The magician's paradigm: the evocation of bune(or call me bim)


I decided to share a few revelations with the BALG forum concerning spirits and money. I have received numerous PM’s concerning the magickal usage of spirits to obtain wealth and which ones can deliver the bounty. In all sincerity, one of my own primary reasons for evocation was wealth,and lots of it. The reason being, if we are to live out this mortal coil with coffin nails lightly stamped each day closer and closer to our final destination then surely at the very least I should be riding a red steaming De Lorean and not the proverbial black dull hearse arriving at the six-foot deep resort. Thus, I will share my experience and how to work this type of magick in a relatively easy format so that you may achieve the same results.

After joining the Golden Dawn in England circa 1989, I returned back home and continued my magickal work each day. I read all books available at the time,but the one that seriously gave me a real hard on was the Goetia. I use the Falcon Press version in paperback from Lon Milo Duquette. It is my go-to book. But that was all it was, just a book with illustrations which, if you dared, would summon the most pissed-off entities you could imagine. And so, it remained dormant until now. the summer of 2014 will be remembered not as a lemonade-barbecued air of hot moisture but the days and nights of the Goetics.

The Infernal Money Pit

In June of this year I fell into an immediate financial stump concerning one of my pets. The vet bill, as you can imagine, was quite high. I was able to pay for it but unfortunately this also hampered my other obligations concerning rent,electricity,water,and of all things food. I am one of those who believes(or believed) that any spiritual entity should only be evoked at the most crucial moment in ones life. I truly felt this was it. I immediately set out to do my research online and see the results others have obtained,if any. I had no other options but success(keep this in mind)

Unfortunately for us, the Net is filled with so much garbage, so many pseudo-magicians claiming false advertisement that I became over-whelmed. However, a few did seem to work the Bune magick,or so it seemed.

It became evident to me that Bune was indeed the “ATM” of the spirit world. simply load your passkey and press play…instant karma. A few working mages revealed their apparent success with Bune online through their blogs and websites. Various discussions are still hot threads at this very moment in time and I encourage you to do your research on Bune. I could give all the links I found on my own, but it is wiser and more profitable to pursue your own work on your own. Half the fun of these magickal dealings is dropping down the rabbit hole and finding gems that will enlighten you…do your own work

Below are outlined all the necessities needed to perform this rite. Some if not all of the material here presented to you is making its debut on this post as it was received from either Bune himself or other spirits of a “like-mind”, the rest is simple and (hopefully) known material that you should be acquainted with at this time in your life.


DAY: On the eve of any Friday on sunrise
OFFERINGS: Oranges,Apples,Lemons,Cakes
COLORS: Orange,Green
TAROT CARD: Nine of wands
AMOUNT OF MONEY NEEDED: notice I say needed nor wanting. I would recommend between 200 to 500 dollars. Asking an entity for 20,000 is absurd(yes…someone once asked me for help in acquiring this amount and the results turned and reared its ugly head at me causing the death of a loved one…I will save that for another post).

Triangle of Art(See Picture below)
Universal Circle or your own design(see pic)
Wand and Sword: Not really necessary but it still adds a sense of control and authority. Play with your imagination.
Tarot Deck: very good for doing readings right after the evocation. Using the magickal vortex created during the rites is conducive to excellent divination prior to releasing the energy build up and immersion/theta-gamma state.

The Triangle I use from Kingdom of Flames

CONJURATION: Written by yourself three days prior. Four sentences and no more. They should include the four god names found in the LBRP and that’s it. Memorize it!

RITES: LBRP and the BRH (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram respectively) If these rites offend your black magick sensibility then I apologize in advance however following these instructions should produce the correct results as they did for me. I practice everything, black white Greek oriental whatever gets me what I need.

MAGICKAL MANTRAS OF BUNE: Ca-te-ha miniostare(should be sung while chanting) and his Enn: Wehl melan avage bune tasa

And that is all you really require. Some incense is nice and a simple stick of myrrh will do wonders(if working an Astral/Skrying method) or Copal Oro for a physical manifestation. However I will add a small caution, although for me I love and seem to “identify” with any spirit or demons countenances, others may not(or think they can). Bune is one of those Goetic spirits that will appear as the grimoires depict, a hybrid dragon,dog,man creature and despite the usual adherence’s murmured by many mages that “ oh please…I can handle that”…think carefully about how your mind will react to a full blown manifestation that will scatter your sensibilities unto the far reaches of complete chaos. I am not kidding as I have seen some quite scary and frightening things in my life(not withstanding my ex-wife) but still… caveat emptor…

In any case, a simple astral evocation(despite what others may say about this method) actually works. We as magicians,black or white, are not in this business to observe a physical magickal phenomenon but to get results…period. Why evoke a spirit or demon?,to make them move a chair across the room? pet cat can do a better trick. I am not in the habit of observing the beauty or hell of any spirit but solely goal oriented.


I would recommend to perform a simple three card tarot spread to determine the outcome of the operation. Just another way to integrate divination with other operations. Personally I love using the I-Ching but simply using three cards is way more than enough to “see” your possible outcome.

I recommend to do an offering to him three days prior to the rite if possible. He is especially fond of cakes.

Provided below are two sigils pertaining to bune. One he provided and the other is found in the Goetia. For the first evocation I recommend using the one found in the grimoires. You can either print out the ones I drew or draw it yourself(highly encourage you to do your own work).

  1. Light the green candle behind the mirror and the two orange candles in front.
  2. begin with the LBRP then the BRH.
  3. Sit comfortably on your UC circle facing SE. Your mirror should be propped up with a plate holder in the center of the triangle or black bowl of water should be near you to perform your skrying.
  4. Relax your senses and body. One way to do this is to take your tarot deck and begin to alternate the cards from the bottom and the top slowly, each card falling one by one. Cleanse them from previous readings by stating ’ each card shall be purged from all previuos readings,they shall reveal unto me all of the past present and future regardless of time and location in the name of ARIEL_______(or your chosen spirit/demon for divination…you have one right?)
  5. Now gaze at his sigil until you loose yourself within it. Once the sigil appears to be vibrating lift your gaze and stare into the mirror or bowl. You will immediately see the negative impression of the sigil “floating” in front of you and unto the mirror. At this point you may want to create a “fluid condenser’ effect unto your scrying tool, such as impregnating the surface with green light(this is not mandatory but only an option).
  6. Begin your conjuration with your wand pointing to the mirror or bowl
  7. chant the Enn several times with the rung of a bell at the end of the phrase.
  8. Now gaze quietly at the mirror, you will begin to see bune manifest in an electric blue haze that is quite bright for the eyes.
  9. His voice will start the conversation(as it should always be). Despite his appearance, his voice is that of a well educated 40’ish Oxford grad, British to the core and extremely polite.
  10. Ask his name
  11. Now for the interesting and different aspect of this procedure. Command him to “assist you” in finding said amount of money. It has been my experience that most spirits seem to have a hard time understanding modern currency(the exception being demons) and the Goetic spirits are definitely not demonic nor evil. Just plain indifferent. Once he agrees with your request…
  12. License to depart…a simple formal statement to return to his realm without harming none.
  13. Perform the LBRP ONLY!

page from my journal dated June of this year with quick drawing of Bume as he manifested second time(copal oro smoke is great)


After my evocation of Bim, I anticipated the moment when the realization of my much needed money would come. I actually only needed 500.00 to cover most of my expenses for the reminder of June. As the week rolled on by nothing happened. The only strange occurrence was my insistent thought of the number “736”. It kept banging inside my head until I thought…wait…those may be lottery numbers. I went and played the remaining three dollars I had towards the weekly cash three lottery to see if that was the answer.

I lost three dollars…now what?. The numbers continued to invade my senses day in and out non-stop. Doubt began to set in as it would. After one week with no results I went back and evoked Bim physically this time to see what was holding back my request. With no uncertain tone he explained that 'you asked for assistance and that is what I gave”. I inquired about the number 736 and he stated that he had nothing to do with that.

Confounded I continued to wait another two days. Nothing happened. I decided at that point that I should climb the higher moral ground and, despite this spirits reluctance to assist me, I would still make his name and deeds known to the world. I will act as if he did his job and praise him for all the miracles he created for me. My logic being that, by displaying a better sense of “dignity” and “morals’ at the very least I would be seen as completing my half of the bargain promised to him at time of services rendered.

Within twenty-four hours a revelation broke through. I was cleaning out my walk-in closet and found my fathers old stash of gold jewelry. I figured this must be it. They were stored away for over fifteen years after his passing and completely forgot about them. I thought these should at least get me around 300. I had no knowledge of the gold prices this past summer.

I went to the local jeweler who, after inspecting the wares told me it was worth around 850.00 and if that was okay with me. As you can imagine I acted as if it meant nothing…sure no problem(inside I was elated) . That same day during the evening I continued to search around and found more gold. Went to the same jeweler again and he said in a low monotone voice of disappointment “I can only give you 2400.00 for all these…is that okay with you?”…and my response was “I guess so…go ahead”

All that money covered my expenses for the remainder of the summer. I have only needed to call Bim once more and still he came through.

What all of the above taught me was, first and foremost make a solid relationship with the spirit or demon of your choice. Simply evoking a demon and demanding this or that will get you nothing.

early morning demonic offering of wine and blood - wooden plate of circle of pacts courtesy of TWF!!!

Each day I make an early morning formal spirit offerings to the demons, to the gods and the goddesses, to the spirits of the dead. “If thee make no homage then you get crap”

Apply yourself to acknowledging the spirits and demons daily and see how your life will change for the better.

Oh…by the way, I did play the same number again a week later and won 80.00 .


^ This post is entirely made of awesome - thanks for sharing, inspiring stuff!


Wow! Awesome success story and full of useful knowledge and information!
Thank you!

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Awesome work, S.V.E! Your triangle looks badass! Welcome back to the forum!

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Beautiful how everything came together here. You definitely make an art out of what you do.

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That’s a lot of work for $80. I’m still completely unimpressed by Bune, ditto Clauneck, but I haven’t put them through any grueling paces. Of course, you waited for an emergency, but that’s still a ridiculous amount of work for barely anything. Vassago can pick winners all day, and he could do you many times better than $80 in a weekend. I’ve had a lot of reports from people working with spirits that rig gambling stuff, too, big money short span.

Results seem to indicate that these two spirits do not specialize in what people are using them for. But I do intend to put one of them seriously through his paces.


[quote=“Sultitan_Itan, post:6, topic:4113”]That’s a lot of work for $80. I’m still completely unimpressed by Bune, ditto Clauneck, but I haven’t put them through any grueling paces. Of course, you waited for an emergency, but that’s still a ridiculous amount of work for barely anything. Vassago can pick winners all day, and he could do you many times better than $80 in a weekend. I’ve had a lot of reports from people working with spirits that rig gambling stuff, too, big money short span. Inner Alchemy seems the way towards removing obstacles in one’s life by first refining the dim fires within and expelling it outwards in your reality. It’s a long road for me but I perserve. I always wanted to my reality but know it must first begin with your spirituality, psychology, physiology, the temperance of which brews the newer you. The wealth you seek is a byproduct of the changes you make within.

Results seem to indicate that these two spirits do not specialize in what people are using them for. But I do intend to put one of them seriously through his paces.[/quote]

You are correct… Too much work for so little amount however if you were me at that moment… Even 8.00 would have meant 8000.00 to me. This summer I evoked nearly half of all the Goetic. A feat that even now I would not have believed possible for myself. The concept of wealth to the Goetic spirits is quite archaic. They truly have a distinction between power and wealth and view knowledge as a source towards that which you desire. All the work above is teaching me the art of binding an entity which was my greatest weakness. As to those numbers they were not meant as lottery winnings but soon I discovered it was about my identity (in a manner of speaking). Currently I’m working the book of azazel. Apart from working a pact with him he promised many things, wealth being one and alchemical being the other. Wealth is the byproduct of true temperance between spirituality, psychology, physiology brewed to perfection(as perfect can be). Logic brewed with knowledge brings abundance… For me to alter my reality I need to first alter my old shell of myself. Stripping away the vistage of years of stupidity and Innocence, and yes even at my age of 51. Change the inner and the outer will follow suit.


i didn’t aproach this spirit yet,but i remember something interesting.i was walking on the road,and then i found some money on the only thought was ‘‘wow i’m lucky’’.and then out of nowhere,the name BUNE crossed my mind.i felt weird,because i was expecting results from nitika,lukorst and the abramelin square.the name just poped out into my head…i asked for his help three or four times but without a sigil or something.just a call for help.i’m not sure if it was him,but the nessage was clear.he said BUNE.thats all

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The same thing happened to me in Chicago during the 2009 snow storm. Walking over the Roosevelt bridge in 14 degree weather then taking a dark alley Street. In the freshly fallen snow attempting to run away from the grasp of cold winds was a one-hundred dollar bill completely dry. Now,… At the time I was not making any offerings nor evocation… Nothing… But what are the chances of finding a brand new dry hundred dollar bill in the streets of Chicago on a cold Friday night?.. And at the moment I truly needed it?

Another fantastic post from S.V.E, welcome back!

I hope your furry friend is doing better, those are always scary situations, I’m very pleased to hear Bune came through for you.

Two questions after reading your account:

  1. I recently began working with Jove to oversee the flow of money into my life in a macro way, but I was thinking about evoking another spirit to handle the day to day stuff, like increasing my commissions and watching over my IRA. Bune was one of the first entities I thought of, but everything I read about him seems like he’s very good at providing lump sums, but a constant influx of money seems to be another matter. Since you’ve already worked with him and become familiar with his energy, would you work with him again for “long term” goals, or is he more “emergency” (for lack of a better word) money to you?

  2. Kind of OT, but how has the KoF design been working for you as a triangle? I’ve been trying to decide on a design I could use for all demonic evocations, and I wasn’t sure what the goets would think of it, so I’ve stuck to temporary flour triangles for the time being. Any problems with it so far?

Thanks so much!

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I hope your furry friend is doing better, those are always scary situations, I'm very pleased to hear Bune came through for you.

nice to see you too Blacklamb…been awhile…only came back once i saw the forum converging into a semblance of unity and moderation through Bran and Evas’ efforts…otherwise i would have just continued to lurk…

my pet cat Black feather was found on the crossroads not too far from my house. barely 3 weeks old in the middle of a rainy intersection almost dead on Halloween night(black cats…crossroads…what next?) …saved her ass and now she is doing nightly aerobics flying around the house like chupa cabra destroying everything in her wake.

I recently began working with Jove to oversee the flow of money into my life in a macro way, but I was thinking about evoking another spirit to handle the day to day stuff, like increasing my commissions and watching over my IRA.

The consensus regarding Bune is that, yes, he, like most Goetic entities are not the best ones concerning wealth and abundance. Goetics, from my summer long experience is, they are great for knowledge(learning the tarot,Kaballah, healing,obtaining familiars…but not to use as long term loan sharks. Most Goetic’s have a 'secondary office" that is not stated in the grimoires,sometimes many more…you need to interview these entities for more, however, the amount of causality concerning money with these beings is (on a scale) good…but this would depend on your current sphere of sensation(also known as the sphere of availability).

As far as having spirits “influence” your business and sales. I would evoke bethor. He was one of the very spirits i ever evoked and the one who was very VERY fast at bringing closure to my financial issue last year. He would be ideal. You need to find a spirit(if evocation is what you want to use) that influences your sphere of sensation, such as clients, prospective clients, unknown clients,bosses,co-workers…you need familiars and powerful ones at that. They would be long-term spirits assisting you in day to day issues concerning money.

If this was my concern I would skip the grimoires and simply create my very own Jupiter egregore to fulfill all my day to day(most likely my lifetime) financial concerns. I would evoke it each Thursday to get a “business report” on my dealings. I would definitely know that he/she would be completely faithful unto me as I hold its life-force in my hands.

Bune was one of the first entities I thought of, but everything I read about him seems like he's very good at providing lump sums, but a constant influx of money seems to be another matter. Since you've already worked with him and become familiar with his energy, would you work with him again for "long term" goals, or is he more "emergency" (for lack of a better word) money to you?

you hit the magick work "emergency’…I had a real need and Goetic spirits ,from my little experience thus far, appear to be quite reluctant in providing physical sustenance in the form of currency. With Bune I had to caused temporal duress on him. Basically making out myself better than him by proclaiming his great deeds(even though he gave me nothing), at that point it appears Bune would lose his status(or so it seemed to me at the time). One thing I am quickly learning now is the art of Binding spirits. Not as easy as one may think. In working with Azazel, He quite unapologetically stated that I would never control any entity unless I learned the art properly, and that’s Binding, otherwise you would receive half-ass results or none at all.

Working with EA’s spirit “Mehmi’on” was interesting. As stated in the book, I evoked from the north. I placed a black candle in the NE corner. while chanting his name the candle began to glow stronger and brighter. I was taken a little back on the phenomenon. He also explained the proper way in binding demons and spirits. It seemed very obvious what he explained but…very powerful.

Binding is my thing now…learning and practicing…

So…no…i would not evoke him unless it was quite dire.

Kind of OT, but how has the KoF design been working for you as a triangle? I've been trying to decide on a design I could use for all demonic evocations, and I wasn't sure what the goets would think of it, so I've stuck to temporary flour triangles for the time being. Any problems with it so far?

In all honesty, the reason I use the KOF triangle is 1.) its very minimal in design and thus will not interfere with my trance work and 2.) you do not need a triangle.

The only reason I use one is to induce the proper mental state in my mind that i am about to evoke so and so…nothing more…almost all entities who were evoked or who came on their own volition during offering ceremonies (which were many!) always appeared in the NE corner, away from the triangle. Binding is the art of controlling and directing your will towards the spirit/demon to do your bidding. This is not the same as demanding and cursing,etc…only that you are using your will as a straight laser beam of intense power that cannot be ignored nor denied.

Binding the spirit to the triangle, and binding your will to the spirit are two very different things altogether. and at the moment it is my hopes to make myself stronger in that area to properly direct my intention to the proper target. using flour is just as powerful as me painting EA’s triangle.

As a side note.bring offerings to and praying to your HGA and personal deamon are excellent ways of getting what you really want. I get on my hands and knees each morning, incense bellowing up, the palm of my hands up, asking for guidance,health,wealth,power,each day.

To be a god you must first be a servant, to be a servant you climb the ladder of godhood as your right…nothing is free…blood and wine makes the demons happy,proclaiming your godhood right makes them happier

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[quote=“S.V.E, post:11, topic:4113”]

I hope your furry friend is doing better, those are always scary situations, I’m very pleased to hear Bune came through for you.

nice to see you too Blacklamb…been awhile…only came back once i saw the forum converging into a semblance of unity and moderation through Bran and Evas’ efforts…otherwise i would have just continued to lurk…

my pet cat Black feather was found on the crossroads not too far from my house. barely 3 weeks old in the middle of a rainy intersection almost dead on Halloween night(black cats…crossroads…what next?) …saved her ass and now she is doing nightly aerobics flying around the house like chupa cabra destroying everything in her wake.[/quote]

People are legit the worst, god knows what could happen to a black kitten on Halloween night, so I’m glad the story has a happy ending. Kitten acrobatics are the best, right behind puppy! This forum sorely needs an OT subforum for kitten picture spam, imo. But I digress, back to the demons :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as having spirits "influence" your business and sales. I would evoke bethor. He was one of the very spirits i ever evoked and the one who was very VERY fast at bringing closure to my financial issue last year. He would be ideal. You need to find a spirit(if evocation is what you want to use) that influences your sphere of sensation, such as clients, prospective clients, unknown clients,bosses, need familiars and powerful ones at that. They would be long-term spirits assisting you in day to day issues concerning money.

Or maybe not demons. To be honest I’ve yet to work with any Olympian spirits, although I’ve heard from more than one magician that they are easy to call and easy to work with (well, easy relative to other grimoire spirits). While the idea of using a egregore is appealing given the reasons you listed, my only successful egregore creation was quite a simple little thing. Creating something powerful enough to watch over my finances sounds like an excellent goal to strive towards. Perhaps something that could whisper into customers ears? I love the idea though, if I manage to create something functional I’ll be sure to update xD

In all honesty, the reason I use the KOF triangle is 1.) its very minimal in design and thus will not interfere with my trance work and 2.) you do not need a triangle.

The only reason I use one is to induce the proper mental state in my mind that i am about to evoke so and so…nothing more…almost all entities who were evoked or who came on their own volition during offering ceremonies (which were many!) always appeared in the NE corner, away from the triangle. Binding is the art of controlling and directing your will towards the spirit/demon to do your bidding. This is not the same as demanding and cursing,etc…only that you are using your will as a straight laser beam of intense power that cannot be ignored nor denied.

Aye, I kind of use it as a prop too, albdeit one that’s been consecrated. It’s mostly to remind myself to focus my will and energy in the manifestation, instead of drawing inwards, which I tend to do during ritual thanks to my Pentecostal upbringing (looking for the work inside yourself, as opposed to something outside). I guess I was just looking for a solid design so I didn’t keep having to re-consecrate my flour ones for every new evocation.

Your commentary on Mehmi’on is super interesting though. The sole time I evoked him, I was so fixated on the idea of binding spirits to objects I never branched off on the subject. I’m going to call him back and speak more about this idea of binding will to spirit. I can honestly say that’s the first time I’ve heard of that idea, it is quite tantalizing!

Thanks for all the brain food, I’m going o be looking into this stuff and reporting back later. Apologies for any mispellings, the memory in my PC is corrupted and randomly flashes between programs, makes it hard to type -_-

Thanks S.V.E!

Great post!

[quote=“S.V.E, post:1, topic:4113”]Preparations

DAY: On the eve of any Friday on sunrise
OFFERINGS: Oranges,Apples,Lemons,Cakes
COLORS: Orange,Green
TAROT CARD: Nine of wands

Question, where was this information acquired?!

And by perform a Tarot reading, you mean to ask beforehand of the Tarot what the outcome of the evocation will be? As in basically, whether it will work, and stuff?

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Question, where was this information acquired?!

formal daily ritual performance - opened Bunes sigil, already had a set of questions to ask him on paper so I channeled his responses,similar to EA in his MEC. in fact, I do the same thing a week prior to evoking anything(better to get to know them right?)

And by perform a Tarot reading, you mean to ask beforehand of the Tarot what the outcome of the evocation will be? As in basically, whether it will work, and stuff?

an old habit I picked up way back when…using Donald Michael kraigs tarot method from his book “modern magick”…yes…before I do anything that will alter my or someones else s reality I do a simple three card spread(or seven if it deems necessary for more detail). the exception being any baneful workings(whats the point). has nothing to do with karma…

an example was I wanted to evoke Paimon but the I-ching reading(i use i ching mostly)was quite negative and rather counterproductive. its up to me to decide if i should move ahead or not…trusting your deamon is key here.

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Inspiring as always! I love to read your posts, they are educational and you give the step by step method. That helps a lot to the newbie, great to see you posting again.

What all of the above taught me was, first and foremost make a solid relationship with the spirit or demon of your choice. Simply evoking a demon and demanding this or that will get you nothing.
This seems to be the moral of the story. Great post.

[quote=“Student of Goetia, post:16, topic:4113”]

What all of the above taught me was, first and foremost make a solid relationship with the spirit or demon of your choice. Simply evoking a demon and demanding this or that will get you nothing.

This seems to be the moral of the story.
Great post.[/quote]

Well hot damn, no wonder I haven’t had much success with evocations. I haven’t really formed a relationship! Well, not at all!

I need to do this!

A highly efficient and Pagan version of the LBRP is available here:

One needs to understand Jewish mysticism borrowed a lot from more ancient mystical systems incl. Hinduism. Therefore, there is always a Hindu or Pagan equivalent to Judeo-Christian calling names.

I don’t know if this is even relevant to you anymore, but in terms of helping to change yourself, the book “Psycho Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz has been a great help for me.

Not only has it given me a scientific explanation of how the law of attraction works, it has also given me the keys to making it work, which has helped with all of my magickal practices.

This is all after decades of self introspection, subliminals, NLP, affirmations, and thinking positive :slight_smile:


I love your post of Bune, I did 3 rituals but nothing yet.
What’s the best hour of the day to invoke/evoke Bune?
Thank you so much


ps: [email protected]