The Infernal Saga. ( The True Lore and Myths of Hell )

I consider myself privileged to hear this, thanks

thank you for this

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Fascinating… That’s really all I can say.

Funny enough, Agrat Bat Malaht visited me while I was reading this. She was reading alongside me and made lots of approving comments.


Yeah I could hear it in the voices of the one’s that I have met. The one’s I have heard their voice. It was like actors reading a script.


This is so beautiful and amazing. You don’t know how proud I am! My king :black_heart: This has inspired so many people… Great work sweetie :stuck_out_tongue: :relieved:


Extremely amazing and inspiring, there is certainly a lot to learn from this. You did an excellent job Conner Kendall worth admiring.

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This rite creates a sort of Demonic form/ Body
No seriously it’s like an on an off switch that’s activated
You can flick it on and the whole room and gets flooded with infernal energy


Man did anyone else feel their demonic body physically? ? Strait up I felt it form around me like body armour, thank you again @C.Kendall, your teachings are monumental stepping stones for my infernal path. Much love fam.:smiling_imp:


For me, it feels more like its one with me than a separate form. Didn’t feel it as strong at first when I did the rite last night, even though I know it was successful, but I went to bed feeling like my body and cells were being operated on and modified. Woke up this morning with my entire body and the air around me vibrating and my heart beating hella fast. If I focus on it right now, I can definitely feel the infernal energy clearly coursing throughout me and even at times horns or a crown and other things. That rite is no joke :love_you_gesture:


Im at a kids birthday party. I just flicked it on :joy::joy:


I just finished the rite.
Goosebumps during the whole rite, want masturbate and a pressure on the top of my head with very strong goosebumps at the end of the rite, short breath and heart rate accelerate

What do you think?



I shall look closer for clues and hidden keys so that I can understand everything better. But really thanks for your effords. I’m glad that I read it!

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Fascinating and humbling I could say, thanks for sharing brother! Though I cant help but have some intriguing thoughts. There are many sorcerers that channeled and spoke with those demons and each mage has something different t say, many times even contradicting to what we read here or from others. Of course not everyone really channeled or evoked those beings but I cant help but wonder, why so many different stories? Once Again brother, thank you for sharing this amazing experience~

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Thanks all for your kind words and i’m just happy i could contribute this piece but i mostly would like to thank all of you.

AND THE INFERNAL EMPIRE. :love_you_gesture:t2:


Much to ponder, yet I would know more. and I intent to prove the words of the message from the legions of demons, yes I will speak the words out loud for my self, to determine if indeed the doors will be opened.
Thank you for this Tome, well written, much in it that rings of truth.
I will pm you to enquire more of the words that knock on the door that it may be opened.

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Nope, I did read this ritual in one of the grimoires, i’m not sure which one. The meditation and invocation will be all.
Did you do it already @Vovin

Thank you for the channeling @C.Kendall , I finally had the time to read it, makes things more clear. Great job.

Kinda ties into my understanding of the history of demons. But by my visions and such the demons were races of human not inducted into the Universalist Continuum. The Continuum ruled the earth and continues to rule the Earth at every age. Through the ages others have stood against the Continuum and became demonized into less than human forms. So the demonized races were abandoned and hunted down by the Continuum. I have a split soul. Part of me is with the Continuum and the other part is demon. My heart goes out to the shunned tribes and peoples.

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I saw a vision two days ago, I don’t know if it was actually a vision but I guess it’s worth mentioning. It gave me a “past” event feeling.

In my vision King Paimon along with his armies was fighting against a wierd race. They seemed evil and they were showing great disrespect to him too. That race was human like but stronger and wierd to be honest. They looked more like reptilians but not exactly. I can’t remember much about them to be honest. The fight was great and it seemed pretty physical. I don’t know who won, I think King Paimon though won that.
It was a nice vision indeed.


Okay now I’m getting a lot of shit on “reptilians”.

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