The Eidolons journey

Yup, someone is dying. Or: some are dying. Plural. Its only a matter of order (being a male member of this bloodline seems to come with the guarantee of an untimely and long winded death), although one of them seems currently to be in the preparatory phase of leaving this world. I am busy with getting some things for them in order, wondering if irony has it that I will be in the presence of their last breath. Zuhal was right about not leaving me off the hook, yet.

As much as I am currently forced to be involved with family matters against my will: the recurring lifelong nightmares have vanished in that regard. I suppose its connected to a ritual/therapy session I did with Focalor, the other day. Thank you. The symbolism of that peculiar date flew completely over my head.

Health update: I have started to pull the complete weight of my fitness program, again. Thank you again, Ma Mawli for your assistance with a swift healing here. Thank you Buer for overseeing the changes of my body and for assisting me with everything concerning nutrition, resting phases and staying active on high stress days.

Thank you Leraje, for always pushing me in that regard, as well. I had no idea that discipline - out of all things- would become one of my virtues. Thank you for never giving up on that :sweat_smile:

The rain project got along nicely. Thank you, Hubal. Your intervention here was well-paced and carefully directed. Thank you Biel, for protecting my forest areas during the summer storms. Thank you Dablat, the soil feels so much better again.

Curiosity guided my hand through the lions gate energy, as well. I utilized a spirit board in order to create a word-key to tap into the manifestational quality of this happening. It spelled out the word “fayid”, which can be translated into material excess or surplus in the arabic language. I carved the arabic letters for that word into the bottom of a candle and decided to meditate on this word and its connection to the portals energy. A lush wheat field, nourishing rain on fertile soil, the approaching harvest time filled my inner vision. A little bit more than enough. This will be the motto of how this energy will manifest itself in my life. Always a little bit more than enough.

A day later my boss asked me if I would notice how my coworker would always refer to me as their “assistant”. I honestly didn’t notice how often that was the case and I told him that its not a problem for me, although its technically not correct. He told me that he found it to be disrespectful; he will instigate an official change of title and contract in regards of what I am doing (connected with probably another pay raise, as this title is already bordering the next higher pay grade very much), clearing up any confusion about my rank :sweat_smile:

Not sure if its related, but since mentioning this to my friend they came out of a rut in regards of their inner call and alignment. And it made me incredibly happy to witness that transformation.