The Infernal Obelisk Rising - Group Ritual Project

I feel the energy around my head, around where the 3rd Eye and Crown chakras should be (I got rid of my chakras). The thing is I know my magick works, but I would like to be able to see and hear spirits on command, like when I was a kid, also when I was a kid I could read other people’s thoughts, which was pretty cool.

Well that was interesting. Lots of notes to take down.

Can’t wait to hear what you all experienced. Well I am going to finish these notes. Hope to have more to take down from you all in the morning.

Will share what I experienced/“saw” to the best of my abilities tomorrow.
But I am going to hit the hay once done writing things down.


Thats part of why I am having waffles rn xD The beacon of darkness in the other room doesnt help much either :stuck_out_tongue: I am usually jittery after a ritual, but this one had so much energy that I was literally shaking during the meditation parts. So its no wonder others are having a bit of trouble grounding as well xD the group ritual really had a lot of power behind it.


Good luck and goodnight

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Maybe what satan met is that you need to find a way to get back to your roots. What did you do differently as a child that have lost? How did you view the world back then?


Glad to know I am not the only one lol I noticed I was like this after shape shifting in my last ritual as well, so I think part of my problem is that I have not completely gotten used to it.


I either did not care about the world or thought of it as being mostly negative, I was not happy much, but when I was I was pretty damn happy (there is a high likelihood that I have anti social personality disorder) and I have never experienced emotions like other people (I experience emotions, but it is not how most people do). When I was very little I was happy most of the time, until I had to go to school and church

Um try pushing down into the earth and the. Up into the wind. I think that’s why it is so windy. It might help balance everything back.


Already have, as well as shifted back. I think this is something I will just have to ride out.


I added to the last reply btw and thank you so much for helping me out

True the other two elements too water and fire. I am struggling balancing. Lost of Lowe back pain now. So I am going to jump into a bath.


So, it sounds like the change occurred when you were introduced to authority and conformity.

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I hate lower back pain, good luck getting rid of it

I also lit a white, green and brown candle.


That is one of the reasons I am drawn to this path

Two black and a red candle on my end.


It’s where I would energy that I can’t get rid of.

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Makes sense. Have you given C. Kendall’s Darkness Challenge a go yet?

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No, what is it?

Good, I think doing that will get you grounded. It helps the earth too.