The Exiled Key : A Talisman Every Black Magician Should Try

@C.Kendall … thank you for this and all your work.


gunna give it a few different tries


Awesome and yeah this has had resounding effects for the many people who know how truly utilise such a tool


You’re welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s pronounced how it’s written my friend, at least for me it is depends on one’s own pronounciation


So a huge thing I should have stated is it’s best to either print it out or use tools to get it as symmetrically perfect as possible. The source of who I channeled it from says the main importance is in its geometry/symmetry.


Wow. When I first saw it I thought it’s so geometric and yet seems for some reason to have character and personality. I couldn’t help but see a resemblance of a face in your design so maybe that’s why a facial shape came about when I drew mine.

Noted. I will have another try with drawing it more accurately.


As I was activating the key, briefly saw a black hole/pool swirling and opening towards the direction of the floor. Thought I felt something like hands gently clasped around the back of my head for a second.?
Thought I saw a face in there too.
Used it with an invocation of Lucifer and it was more intense and could make a connection faster. Images in mind’s eye were also more vivid, which was great because lately I’ve had trouble seeing anything at all, like a fog has been shrouding everything and finally lifted a bit today.
I’m going to try putting a crystal matrix on it tomorrow to use for something else

Thank you for sharing this!



Keep a note of this. This is good stuff x


Does this need to be activated with blood or sex fluids each time it is used? Or just the first time?

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There was a binding performed on me. I could not astrally project very well anymore, felt blocked and bondaged. It never happened before. I thought about evoking opfaal
but shortly after, I read about the talisman.

Then I drew it chanted and activated it.
I felt a magnetic pull. Very strong, and started seeing weird things with my third eye (hard to describe) finally I could „climb“ into it, and astrally project next to my target. It felt like a tunnel, but it didn’t look like one.
Worked wonderfully. Thank you for sharing.


Hey sweetheart how are you doing? It’s been a bit since I’ve seen you. I was worried. I am glad to see your back and well I hope.


I’m having really smooth evocations when using this talisman prior. It’s like the time a d energy of bringing the spirit to me are cut down significantly. Has anyone else had similar effects?


Hi! I’m good, thanks, how are you doing?

Going to get some A4 winks cardstock and an assortment of sharpie colors. Going to try this with the secrana and healing. Maybe I will make some secrana extra supply, and give it as a gift to the two hospitals in town.

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How exactly is this pronounced?

You would gaze at the Key as you evoke a spirit do i have that right?

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That’s one way of using it yes


It’s pronounced how it’s written

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