The Divine Feminine, who is the Goddess older than Naamah?

Thanks for that link, excellent resource. My own research and communication with various forms of the Goddess confirm all of that. I usually don’t even call her by name, because she has so many names and forms, in Hinduism, they just merge into Mahadevi or Great Goddess, which encompasses all her various aspects, forms and names. She can appear as any of them at will.

I once sent her to assist a friend in need, on the other side of the world. This is how she described the encounter:

I had an experience today, but it was not in any way that I could have ever imagined it or even anticipated it…So I know it was the real deal.

For a week now, I have been in so much pain and the overall feeling of malaise and total fatigue has been incredible. Even getting up to use the bathroom tires me out so much that I need to sleep for a while to get over the slightest physical exertion.

Today, I just had enough…I lost the will to keep going on and I laid down on my bed with a “if you’re going to kill me, could we please do this quickly rather than slowly…Just get it over with…I am totally over all this suffering and want an end to it…NOW!” and I just closed my eyes and slowed down my breathing, preparing for the journey.

The next thing I knew, I was looking at a bright light through my closed eyelids…It looked like I was staring straight into the sun…but it was almost like an electric blue in colour…in a purple sky, with black clouds…So, I said, in my mind… “Is that you, Inanna?” and I heard a giggle…like a small child laughing playfully… and the brightness of the electric sun in my Ajna Chakra intensified.

So, I formed a mental image of the Goddess Durga riding the tiger and said “Do you look like this?” …and there was no reply. So I formed another mental image of the Goddess Kali and went “what about this then?” Then, she laughed and went “no, silly…I don’t look anything like that”…So I said “okay then, what do you look like? What shall I call you?”

Then, she said “for you, my name is Tara and I look like this…”
see the pictures of the green Tara on the internet

Then she said “I can also look like this if you want me to and you can call me Kwan Yin…The female Bodhisattva of Compassion” and she became like a glorious, graceful white Asian babe in flowing golden robes…

I wish I had the option of posting pictures on my mobile phone off Pinterest without having to download them first, but I lost the ability to post direct links to photos on Pinterest about a month ago.

Anyway, not much happened after that…but she asked me to relax and I was bathed in a greenish turquoise light…hard to describe the colour of it…

I felt very peaceful, but there was no noticeable difference in my physical health once I regained normal waking consciousness, but I also realise that this will take time.


Hinduism has its own distinct path of the goddess. Here the oldest goddess would be Adi Shakti or Adya Kali.



Thank You for sharing!

That is a beautiful experience.


Thank You!


told you i was silent for a reason. you are the queen to thyself.

learn it. be it. become it.

i am a copy of her. you are a copy of her.

mirrored. Egypt.

lips are sealed for now. name will come later.

she an architectural structure for a greek goddess.

i am still learning of her.

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@Chrisk - I have not summoned Tara yet. But did visualize her blue colors. I relaxed immediately.


Again, thank you for sharing your experience.


The Egyptian Goddess/Queen Neith pre-dates Goddess Tiamet, Goddess Nammah, and other important Egyptian goddesses.

Thank you @anon482649 for sending me a private message on BALG with this information. :heartpulse::sparkling_heart:

The Oldest One; Nurse of Crocodiles

The inscription on Neith’s temple in Sais in the Nile Delta (now modern Sa el-Hagar) read:

I am all that has been,

that is and that will be

No mortal has yet been able

to lift the veil that covers me

Neith, the First One, primordial goddess, was never born but always existed. Alternatively she is completely self-generated. Neith travelled from the deserts and oases of Libya to emerge as among the greatest of Egyptian goddesses. In one Egyptian creation myth, Neith brought forth Ra, the sun. Then she invented the shuttle and loom, put the sky on her loom, and wove the world into existence. Neith, the first to give birth, invented weaving. Her name may derive from a word for “to weave” or “to knit.”

Neith is a goddess of hunting. She presides over crafts of all kinds, including witchcraft and warcraft. Amuletic weapons placed in the tomb to protect the deceased from evil spirits were consecrated to Neith. She is the judge of the Egyptian deities. After eighty years, when the lawsuit between Horus and Set in the Court of Deities was still not resolved, Neith was called in to render a decision to which all would defer.

Also known as:




Favored people:

Soldiers, hunters, weavers, artisans


Neith appears as an androgynous woman. She wears the red crown of Lower Egypt. She sometimes appears in the guise of a golden cobra, too.


She is customarily depicted with a green face and hands. Neith is portrayed suckling a crocodile at each breast.


Two arrows and a shield, shuttle


Crocodile, snake, bee




Flax, papyrus

Sacred site:

Her primary shrine was in Sais

Her relations are subject for debate. Her stature as a goddess of the Delta made her the wife of Khnum and the mother of Sobek. In varied times in history, she also became the mother of Ra, Isis, Horus and Osiris. Despite having sired many children, she is believed to be an eternally virgin goddess who can procreate without male assistance. She may also have created the serpent Apep, the enemy of Ra, by spitting into the primordial waters of Nun.

Her name literally meant water that is associated with creation. Thus, this garnered Neith the title, “the Mother of all Gods” and “the Great Goddess”

In Upper Egypt, she was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. She was also seen with the head of a snake or the cow linking her to Hathor and Nut. She is also often seen as a woman holding a specter or two arrows or a weaving shuttle while wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. Very seldom, she is illustrated as suckling her son Sobek, a crocodile god.

She is described to be a goddess whose wisdom prevails over her other counterparts. In fact, the Greek goddess, Athena was modeled after her. She is believed to be the only one to have created to the solution as to who would succeed Osiris as king of Egypt.


Her Consort:

Khnum is an ancient Egyptian god who was the God of the Nile inundation from Elephantine where he guarded the first cataract. Khnum name also spelled as Chnum, Knum, or Khnemu and he is one of the oldest Egyptian gods. He is also known as Chnoumis in Greek and his name ‘Khnum’ means “builder”.


Peeps should work with their own Goddesses they feel inclined too.

I will be working with Hekate and Kali, like originally planned. As well as Frigg.

Goddess Neith, that is a personal relationship that I am developing with her. I have felt very drawn to her in the last couple of days.

If I do find out she’s been reincarnated, I’ll simply stop working with her. As I have my own reservations on working with others who feel they must be worshipped.


In Khamitic Nubian Philosophy it’s Nut. She is the Divine Mother and her colors are white and blue for the element of water. In Yoruba she is Yemeya.


No one can define “older” correctly.
Older than what? The written history? If yes, then of which culture?
Or maybe the UPG of the individual? If yes, then my UPG and your UPG most likely are very afar.

If we got amnesia one day, all of us, and all books were destroyed does that mean that no god/goddess is older than…the moment we have memories?
There’s no such thing as “older”, even on deities that we know when they first appear in the said history. Because that is when we, as humans, gave a consciousnesses to the representation of the current and that doesn’t define who’s older than the other.

P.S. There are countless deities who are hidden.

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Thank You for this knowledge. :slight_smile:

Thank You for pointing this out. I didn’t think of this.


Al-Lāt ​The Earth Mother of Arabia

Before the spread of Islam people in the Middle Eastern cultures worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. The neopagan practice of worshiping polytheist Arabic deities and spirits is known as wathanism. Arabic cultures are tribal cultures and each tribe had their own protector deity. People believed to the ancestral spirits and jinnis the spirit of certain places and areas. Arabic deities were personifications of certain social customs and phenomenons in nature.


Element: earth
Symbols: camel, lion, gazelle, white granite, barley and wheat
(Al-Lāt in Arabic اللات)

Al-Lāt was the goddess of plenty, abundance, farming, merchandice, growth and protector of life. She was one of the protector goddesses of the city of Mecca and the main goddess of Banu Thaqif tribe. Central place of her worship was located in the city of Ta´if. The Banu Thaqif owned a white granite cube which was the symbol of the goddess. Other tribes from the near by areas; Banu Lihyan, Banu Hawazin, Banu Khuzaá and Banu Quraysh made frequent pilgrimages to the city to worship the goddess. People sacrificed porridge (sawiq) for her and small cakes made of wheat which the worshipers had prepared themselves. Animal symbols of the goddess varied depending on the location. Al-Lāt was worshiped nearly in every corner of the Arabian Peninsula all the way to southern Syria.


Two other North Arabian goddesses, Manāt (Fate) and al-ʿUzzā (Strong), were associated with al-Lāt in the Qurʾān (Islāmic sacred scriptures). The Prophet Muḥammad once recognized these three as goddesses, but a new revelation led him to abrogate the approving verses he had earlier recited and to abandon his attempt to placate Meccan pagans. Members of the tribe of Quraysh circumambulated the Kaʿbah in Mecca (now a central shrine of Islām in Mecca’s al-Ḥaram mosque) chanting the praises of al-Lāt, al-ʿUzzā, and Manāt. Each of the three had main sanctuaries near Mecca that were sites of pious visits and offerings until Muḥammad ordered them destroyed.


More reading:


I dont think she predates Tiamat, Tiamat is the literal void that all came from (in the sumerian pantheon) Tiamat is akin to Nun of the egyptians and Khaos of the greeks (not being them but hold similar forms and place within the pantheons)
Neith would be of similar standings depending on the story, but Neith is also thought to be a older form of Nephthys due to being the mother of Sobek who the father is thought to be Set/Seth.


Thank You!

I feel drawn to knowing about all Goddesses in different countries. So, I’ll just keep posting them here.


I’m pretty sure, I found your answer. Here’s my proof. Lilith has been around in multiple cultures since before time was even recorded. I’ve heard from others that she takes blood offerings. She is not necessarily to be confused with Ishtar/Inanna because she predates both. A very interesting school of thought has it that it was Lilith, not Lucifer that was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden that had tempted Eve, seeing that a woman figure would understand another woman extremely well.

Mmmhmmm. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m very well aware of her story; however, I have no desire to work with her - for personal reasons.

Thanks for sharing. My research is done for a few weeks, as my focus has shifted.

You will love Matka/Mokosh.

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Thank You! :revolving_hearts:

I’ll have to look this Goddess up when I’m through with another path working. :grin:

@anon84423462 - Thanks for the correction on Naamah’s name. :slightly_smiling_face:

:rofl::joy: Although I’ve got a degree in English, my spelling and grammar need some help most of the time. I get to excited and start typing way to fast. :cold_sweat::slightly_frowning_face::sweat_smile:


Dont mind it, it was just a typo but people couldnt find this thread because of of that typo in search button so I used my TL3 magick :joy:

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