The healthy version of me wants the best for him…

So I’m starting to think that the main reason I haven’t been getting accurate answers from Tarot is because I’ve been doing online readings instead of using my physical cards.

Other than convenience, the main reason I’ve been doing that is because I’ve been getting frustrated when a card comes out, and I am unsure if it was supposed to be reversed or upright. I don’t have to worry about that when I’m doing an online reading.
You know how you’ll be shuffling the cards thinking of your question and then the card flies out across the room or it comes out and falls against something so the way it originally came out gets reversed.
Yeah, I’ve been getting tired of trying to decipher whether or not the card was meant to come out upright or reversed so I have been doing way more online readings.

Anyway, so I just did a reading using my physical cards (RWT) Asking about the potential love outcome between him and another girl and I got the sixth of cups.
I also asked
-is the relationship between us meant to work out
-is there relationship meant to develop into something more meaningful
-Are humans meant to be in monogamous relationships?
-Are humans meant to be in polyamorous relationships?
I got Yes cards for each answer so that didn’t help much.

When I looked up, what the six of cups means for potential love outcomes, it was talking about helping heal inner child wounds.

The healthy side of me isn’t jealous. She read that and was like oh good for him. Hopefully, she can truly help him with something from his past that he’s dealing with.

But then there’s the other side of me that immediately got upset thinking why doesn’t he want to do that with me?

Probably because of the goddamn hexes that I’ve done on him and the forced self reflection spell buried in my backyard :sob:

I did the hexes over a year ago, but I think they may still be affecting him because when I talked to the girl, she told me that he was telling her things that he wasn’t telling me in regards to not feeling like himself, fighting inner Demons, going through things in life, etc. and I just did The forced self reflection spell 3/4 weeks ago. He talk to me and tell me stuff but from talking to her seems like he was telling her more.

I know part of the reason that Things aren’t working out the way that I want them to is because of negative feelings and resentment that I’m still holding onto.

The healthy version of me can let him go because she is wants him to happy whether it’s with her or someone else. But that’s not the version that doing all this spellwork (I actually haven’t don’t THAT much)

I want what I want and I want it exactly the way that I fucking picture it. My goddamn fairytale.

Undivided effort and attention from him for six months to a year, Then, once our relationship reaches a place of true harmony THENNNN he can seek out & incorporate other women cause I’m definitely open to a poly relationship.
WE have to get right first though.

Last time I talked to him, I told him that not communicating with me and avoiding talking to me about real stuff while you go live in the honeymoon phase with a new girl is not for lack of a better word productive to the progress that we are trying to make in our relationship.

He definitely needs time to miss me. He’s taking me for granted.

And this is why without a reading or any guidance I feel like things are meant to work out between us Because when I was doing those hexes, I felt way more passionate than I felt when trying to fix things and cleanse things away So I know they were very strong, I mean, he lost his car his job his dog caught new court cases So yeah, they definitely worked well an to this day Seems like he’s still dealing with some mental issues. (I wish he wasn’t but I don’t regret or feel bad about what I did, well I feel like a LITTLE tinyyy bit bad but not really, I more so just wish he would get over it so he can feel better)

But despite all of that, we still talk, things are rocky things are weird, but they’re not completely bad. I’ve shown up to this house on some crazy stalker stuff Three times, I slashed his tires a long time ago like so much has happened and we are still talking trying to make things work. He is putting in effort. It’s just not enough Because he’s also talking to other women and putting effort and energy into them.

I told him that we aren’t gonna be able to get to a better place if he continues to do that. I told him you should probably fix things and make things right with the girl He’s been talking to for six years who got his name tattooed versus seeking out other women because you don’t wanna have difficult conversations with me.

I don’t know and I really don’t give a fuck I want what the fuck I want. I don’t give a flying fuck if this shit between me and this man doesn’t last forever. I waited years for him and I’m going to try my best to get this fucking fairytale that I feel like I rightfully deserve.

I would be content with us having a happy loving relationship for a year or two and then it not working out cause it wasn’t meant to. I mean, I’ve seen examples of that here on BALG someone putting in a lot of effort to get an ex back and then working out for a while and then they still end up breaking up. I’m OK with that as long as I can get six months plus of us being happy & harmonious.

I’m so curious what myself and others will think and feel a couple years from now looking back at all of these posts and efforts that I’m making in regards to this one particular situation.

These seem to all be the same subject about your feeling around the issues with your current target, so I have merged them.

Please try to avoid making duplicate touch for the same issue. Thanks!

Gotcha my bad

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There’s a super long post on here about the whole process a young lady took to try to get her ex back. I can’t think of Her name but reading her story was not enough for me to not try to get my own ex back despite her trying so hard and for so long using so many different methods and things still not working out the way that she wanted them to.

Every situation & story is different so that’s what I’m doing. Sharing my own personal story & progress whether good or bad.

Granted, I haven’t been posting as much as I Want to in regards to my goal to showcase my story to help other people, but I’ll get better with that in due time.

The type of person you are, your mindset, trauma that you’ve been through, you’re upbringing, the specific spell that you’re doing, etc. etc. etc. etc. like so many factors matter when trying to determine what the best route to go in your specific situation is.

My situation could definitely turn out to be. This is why love magic typically doesn’t work situation but see the thing is even me writing this statement and feeling like that can affect the magic that I’m trying to do.

Even if all my efforts fail, I feel like me talking about the way that I think, the way that I view things, sharing my opinions, The methods I’m trying, why I’m trying them, like All these details matter and like I said every situation is different. You never know what one little thing you Post about can help someone else. My story will be another helpful story on BALG just like the one I’m referencing.

I don’t mind learning harsh lessons. I don’t mind failing, in my mind every single thing that I’m posting about & every detail that I include in my posts can help someone else and I of course, will be learning from myself as well.