two are on the list!


Please add me Lux gratitude please let me know how and whatbi need to participate so i can give my self that space for this Ave Mammon I’ve heard so much good things about this being Mammon King Mammon grateful for all the people he has assisted.

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