The Day After Ragnarok: When Gods Die and Return to On A Copy of Earth

Okay there are flags on this but I’m going to reply on topic, sort of magician hat on more than mod hat, as I hope that may smooth the confusion out better:

Not so, friend-o! :smiley:

Everyone thinks they’re quoting uncomplicated lore handed down through millenia, but there’s actually considerable room for doubt, this is something I posted a while ago on here:

Reply on a Quora page “What happens after Ragnarök?”:

The already given answers are good, but I’d like to add something. There is an eddic poem, alternate titled either “Korpsgaldr Odhinns” or “Hrafngaldr Odhinns.” This piece talks about some of the events immediately after Ragnarok, in particular speaking of a quest to ascertain the state of what is left of the multiverse, and determine how to proceed with rebuilding. Heimdall, Bragi, and (!) Loki are said to embark on this journey. (Which is contradiction to the commonly held idea that Heimdall and Loki will fight and co-annihilate during the battle.) Upon their return, Loki will speak with the Asynjur (Goddesses), Bragi with the Gods, and Heimdall with the still-barely-conscious recovered head of Odhinn. It ends on a mystery; and the source of the poem (which is one of the most difficult to read and study) is unknown.

Reply by Christopher Nicholson-Sauls, Godhi of Fincastali


This is not widely known. :smiley:

The rest of the replies on that link are also worth reading if you have time.

I discussed the likely reason this crap crept into our mythology here: Abrahamic mindset - #5 by Lady_Eva

Okay I was there so allow me to describe it: I worked with a group, we destroyed the parasitic troll entity, and then other spirits set up currents and forces, to slowly ease people away from freely giving away their own power.

There was some kind of lock on the Sun as well, still not sure what that was about except, again, the same imagery showed up for several people, unprompted. As close to Verified Personal Gnoses as it’s probably possible to get. :man_shrugging:

Now, I don’t go round banging onto people’s threads if they’re Christian, Jewish or Muslim saying “Nyah nyah I killed your god” (not least because those people still have the same connection to Source, so really all we did was destroy the thing leeching from them) but I will clarify what happened, when the topic is raised. :slight_smile:

The thing was feeding from people externalising the Source/self interface and it took considerable amounts of work and planning to accomplish, and I repeat, it wasn’t just me, nor was the thing we destroyed Source, which is what people mostly mean by “God.”

You can read my full account of it here: My 9/11 Work - Part 1

With respect, it’s unrealistic to think that people will just have their minds wiped and stop calling on an entity just because it’s dead, but that spirits CAN be erased is clearly attested to in various other lore, including the idea that various gods killed primordial beings to pave the way for mankind, and that Ganesha was beheaded, or Osiris murdered, and required intense magickal work by other gods who loved them - a new elephant head, and bandages etc.

None of these things would have been necessary if gods were just gaming-like respawns, popping back up the moment someone thinks of their name (which I have found to be an unrealistically anthropocentric idea).

So neither killing gods, nor that they’re known about afterwards, are mysterious and implausible things, these are ideas which go back a very long way.

This is her Journal, she’s not going round telling people to do ridiculous or dangerous things just because of her experience of the world being ended already, or whatever. You could mute it or put her on Ignore if she bothers you that much, but this post isn’t breaking any rules that I can see.

Unverified Personal Gnoses cannot ever become verified (or be discussed, debated, and contextualised) so long as people are too afraid to stray from “The Mighty One True Lore”… :pray:

There are many psychonauts and mystics talking about this world being a hologram (which arguably implies there may have been a more real version at some point), so I don’t see why @Purple’s words are any less valid than those of the Christian individuals who gave us the approved lore about “All your gods are mortals, worship the one true ‘God’” and so on.

You say Ragnarok is a known and done deal, I provide evidence otherwise, and if you search for the phrase reality tunnel on here you’ll find many explanations from one point of view.

Whether @Purple is fan-ficcing Odin, and this will end up with him banging her in Valhalla, is yet to be seen. but the idea that the world already ended and that we’re suffering collective trauma, and the results of a diminished consciousness and culture, is an idea touched upon by the Mayan concept of the world being periodically destroyed, the “New Avatar” work of Geof Gray-Cobb, the Flood myths found globally, and even the “Adam & Eve” document from the CIA library:

It’s a known concept, nothing worth flaming over, and maybe if enough people can describe their perceptions of what happened, we may be able to figure it out - and prevent a cataclysm like it from happening in future. :+1: