I want to join & I hope I won’t have any trouble doing this!
Bro reaad, reeaaad Bro🤣
No there is no trouble/problem to begin with, again.
22/23TH Of Oktober because on the 24th we will start.
Ok. Coooooool!
Exactly man!
It is a group Ritual we will as a collective peform these steps as detailed Above in
Theres also a posibility i feel like we could do this rite for 8 months in succession .
Or a general group Rite we peform on eachother as a collective.
This world heals greed very easily. I will let it go for now, after dissolving almost all of my weaknesses I have understood one thing. Certain things are not allowed to manifest for a given person because their body is damaged, although they themselves are not aware of it. Some call it karma, but it is more than karma it is a disease or hidden illness.
If your body does not have enough communication to do what the spirit wants, then there is not much you can do.
For now I am going a different way. Because I do not see any other point.
Until when is the time to perform this ritual?
You have time to prepare my friend around maximally the 23th of oktober on 24th we start.
Instead of candle just use a bigger or normal paper the exact as if youd use a candle the process is the same without incense and of such but just the pen.
And just say in a personal a bot longer way, thank you.
Be creative , remember, you are a magikian!
Im going to have to make some adaptations- ie, incense isn’t doable where I am.
I’m starting to think how to hide it, because drawing on paper can be noticed just like a candle, the whole point is not that I don’t have a candle or I can’t buy anything, but that it can be noticed, I have to act absolutely secretly, I start thinking through the moves, I think that if you start to imagine a candle and draw all these symbols in your imagination , or draw it in your phone, even when I’m busy with the phone, I have a small risk of being noticed, a couple of times it was very close to exposure , I absolutely get scared when I don’t find the phone nearby and think that I forgot to turn off the screen and I’m exposed in general, it’s not an easy situation, yes
there were many temptations to leave magic classes for the sake of visible success, according to my parents, they have even picked up a wife for me, but I am firm and do not want to take the proposed option, I will fight and fight to the last, I choose my path
what can we do in this situation
Than probably create a mental/astral space and ritual where youd peform these steps ,my friend.
Its as effective as the phyisical if not more on some ocaisons!
im can do this okay !
Yes you can Lolprior!
I’ll join in, I don’t have a Dragon blood though for this ritual
I’m joining!
• Can I do a different ritual during the 8 days or should I dedicate them to this one for its preferred results?
• What if it rains the day of the ritual and the candle which was left outdoors gets extinguished?
I’m sure the candle spell will be over quickly if it rains lol.
You can still peform other rituals and or kombine it to magnify this one.
Just reignite it in a isolated fire safe and dry container with the intent to simply continue the spell
You can use other incenses you feel intuitively is also right for usage
Okay, I didn’t feel the need to use incense, I did the first practice yesterday and it felt amazing
Oh!you allready started! Fine than we will start on 24th but you should resume your allready started practice or extent it unto 31th of oktober.
I am happy you feel good and empowered!