The devil was in my dream

Soo… Last night at around maybe 3:30 am I had this odd dream/nightmare. And basically it goes like this. In the dream my friend had snuck me into his house to pay video games with him, after a while in his dad came in and we had to leave. As we were driving in the dream a van or some form of a vehicle I honestly don’t remember, not from the lack of trying but because it seems the harder I try to think about it I can’t remember. So getting out of my friends car I approached the vehicle and when I looked In I say the devil and another demon who’s name I didn’t catch. The devil said something that disturbed me so much that I had to wake up but once again no matter how hard I think about it I can’t remember what it was he said that had bothered me. Even on the night I woke up I couldn’t recall what he said. And honestly I’m confused about what this would mean.

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There’s a message waiting for you when you’re ready to hear it…?

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