The legitimacy of karma

Is karma a real thing?

Only if you believe in it. I don’t believe in karmic backlash/threefold law, i.e. I don’t worry about receiving “negative karma” after a working. But if you do believe in it, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Also, someone correct me if I am wrong but there is also lifetime karma or karmic life cycles, that is not something I personally jive with either but admittedly I know little about it.


If we are looking at karma in the more Hindu perspective that involves an ill action that keeps a soul bound to the cycle of reincarnation, that is hard to prove without dying. I personally do not believe that necessarily exists, as i think there are many reasons for a soul to reincarnate.

If we are looking at karma as the idea that one’s actions effect their future (which i call California karma as this tends to occur in the New Age movement), i also do not believe it exists. There are plenty of cases where people doing bad things walk away unpunished and people doing good things getting unrewarded.

Now, if we examine karma in the context where one’s actions effect the people around them, i lean more towards it. You can do something ill or good to another person without it necessarily affecting you, but potentially coukd effect others outside of the situation (such as the other party’s family members). That is essentially cause and effect and was what I was taught in regards to karma back in my buddhist days


The concept was probably distorted, and the way it happened may perhaps be considered easy: indeed in Hinduism and Buddhism there is only the notion of action which may bind man.
A tendency could be to think that such actions must be evil but actually any action qualifies, especially if one thinks “I’m doing this”.

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There is always a cause and an effect, aka karma. It is a basic law of this universe. Every action you take, whether magical or mundane, has a corresponding consequence to it. This simply cannot be disputed and the reality of it isn’t affected by whether you believe in it or not. You throw a ball up in the air, the effect is it will fall back down to the ground. You go around punching random people in the face, the effect may be that someone eventually punches you in the face (or shoots you, or arrests you, etc). You decide not to study for an important exam, and the effect is you fail.

However, what can be disputed, is any sort of moralistic structure to this principle of cause and effect. One glance at the world shows that no such structure exists. Positive things happen to “bad” people, and negative things happen to “good” people every day. All that exists is action and consequence, cause and effect.


I try to think as karma as an entity of its own that just acts as they please, hoping this approach allows me to connect to the reward system ovthe universe and allow me to avoid the negative for I don’t do them. O yea I’m a prime example of youR bRinging I upon youRself but as a good person that honestly enjoys helping people I think I’ll be ok.
I once was trying to o a karmic spell to cause action to happen upon the person I offered bad o happen o me if I was the one who was in the wrong at sever levels asking for there Demise to be brutal casting on many I tried to cut myself to put blood on the letter and I seen a spirit that appeared to be healing me as I was tryin to cutmyself and I was unable to get blood because I didn’t want to cause a large would and was unable to make a small one.

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I do believe I’ve cause the western concept to be in effect in my life but it’s not three fold but am still waiting to see the rewaRd side lol, maybe Karma herself isn’t as fond of me as I assume she would be.

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Look up the Egpytian Karmatic Laws!

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Will you be so kind to enlighten us and save us some time?

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Mmmhmmm! I’d be happy too! This should be a good starting place. Have fun! There are books on Amazon as well. I would also check out the book that is coming out on October 27 by Asenath Mason, “Tunnels of Set”. I’m actually excited for this one.

There are a few misconceptions about the Ancient Egypt in our mainstream portray of that civilization. In time, I will try to address the facts that the pyramids were not tombstones for the pharaohs, that the ancient people did not worship the Sun literally and, as shockingly as it may seem, they were not truly polytheists in the way you imagine.

But firstly, it is important to understand that in Egyptian society the spirituality was part of everyday life. Pretty much every aspect of this civilization was embedded on spiritual notions. If for some other civilizations the religious practices and rituals were channels to achieve moral truths, in Egypt, the religion was so developed and adopted that it was the origin of the moral standards followed by the society. There was simple no strict separation between the divine and the human.


Some of the best-known ancient examples illustrating Maat addressed details between lives because they were found in tombs. But the symbology and associated philosophy purposefully provides a model of the rules (laws, wisdom) and functionality within the hidden spiritual aspects of existence (dimensions) that affect us at all times, day and night, alive or dead. Thereby, “Maat” “weighs hearts” within the hidden aspects of reality and this determines the nature of future outcomes within space-time. Thereby, the symbolism of ka and Maat serve as a model of the cause and effect system that we now know as karma, ergo ka-maat. This is also why truth and justice (Maat) were considered to be the source of universal order, ergo “the law.”

In other words, the core dualistic functionality of this universe causes the character (nature, essence, spirit) of your deeds and their results to determine the nature of what happens in your future. Whether that’s in the next hour, year, or between lifetimes, all future outcomes are directly influenced by what you (and others) have done. It is vital to grasp that this universe and our resulting realities are the product of collective thoughts and deeds, in addition to your own. Thereby, there is both individual and collective (group) karma, just as there are individual and collective influences on all aspects of reality. To reiterate, you are affected by the deeds and outcomes of the groups and activities that you support and participate in, as well as your individual deeds. Thereby, if you are part of a nation, empire, institution (money, religion, politics) or other group (corporation, economy, military, species, etc.) that causes harm, then you are partially responsible. Consequently, your karma and resulting realities are affected by both individual and collective inputs.

One of the great secrets symbolically encoded and passed along from before ancient Egypt and through the Hebrew sages and prophets, has been the simple rules for karma. They have been symbolized in numerous ways, including Mose’s two tables of stone, Jacob’s ladder and head stone, the Holy Grail, and many other allusions. It was kept hidden because religious and political leaders would have been able to bury the knowledge forever had it been released at an earlier time. It is also alluded to in the Dead Sea Scrolls but never expressed simply. The Doctrine of Two Spirits are the simple rules for karma that also provide the wisdom to finally create a sane and safe global civilization.


You might find some useful things here:


Ka-Maat, Karma, Wheel of Life

Rotation, Cycle and Wheel of Time, Fortune, Fate, Destiny, Dharma, Karma and Life. The Circle of Life we create into the future, from past actions in reality, turned by desires, thoughts, deeds and their resulting manifestations in reality. The 4 Elements are the basis for generation in reality.

Rta-Rota, the “chariot” (of the gods), with the “solar bark” traveling through night sky of Milky Way, through the cow Mother Goddess. Ru (mouth, womb), the oval from the Ankh, is where the Spirit of “Good” is, in the air, sky and Sun, symbolizing higher consciousness and self-transformation through apotheosis. The Wheel is the Way/Path for the chariot of the Sun, the solar bark, to embark into the “afterlife” and “immortality”. The Circle of Life also represents the Boundaries of Behavior for Living in the Right Path/Way.

Karma, Karman and Kamma, is Kamaa, which is Ka-maa and Ka-maat. The power, force, energy and life creating potential from our hands/arms producing actions/deeds/behaviors in degrees of alignment, harmony or unity with Maat/maat. The maat of our ka determines the future we generate and the consequences (rewards/punishments) we face as a result.

Dharma “law, right, justice”. Root *dher- “firm, holds, supports” i.e. foundation, mound, pillar (maat). Same root as True/Truth (deru), solid, unwavering. Deru, dru, druid.

Wheel, Cycle, Circle, Circus, Rotation, Chakra, Order, Cosmic, Universal.
Time, Cycle, Orobouros, Infinity, X, Cross, Elements, Generation, Life.


More on Ma’at:

K. Hope this is a good starting place.

Tootles! :kissing::v:


depends on how you define it. For most of us, we think cause and effect. do bad, you get bad. do good you get good. yet, i see opposites happen. do bad, get rewarded good stuff. do good get bad. So i can’t say it works that way.

Another idea from chinese culture is that karma goes to different life time which they incorporate past life and reincarnation. Do bad, you suffer next life . do good, you prosper next life. We can’t verify this theory either. Who cares for next lifetime when you suppose to live this present life. Thinking about next lifetime means your not present so that way of living don’t work.

One suppose to live for self in present time for this lifetime. So the concept of karma isn’t realistic or practical as it involve time travel or time events.

I just dismiss karma concept as it’s focus too much on worrying about future events being bad for present action. if one keep tabs on one’s action due to fear of negative outcome then one isn’t living. Karma is just fear scare mongering tactics of some sorts. I don’t do that.

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Been a Hindu, the concept is hammered into my brain like Hell is for a Christian. So many spiritual leaders speak about Karma and only Karma. Even Gods are not immune to it and apparently, Sages too have more power than Gods (I smell propaganda lol). I have seen bad people including myself experience something similar to Karma but the first time I cursed someone, I actually felt empowered and had no bad effects.

Now the Gods entertained my belief in Karma at first but eventually told me that it’s simply not true. I did research, Karma means action not consequence so I think this means, if I give a poor man bread,his happiness is my karma. The Universe doesn’t owe me shit for that though some Gods like Odin may be pleased with your actions. On the other hand, if I shoot someone with an arrow, the karma is their death. No consequence unless you get caught.


karma is real whether you believe in it or not. Rich people did good acts in their past lives. Poor people did bad acts in their past lives.

I know that sounds super elitist, but it’s the only rational explanation for why the world is the way it is. Trying to forcibly change the world through changing a system doesn’t work which is why nothing ever changes. If you want a better life in the future, you have to do good acts now.

No one is entitled to anything. You can’t just demand wealth. Your karma will not allow it unless you have earned it.

thats not true imo, magick can affect the wheel of karma

While I am a fence sitter on the entire karma thing, I do believe the energy we put out begats the energy we receive back. Is that karma, I dunno!


Wheel of Life overview
The Bhavachakra , the Wheel of Life or Wheel of Becoming, is a mandala - a complex picture representing the Buddhist view of the universe. To Buddhists, existence is a cycle of life, death, rebirth and suffering that they seek to escape altogether.

The Wheel is divided into five or six realms, or states, into which a soul can be reborn. It is held by a demon. Around the rim are depicted the twelve stages of dependent origination. This gallery will explain the parts of the diagram.

Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]

The frightening figure holding the wheel is Yama, the Lord of Death or Monster of Impermanence. He has three eyes and wears a crown of skulls.

Yama symbolises the impermanence of everything. The beings he holds are trapped in eternal suffering by their ignorance of the nature of the universe. Buddhism teaches that death is not the end and is not to be feared.
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]


The realm of humans
Buddhists consider being born as a human to be the most fortunate state. Because they are not suffering as heavily as those in the other realms, yet are not in lengthy bliss like the gods, humans have the best chance of enlightenment.
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]

The realm of hungry ghosts
Lingering around the edges of the mortal realm, trapped by their overattachment to the world, the hungry ghosts, or pretas , are in the grip of their unfulfilled desires. This is symbolised by their huge bellies and tiny mouths that can never satisfy their appetites.
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]


At the bottom is the hell realm. People here are horribly tortured in many creative ways, but not for ever - only until their bad karma is worked off.

(We apologise for the image quality; this mural was damaged at the bottom.)
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]


Dependent origination
This teaching of the Buddha’s is explained in detail here.

The twelve stages of dependent origination are shown around the rim. They are: 1. Ignorance: a blind man; 2. Willed action: a potter; 3. Conditioned consciousness: a restless monkey; 4. Form and existence: a boat; 5. Senses: windows of a house; 6. Sense-impressions: two lovers; 7. Sensation: an arrow in the eye; 8. Craving : a man drinking; 9. Attachment: clinging to a fruit tree; 10. Becoming: a pregnant woman; 11. Birth ; 12. Old age, death
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]


In the top right corner, Buddha is showing the way. He is outside the wheel to show that he has escaped the cycle of life and death. Buddha is pointing to Yama and the wheel to teach his followers the true nature of existence.
Photo © [Falk Kienas/iStockphoto]


More information can be found here:

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Take care that what you have here isn’t actually Theosophy in ancient Egyptian drag as this stuff so often is. The doctrine of karma is dependent on the doctrine of reincarnation which is simply not a part of Egyptian life after death, no matter how much modern occultists try to twist it.

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I don’t care about next life. that’s one of the points i was making .If your so focus on getting good karma in next life, then your not living in your present life. So if your not living in present life than what’s the point? your just doing things to please karma concept that can’t even be proven. And not only that. You don’t remember your past life so it’s pointless as each life is a clean slate since birth. Worrying about your next life being good due to this life’s action is just kind of a nonsense way of living. If you do things in this life, you want to experience result reward in this life.


Mmmkay! Then will proceed with the The Wheel of Karma stuff.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

And will look more into reincarnation.

The hindu aspect of karma I believe in as it exists for those who follow the hindu ideologies, so the legitimacy lies in your belief of it and thus it will affect you in the next life, you don’t then it has no affect on you. Not all cultures believe in karma and thus karma has no place or hold on their life after this one or their experiences.

So while this has some merit, it’s more it exists if you believe it does and you follow it’s “teaching” but outside of it then it does not.


I realize I may have been unclear. Reincarnation is not an ancient Egyptian concept. Just had to clarify.