The Decoding Your Dreams Thread

To see others in your dream who are possessed indicates that you yourself are feeling vulnerable.

The reason that you might have seen such a demonic assault is that you are having changing beliefs about your relationship to others, you might feel helpless or powerless with challenges in your daily life and experience overwhelming anxiety of future events, that you lack confidence and you need to build your inner self-confidence.

To have this dream recurring with the invasion of demonic forces as you are looking for protection with ceremonies calling on the archangels meant to safeguard yourself from evil can indicate that you are feeling alienated from others as you have been feeling left out in life.

Couple of nights ago I dreamt of being attacked by two giant demonic looking cats, I was able to pull them off of me and fight back. Can’t make sense of it.

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This dream could imply that you need to turn to someone you trust if you have to encounter a difficult situation.

Hmm, funny you mention trust. Seems to fit my current situation well. Thank you.

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Most my dreams are upfront and lucid, like one where Odin started leaking tar and such from his eyes, nose, mouth and such with the help of another being who obeyed him lol. The dream was basically telling me to detox some stuff out of my etheric body and core. In which doing so helped me learn more about my true self. Although I had no idea what the dream of me riding Sleipnir meant but it still lead to more stuff lol.


Sorry to be a pest. I just posted about this dream recently, but in a different thread. I still have questions about some recurring dreams I’ve been having.

I’ve been dreaming of a certain house, which I’ve never visited in this life (at least to my knowledge). It’s a multi-story house, and all the curtains are drawn. It looks like sunlight has rarely entered the place. It’s a really run-down old building.

In this building, I’ve undergone several occult and/or lodge initiations with different groups of people. I come voluntarily, often dressed up, and patiently wait for the ceremony to start. I’ve been initiated into several lodges in reality, so I have a reasonable idea of what should be happening.

I get initiated each time…but I never remember it. I “come to” afterward, as though I underwent initiation while under anesthesia. Afterward, I’m almost always asked to leave, and come back later, which I agree to do.

Why can’t I remember what happens during initiation? Why it it in this same old house, with almost no light? Afterward, I’m very tired, and go back to my apartment in a city in which I’ve never (knowingly) lived before, just a few blocks away from where I was initiated, and eagerly await my chance to come back to the lodge (house). It’s in a part of some city I don’t recognize, and everything is shabby and run down.

Does this dream mean anything? I’ve been initiated before into groups in real life, and remember most of the details vividly. But now, I’m being initiated into groups while I sleep. I don’t know what’s happening to me during these initiations. Somehow, these dreams seem significant, but I don’t know why. But I feel that I really met with each these groups, and that I’m supposed to come back whenever summoned.

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An initiation is a symbol of acceptance and entrance into a group, possibly you feel that you’ve had to change your true beliefs to gain acceptance, often mark a point of change or transition with an unknown location in impoverished area and with dim light, you can’t see clearly and that you can’t remember could mean you are trying to change and gain acceptance with a new situation but are uncertain if you will be accepted by your new peer group.


I’ll start off with a little background story of myself before I get into talking about my dreams, to give substance to what I’m going to share as far as dreams are concerned.

A long time ago I had a group of friends to whom we were all close.

Some of them were practitioners of the craft but one in particular would always ask me why I didn’t choose to go down the path as well. She said that her reasoning was because of something about my aura being bright and I always seemed to attract those who seemed lost.

Shortly before any of us realized that we would all go our separate ways, because life is shitty like that and we all have to go on our own path eventually; she handed me a book saying that one day I’m going to need this.

The book is titled “10,000 dreams interpreted” and its set up like a codex. It identifies specific objects, creatures, and actions that can take place within a dream and interprets their hidden meaning. Almost like a tarot card set for your dreams in a nonchalant way.

I’ll have to dust it off and give it another read through, but after my 30 days are up, I’d be happy to crack it open and give interpretations to whomever wishes for a free examination of their dreams.

Now onto my dreams.

Since I’ve been a “late bloomer” to taking the path that I’ve chosen, in the past, I’ve been visited by many different spirits to whom I’ve felt have came to me in an attempt to recruit me.

I’ll keep it short and to the point from here on out.

  1. I’ve been visited by the Green Man to whom he was gracious enough to share with me what he called “Dinosaur Weed”. Don’t laugh, it was good shit btw. I woke up feeling like I had smoked an ounce to the head and I layed in bed for a few hours in what felt like I was wrapped in a blanket of “Ahhhhhh Yeeeaaaahhh”.

  2. I’ve been visited by the fae as well. Floating down a river I could see them flying around me and were pointing out things to me that sat alongside the riverbed. One thing that stood out to me was that they pointed out a very beautiful and exotic looking flower.
    They said to me “It’s ok. When we all die we will go back into the Earth and return as beauty like that of this flower”.

But I’ve also have had dreams that are not quite as comforting as well.

  1. When I was very young, like 4 or 5 years old. I had a waking nightmare that I was trapped inside of what seemed like a slanted sewer line just big enough to fit me inside of it. The bottom of the pipe was filled with water and was slowly filling with more. I couldn’t move the bottom half of my body as I was trying to climb my way out but kept slipping and slid back down into the water. At the top of the pipe there was an opening, and a face looking in. It’s face was unrecognizable and extremely distorted, screaming at me in a language I couldn’t understand. It’s voice sounded like a demonic donald duck as it spoke and then slammed the opening shut. At that point I felt total despair, sadness, and desperation as I continued to try to climb my way out but with no avail. I woke up from this dream crying out loud, screaming, and rolling back and forth in my bed. Very scarring to say the least and I remember it vividly even now.

  2. The last time I had sleep paralysis. I was around 20 years of age, this was at the time that my group of friends and I were close to going our own ways in life.

I remember in my dream I was laying in bed looking up at the ceiling, unable to move at all.
I felt a heavy breathing next to my face followed by a vicious snarl of a voice speak to me.

“They may see you as a demon, but I only see just a fool.”

I freaked, and mustered up all of my will to try to move. I was actually successful at out willing whatever this spirit was and moved my arms. But as soon as I did, it hissed at me and pulled my bed along with me into a dirt tunnel leading straight down. I could see roots and branches closing the tunnel up above me as I was being rapidly dragged down into this never ending hole. The sounds of wood snapping around me was very loud but I quickly woke up from this dream feeling very drained and my muscles were very sore.

I’ve had several other dreams that either seemed to show me of events or of messages that would take almost a short novel to write out and share. But these are the ones that have stood out to me the most.

Thank you for reading this.
Dark blessings to you all.


Thanks for your response! What you’re saying makes a lot of sense. I’ve had to hide my true beliefs before, definitely. Also, I’m often uncertain of being accepted by new peer groups.

I dreamed last night, again, that I had been initiated into an order. I didn’t remember the initiation, but I was definitely in the group. There was a great procession of members, myself included. We wore dark robes with various insignia of rank. I found myself near the head of the procession, with no idea of what I was supposed to be doing. Soon, my job was suddenly to help guard the leader of this group, and guard him with my life. He was very kind to me. He knew that I had no training. I did my best to watch the others and fit in, and was serious about guarding this man.

The group I joined was a massive organization with its own huge building. I’ve also been dreaming of very large “cults” or groups with their own compounds, one of which I consistently refuse to join, but am somehow drawn to. I did join this one, but was a neophyte suddenly thrust to the head of a complex, ritualized procession in which I was left guessing what to do, and just copying the gestures and movements of those around me. A still greater leader than the one I’d been protecting appeared, and we dropped to our knees in front of him in some ritualized way. We weren’t worshiping him, but showing respect.

Anyhow, this time, I was accepted as part of the group, but with no clear idea about why I’d joined, or what I was supposed to be doing as a member.

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So I’ve had repetitive dreams of feeling scared but not seeing what I’m scared of. So I chant/scream Lucifer’s enn.
After a few nights of this I’m thinking maybe he wants me to figure it out myself. So I start doing banishings and cleansing(awake).

A couple nights ago my dream, a red head woman and myself were holding back this powerful but possibly sinister black haired woman. She escaped from our grasp turned into black mist entered the whole universe then me. The red head looked and reached for me then said" I’m scared" I looked at her and laughed and said it’s ok. Then we were all on the same in me😰 I stepped out of the door and it was chaos! Naked people running around like wild savage canabilistic animals. I took my daughter to my sister and her kids that were hid out in a safe place and we called our mom to see if she was ok. She answered with a raspy breathing and laughed. My sister hung up and said yep it’s not her anymore. So I decided to run through the chaos to save her and preform an exorcism. My sister said use this and handed me a bible. I said no I will do it with the power of Lucifer. Then ran out into the chaos to get to my mom and woke up.

The other night I had a dream about entering this school and I snuck off with another young woman and we broke into a secret door. Looking at it just looked like a porch/ balcony, stepping through it was a classroom. There were books of spells. I was looking at banishings and exorcism. The teacher( a Hispanic male, 50 ish long straight hair and mustache, gray) asked what are you doing. I answered, looking for banishings and protection with baphomet and the demonic lords. He said use the bible. The demons turn on there wives kill the children and eat the wives. I dismissed him with the wave of my hand and said that’s ridiculous it’s biblical propaganda. He smiled and laughed. I woke up.

Last night this couple showed my husband was a cheater to get me to leave him (he cheated in the past) so I did. They were trying to get me to join a talk show and I was like idk. I want to work with beauty etc. And they were like cool. I was really attracted to the guy and a played with that. He came to my house woke me up gave my daughter chocolate cereal and came back to me with sexual advances(which I enjoyed) but pushed him away and said I have things I need to do. He rubbed me a little bit longer then humored what I wanted. So I went shopping for a couple yards of velvet while his wife was telling me to eat whipped cream off of him and was still picking out my materials. And he said so you are a loser and laughed. I woke up ( I haven’t had sex in months (used to be really active until things went sour in my marriage)

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Many demons use symbols as a way of communicating their identity, the red haired woman is a messenger responding to your rituals. Lucifer uses the two women as an identifier and assorted signs and surroundings to convey a message, announcing His presence. The two women, one red head Lucifer, influences this world, earth, the other dark haired woman who turns into mist is the universe or abyss, the world that created her.

The universe, the dark abyss is a symbol of nature that this world was created from and is a symbol of the darkness around him as he is coming to you in this vision to your world from the darkened universe.

The naked cannibals is the world you live in, a cut throat environment, as he can’t create life but he can destroy it, as he wants to gain your attention, as you can’t hide from him, religion will not protect you from the forces of nature or from the cannibals that inhabit this world tearing each other apart.

If you are drawn to the left hand path, it’s usually because you’ve had some kind of life experience that has awakened you. Lucifer is responding to you and letting you know that you have been heard and what he really is and that of his powers that he holds and surrounds you with.

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That makes sense thank you so much. What’s your take on the other dreams?

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You are in transition and transformation learning about the occult with Lucifer. YOUR powers are to learn from your magical books and gain insight is as old as Witchcraft itself.

You are rebelling against your Christian or Catholic upbringing as your family or someone close who is Christian might try to get you to reform and renounce your occult learning and powers.


Thank you so much

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So, in this dream I had met up with my online friend(whom is thinking of going to the same universities that I am thinking of going to as well) and she started telling me to do something and as per the oddities of dreams, a quicksave button and stuff appeared(due to the amount of Skyrim I’ve been playing) and then I straight up kissed her and that was that

I saw more than five lions in my dream, they were playful with me and i wasnt even scared. Even i felt like a lion being with them, the funny thing is they could talk with me.

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How cool!

What the what🤔?
I was working factory but the owners moved the location. In this location it was more like a secret military base where they were putting implants in everybody and giving faulty grenades to soldiers so that it burns them alive. Then it was like I was a spirit helping these soldiers turn this fire grenade off. ( I know,that’s not how they work in real life) and their commander was laughing at their suffering. There was this room with glass encased cells. All of a sudden I’m naked and covered in what looks like tar and blood and I have angel wings. In one of the glass cells was a muscular man with a sinister smile and there was men in suits around like they were going to court. I felt like I was there to get this man out. Out of nowhere I call him Lucifer and press myself against the glass as if I had missed him so much silently promising I would get him out(acting all seductive with my naked tar covered self) The end
Any thoughts?
I’m normally not seductive in my life. I’m a mom that wears a t-shirt jeans and canvas tennis shoes.
And happy New years!

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I see lions as fierce. The fact they are speaking to you in a friendly matter tells me you have a few strong allys or they are aspects of yourself. Not that I’m a qualified dream reader. That’s just what I feel. I would be to distracted with a dream like that lmao yay big kitty cuddles. Maybe that’s the Leo in me liking big cats

You feel you have no control over your life and other people are destroying your ambitions. You see yourself being tarred and feathered indicates embarrassment, resentment and are being punished for something that you have done and your guilt will come out sooner or later to undermine you.

The glass cell or prison suggest that you are being scrutinized and criticized, you are feeling trapped at the same time. It could mean that a misstep in the past is now under a magnifying glass for people around you to dig and investigate and cannot escape and you are confused and can not find a solution.

The glass prison room in your visions are symbolic of the sense of self. The glass room that everyone could see into and locked, meaning you feel you have no way out and pleading for help with someone in authority.

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