For the past couple weeks I have downloaded the free pdf versions of various GoM books(cashbook, 72 sigils of power, wealth magic) and just now upon looking on here and Reddit, apparently there is some sort of curse on those who “pirate” GoM books. Am I affected by this curse? Is it even real? I did a ritual from 72 sigils of power and everything worked fine.
I also want to know if corwin hargrove books have this “curse” because I’ve downloaded a few of those as well.
I used to be scared of it.
I think the more you’re afraid of it, the more it’ll make you doubt.
I downloaded some books too, just to have a look through them. So many people do, when you go to a bookshop, you also read the cover and leaf through it, don’t you, before you buy a book.
I bought them later when I was able, but putting the real deal and the copy side by side, there was no difference. Either way, you could do a ritual or petition to ‘make this copy work, until you earn the money to pay for the real deal and not be cursed.’ that’ll work.
In short, yes. It exists and you are claimed as a target. It’s basically will against will, same as any other curse.
Whether you as a mage can counteract or negate that is another question, as well as whether you would notice… if the curse is only “none of your rituals from this book will work”, how would you even know if you were cursed or if your magick is just not working? Attempts fail all the time. You might just go “oh well, I’m glad I didn’t pay for that the rituals don’t work anyway”.
I have downloaded multiple pdfs from Gallery Of Magick and Corwin Hargrove, I did that because I wasn’t in the conditions to buy it (back in the day I didn’t have an account to buy an Amazon ebook, nor a bank to make the payment) and I think the entities did know that in that moment I wasn’t in the conditions to buy the originals. The magick still worked and everything was fine, when I finally had the conditions to buy the first that I bought was Lucifer and The Hidden Demons simply because I had such a grateful experience in Pathworking with Lucifer and that (for what I saw) Theodore didn’t put a threat to curse or whatever thing the GoM try to do. Later on I bought too the originals from GoM. I also love the way that the author Almikar Zulfuras did a clever way to make an “anti-piracy” magick.
thanks Mr. Keleton, that was what I was trying to say. Sometimes, a person simply doesn’t have the money or the means to buy those foreign books over the internet. a pdf can be useful to find out if they like the style of magick, until they can earn some money to buy it or have it sent.
To be honest I don’t think the entities care - they want contact and human society issues aren’t a big consideration for them.
The issue of a curse then is only about what the author has or has not done as part of the specific curse, and whether it’s strong enough to actually affect the thousands that read stolen copyright material. It probably affects some more than others. .
To be honest it’s probably futile - most people getting pirated material were never going to buy the book anyway, so it’s not really a case of lost revenue. But buying when you can is what keeps these books being made. Book writing is not a big money maker, for many it’s a labor of love that costs them and doesn’t earn enough to have been worth the time and effort, but maybe brings awareness to them for selling magickal services.
The risk is that if people all steal too much, we’ll just not have authors crating anything to steal any more, and then we all lose out. This is already the case with people who could put out cool work not bothering because they can’t make any money doing it.
Just be honest with the spirit and tell them you don’t have the money to buy the book right now. Ask them to help you find the money so you can support the author by purchasing the original book. I did something similar with the Magikal Casbook. I used a PDF version to get the money, and then I bought the original copy.
I just want to reply to add more opinions about this subject.
And you are right, the spirits actually don’t care if we use pirate books or not. We work with them as if we give them a reason to exist.
Regarding Corwin Hargrove, even he says that magic is only 50/50, so why do you care about the curse? It may work 50/50. He even says that magic is actually influenced by people close to us, so as strangers, we have nothing to do with him. Why should we be scared? You can even use another magic book to counter his curses. LOL.
The funniest part is that all the stuff they have, they take it for free from ancient grimoire books.
The problem with me is, do their modern grimoires work consistently, or do they just like all folk reviews, do 1 or 2 rituals to solve one of their many problems and then let the books gather dust?
All of the reviews on Amazon, I take with a grain of salt. No one ever reviews the journey they use the grimoire for 1 year or six months so that we can see how consistent their books are.
I’ve used Angelic Magick from Corwin Hargrove and still works till this day, the same can be said about Lucifer and The Hidden Demons and Carl Spartacus Goetia Lemegeton
Update to add, since I just realized the title asked about Corwin Hargrove’s books: as far as I know, Corwin Hargrove does not apply curses to his work to protect against copyright theft.
He does formally state that you should discard stolen copies and pay for the real this, but does not make any threats around that. It seems his focus is more about laws in your country.
Countries where such books are banned come with higher prices to pay if you’re found with these anyway.
This is the copyright page from Goetia Pathworking on Kindle:
He had a little sentence on the first page of his book that sounded kinda ominous to me. It went something like “If you obtained a pirated version of this book, you would be wise to discard of it”. That was what made me think it was cursed
I don’t remember where, but somewhere on the GoM website, they talk about the curse that’s on the books.
I would say they pretty much negated their ability to curse you when they released their protection book. Seems kind of paradoxical. “Don’t steal our books! They’re cursed! Oh here’s how to do away with that pesky curse too…”
Curses, regardless of type are about momentum.(Yes, that’s very simplified, purposefully so) So if you actively practice protection, it’s not much of a problem.
The trick is that when you think this way, the curse activates, and your magic becomes less effective because you always have doubt in your mind.
Just pretend you’ve completely bought into the idea of purchasing this book, and you’ll be fine. I often use transurfing to shift realities. If you shift to the reality where you bought the book and pretend for three days, your subconscious will accept it as reality