The Dweller on the Threshold

Please explain.

Post was made 6 years ago, sadly I doubt that’s going to happen.

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I didn’t realise, can you point me to more current posts or topics?

No, because I’m not the forum’s search engine :laughing: but you’ll see a little icon for search top right which IS. :mag_right:

Point taken!

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Just thought you should know, I did do that before, that’s how I ended up replying to that post, didn’t realise it was an old post!

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No probs, I have nothing on this because I never encountered the Dweller, or if I ever did, I have forgotten.

Try asking Dorr?

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Thank you, much appreciated. X

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The OP is explaing why he doesn’t see or hear or experience Spirits/demons in other dimensions as his rituals do not seem to be successful as he is blocked or has blockages as negative energy that will not manifest and is hindering his magic.

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I have just googled about dorr! Not really what I was thinking or feeling, no offence! but thanks for the advice!

What is an OP?

U wot m8? :laughing:

I posted the spirit here, I (re)discovered them, so not sure what Google would be able to add to that, I was thinking if you soul-travel to them and ask them, as a threshold being, what the Dweller is, means, etc…

  1. I don’t know how to soul travel.

I sent you a method ages ago?

If you don’t mind, would you send it to me again. Thanks.

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The “Original Poster” the guy who who created the thread and posed his questions and situation, in this case YogaApprentice.

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Can I also have the method too please?

I have encountered this dweller many times. Just when I am on the verge of leaving my body, I will hear some kind of racket like banging on the wall or someone calling my name. Other times its some kind of disturbing vibe in the room. They key to this is to view it as a test and simply ignore it. It’s fake.

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I mean some people say it’s a test but according some once you beat it the first you get knowledge of all your past lives, you get unlimited access to the astral plane and you also get your full set of lost psychic faculties back

Also aren’t those just astral noises rather than the dweller, the concept is similar but the dweller is an actual shadow like entity begat from the acolytes subconscious that appears before them on the qlipphoth/lower astral and denies them access to the astral until certain conditions are met.

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