The laziest thing I can think of (almost)

have fun, if you can be bothered to do the python stuff then good for you… if you use it from the site it will repeat your intention some 10,000,000 times per second, backed by an adequate servitor.

you literally need no skill to use it but if you have skill then its basically a free exploit, i’ve used it in invocation, operation, healing and banishing with success so I can vouch from a point of relative experience.

I think for noobs this can be especially useful for unblocking themselves and to feel different kinds of energy ect…


Have you tried this yourself yet? What were your results?


I have. I’ve had good results using it as a supplement to my other modes of operation. So healing and cleansing on spaces, myself and other people, helping my mind solidify in itself intent/affirmation, considerable effect by input of radionics rates, invocation ect… Even got my neighbors to stfu on all sides :zipper_mouth_face: there are many more examples I could say but they eludes me in this moment

It hasn’t been a waste of time for me so I’m sharing it that others can enjoy it if they like this kind of interface.


The concept is interesting.
Even King Paimon taught the techniques of written affirmations.
The Internet, or even the written word, can be a portal to beings from other worlds. So theoretically, even digital recording should have power. Theoretically.
Buddhist monks use prayer wheels. I don’t want to repeat the nonsense the Dalai Lama said.
That when we have a platter disk (old type) in the computer, when the disk spins, it repeats millions of times the sutras and mantras that are written on it.
@Vodka don’t worry about what other people think. Just sitting on this forum excludes you from “normal” society. What do you care what people think on this forum?
Do you have any manifestations of health or money using this generator?


for me anything that solidifies my will is valid, hence my heavy use of radionics over the last 10 years.
I did enjoy your response but I don’t understand this part;

Because frankly I don’t give a shit, I dropped by to share something I’ve enjoyed using. It’s upto people to try it themselves or not. I’m not attached to anyone else’s outcome and I’m not seeking validation when to my experience it has held up as valid.

Health yes. I’ve not tried with anything financial yet, though its rare for me to do money work for myself. By the virtue of detatchment it’s always been easier for me to do money stuff for other people.

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This closer to the framing in my mind. Language being an array of symbols we use to form structures

This look cool, but i cannot hear anything when i put my intention in the box and press enter.

Should i be hearing something?

Hi bro
What is the King Paimon’s techniques of written affirmations.???.

No there is no sound

So, if I want to use it on evocation should I type the enn in the box, press enter and that’s it? If I want to work with affirmations, should I just write the affirmations and let it run? I’m trying to understand, it looks like a super useful tool but I’m 100% a noob with this kind of tech

Me too, but I don’t think it will work with an enn.
The point of an enn is mainly the vibration through your own voice or listening to it.
I think with affirmations or statements or intent, you type in the sentence and let it run while you meditate and/ or visualize.

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Oh, ok, that makes a lot more sense! So it would be useful to put the affirmations on repeat while meditating on the intent. Go it! I will try this for sure, maybe for a month every day and then come back to report any changes on the situation.

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That might have the potential to be quite powerful.
I think I might also figure out a way to involve Xaturing in this.


what is the best way to use this?

for a lazy freebie its actually very good. respect to the guy who made it

use your imagination. it’s designed to not go against anybodies free will but if you tell it you felt like you drank a bottle of wine then it might make you feel a lil giddy