The Exiled Key : A Talisman Every Black Magician Should Try

Maybe could you do a video clip of saying it? I personally am awful with pronouncing stuff even if it’s said how it’s pronounced. Thank you!!



Okay so click this video it’s in the background at 6:01 :slightly_smiling_face:



Thank youuu

Well, one last question, would it be helpful or helpful for someone with closed astral senses to apply this?

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I don’t see why not


I just tried it but I’m not sure if I did it right thanks @C.Kendall

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What did you use it for ?

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I am definitely going to try this. It reminds me of a Voudon (Voodoo) veve.


I’m working on the key, I haven’t been able to use it yet. I just spilled some blood on it. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I was doing it right.

I wanted to communicate with Astaroth as I thought I had a problem communicating with spirits. that was my intention


Glad you said that. My ability to draw sucks so I tend to print most things off.


Awesome to hear :slightly_smiling_face:

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Could be the audio effects, but something’s really trippy about that chant in the video.

Feels very alien. I was definitely getting some wierd vibes off that. Lol

Could be cool to loop that audio as a meditative track.


This is really awesome man. Thank you for always making this great information public to us. But I have one question. Do I need to place blood on it and chant the song every time I use it or just for the initial activation?


Been pretty good to siphon energy off of, like a battery. Did a couple spirit workings, and the communications have been pretty clear, a bit more than usual. Clairsenses in general feel more open and receptive. Divination workings are also fairly clear. Cursework manifested faster than usual. Protected me from an expensive and detrimental happenstance (what could have been a 2k usd fix turned into a 20$ fix instead).

Just some small things, will work up to more eventually. Only drew it, didn’t do anything else.

I like it. Kind of funny, though, I can feel the potential but using it for simple mundane tasks feels like I’m driving an expensive sports car only 25 mph to get snacks down the street.


I have read my name lol hi

Is that even a thing? I thought I made that up

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Do we have to close the key after opening it, drawing from it?

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What I’ve found is, especially with creative writing, that what is made up often was only taken from the greater pool of collective knowledge. Sometimes words or names I’ve come up with at random or through a process of randomization or pure creative spirit has resulted in names with very profound meanings.

I will be printing out the sigil to experiment with it. And you mention closing? I’ve never tried closing a sigil before. How is that done?

ok one last question from me. This key. Do we leave it open so it’s with us all the time or do we need to close it when we are done. Or is the key basically a key to unlock ourselves.


Closing it can be done however one chooses personally, i gaze upon it via scrying vision seeing it active and pulsating with energy. I will then place my right hand over it closing my eyes and visualising the energy being soaked into the lines and eventually dimming, no longer is it alive and awake it dims and sleeps so to speak and then I simply push my intent and will through that hand into the symbol and state something like

“I close this gateway now before me, I seal it up, I seal it up, I seal it up”.

Of course there is the average burning of the symbol/gate/sigil too.


It doesn’t have a specific function experiment and use it as you see fit :slightly_smiling_face:

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