The Hidden Magick Power And Truth Of The Quran

Damn they reported you to Cimer? Lmfao some people are insufferable.


Yeah, they’re Rats: anything they don’t understand, they run away from…

Like here, when you look strange, not like everybody else they call the cops on you, without you breaking any written rules…

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Blend in…

No I will not, I was able to brain wash the cops to leave me along,

They’re not the sharpest tool in the shed…

Neither are you. Im not stupid. You can stop hiding behind bullshit fake wisdom and say you have a problem with me lounging your thread.

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Polishing a brick…

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Ok. Got it.
Good day.

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You too :hugs: if you have a problem with me please be forthright with it. No one is benefited by the atmosphere vague allusions create.

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I don’t know you and you don’t know me…

If you’re a cop or have one in the family…
I’m sorry…

Cops in my country are not cops in the US and UK…

They mostly give out traffic citations and robberies and murders you know, not really handled…

I got two cells stolen and when I went to the station, what do they tell me: “it’s classified as a misdemeanor, sorry we cannot geo locate them, have a nice day”

Basically, you’re on your own…

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Alright my bad. I misunderstood what you were saying :sweat_smile: have a good day!

It’s ok…
Trying to be everyone’s friend, you end up being no one’s friend…

I can tell you, that I had several people in my country really getting into fist fights with me.

And on more than one occasion wishing for my death, just because of my words…

I have an aura of conflict around me…

Have a great day…

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Yes, I hope they do not put me in a jail or something

praise satan, help :slight_smile:

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If I were you, I would delete every post that mentions baneful, which includes love spells, and anything anti religion.

Who did you trigger bad enough to get reported?


There was a page which called paranormal news, anyone so I shared some informations because ıt was why the page was created, but some provincial shit reported me saying those things were dangerious and were belong to kabballah .


A provincial?

If they are triggered because of their beliefs you can have the same argument as well. I don’t think its that big of a problem unless this ‘provincial’ is what I think it is


The quran is Arabian mythology mixed with Sumerian, Hebrew and Egypt mythology. I think mythology is allegories and metaphorical speaking about the spiritual realm and it’s entities.

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Does it mean that there are truth in the claim that the quran cannot be reproduced or produced something like it because Muhammed got inspiration from these goddesses? It claims that man nor djinn can produce like it.

I think the fact the Koran has been reproduced by multiple printing companies shoes it can be reproduced.

As to creating another writing like it? Why would anyone want to? The so-called holy books of the big 3 religions and their offshoots have caused more then enough trouble in this world. I hope NO-ONE ever makes more writings like them. Those books put people at each other’s throats. So I hope no one makes more.

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