Abrahamic mindset

It tool me a long time to shed the Abrahamic mindset…
What is that?

Now bear in mind I am no scholar, or expert but my heart and my intuition knows what it knows…

With my Norse faith of Odinism we have texts written by Christians, skewed views of our Gods, Ancestors and the life they led and who they were…

You have to shed that idea and skewed thinking, as organized religion like this has been a centuries old lie used to control out of fear and ignorance.

Case in point… ODIN is a complete son of a bitch, asshole that will throw you under the bus and deceive you…

In contrary … I have always found him to be a quite loving father figure all be it a stern father that although you know he loves you, you are not going to hear it from him… Kind of like the Red Forman of the Gods lol…
He will put his foot up your ass…

Stern,kind of a dick at times but there is always watching out for you, and will guide…


I have noticed that there are many whom cling to the whole “Hell fire, damnation, Evil lord” 1980’s bad occult movie representation of the Morning Star.

I was pleasantly surprised at how soft spoken and fatherly her really was, and is. His kindness and attentive listening is amazing…

Can any of these turn on you and give you a bit of karmic ass slapping? Oh hell yes they can, so you have to me mindful of showing respect properly and heeding what they say, kind of why they are Gods and you aren’t yet.

So I guess what I am saying is do not approach any of them in the manner that they are out to do great evil and your soul is damned..

In the grand scheme of things with the universal energy, your “soul” is neither yours to sell or theirs to buy, and quite honestly I do not think they are interested in that any anyway, pacts are different but selling into damnation and fire in the afterlife seems laughable…

My best to you


I don’t think necessarily that all the negative things said about the Norse gods stem from skewed Christian portrayals. Certainly, a lot are the product of Christian demonization, but oftentimes the Norse gods actually do seem to be deeply flawed beings who serve more as an example of what not to emulate.

If you haven’t seen it already, EA Koetting has an excellent video on the Norse mythology and how the adversarial figure of Loki is able to reflect these flaws in such a way as to provoke a sort of introspective evolution:

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Most of that is taken from lore that went through a Xian filter though.

And some groups changing history and adding a core concept designed to poison the well is nothing new to us in 2018.

The rest is simply how people acted before “turning the other cheek” and martyrdom became fashionable. :thinking:

For example (with respect to where E.A.'s at with this):

He’s an egomaniac that resorts to violence for everything and really has no respect or love for anybody.

The protector of Midgard can’t really become a pacifist, vioence works, and what he respects and loves is defined in the role, which I have witnessed him perform during banishings of various kinds of wholly malevolent beings.

That’s arguing UPG to some extent, never a good look, and obviously different people will respect different beings as their current encounters with them and personality dictate.

Perhaps in the end it is the Thor-within-us that we are having different experiences with.


Agreed. I just thought EA’s perspective was refreshingly different from the usual party line that one should hold up the gods as ultimate role models.

I like the Norse gods specifically because they appear to exhibit the same doomed, flawed grandeur that humans do. For example, from the Eddas and other recorded mythology Thor comes off as short-tempered, lacking a sense of humor, and breaks his word on multiple occasions. Yet he also possesses the admirable character traits of strength, courage, and willing to do what it takes (including breaking one’s word) in order to protect his people.

I don’t think we should emulate Thor as a whole, but instead look at him in context with the times of his culture (as you mention with respect to how people acted before “turning the other cheek” was popularized by Xtianity). So yeah, I guess it comes down to personal UPG in the end in terms of what beings you personally vibe with and respect more. :smiley:


Controversial UPG - the doomed thing was inserted to align Norse religion with Xianity and the desert god’s love of finality and death, which I covered in another post recently.

Why such blasphemy?

The event is attested primarily in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In the Prose Edda and in a single poem in the Poetic Edda, the event is referred to as Ragnarök or Ragnarøkkr (Old Norse; meaning Fate of the Gods and Twilight of the Gods, respectively), a usage popularised by 19th-century composer Richard Wagner with the title of the last of his Der Ring des Nibelungen operas, Götterdämmerung (1876), which is “Twilight of the Gods” in German.
From Ragnarök - Wikipedia - that link has references for all assertions made

Poisoning the tree of life for that religion by giving it an end that is intended to mimic weird desert concepts, and then lead neatly to a “better” future that resembles Adam and Eve. :thinking:

Defacing the old king to write over his monuments with your own is a trick as old as time, as is trying to force the meme that a thing is futile, “Surrender Dorothy,” everything is already controlled opposition, everything is already fixed in place for your defeat, “if you can’t beat them, join them” because all is lost.

From Sun Tzu to /pol/ we see that same tactic used, and it’s used because, largely, it works - at least on those unaware that such seeming grim realism is just a tactic to gain control.

Overwrite an oral tradition that’s being eradicated at ground level with a written re-imagining that makes it futile and casts its gods as dead men walking, and you create a diversion in a belief system that will outlast the true tradition.

If this happened in another context, one could be dubious, but all Abrahamic cults are fixated on death, on killing their fellow cultists for thought-crimes, on mass disasters that judge the “good” from the “bad” and just end everything, and on attaining a state of death-in-life, the eternal bliss of their paradises.

And you only need to insert a tiny amount of spin into a story to make it appear completely different, in terms of the mass perception (which is, always, all that counts).

I believe Snorri Sturluson took a cyclical concept akin to that of the Hindus (and Aztecs) and worked it into a bit of (attempted) predictive programming and spin, to make the Norse religion seem weaker compared to the living “eternal” Christ.

They took, and overwrote, the Yule celebrations, marking the first day the Sun is visibly moving south again, and attempted to pass that off as the birth of their “son” deity, they also took Easter, and intentionally built over ancient sacred sites. This is not conspiracy theory.

But those sniff-tests aside, the basis of this is my own UPG and of course, I don’t expect anyone to swallow it untested.


You just blew my mind. I need to do more in-depth research on the concept of Ragnarok in order to fully agree, but damn, this possibility totally retwists my conception of the mythology. Thanks for tickling my noodle with some fresh thought food this morning! :mushroom:


Reply on a Quora page “What happens after Ragnarök?”:

The already given answers are good, but I’d like to add something. There is an eddic poem, alternate titled either “Korpsgaldr Odhinns” or “Hrafngaldr Odhinns.” This piece talks about some of the events immediately after Ragnarok, in particular speaking of a quest to ascertain the state of what is left of the multiverse, and determine how to proceed with rebuilding. Heimdall, Bragi, and (!) Loki are said to embark on this journey. (Which is contradiction to the commonly held idea that Heimdall and Loki will fight and co-annihilate during the battle.) Upon their return, Loki will speak with the Asynjur (Goddesses), Bragi with the Gods, and Heimdall with the still-barely-conscious recovered head of Odhinn. It ends on a mystery; and the source of the poem (which is one of the most difficult to read and study) is unknown.

Reply by Christopher Nicholson-Sauls, Godhi of Fincastali

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-happens-after-Ragnarök

This is not widely known. :smiley:

The rest of the replies on that link are also worth reading if you have time.

@TeufelhundOR please let me know if this is going off-topic too much, I can split this out and make it this discussion a new thread. :+1:


The Norse gods aren’t perfect. Hell nothing is. Perfection is an illusion. I think @Lady_Eva might be on to something. It would totally make sense. And if Ragnarök really was a creation of the Norse, then why isn’t the cyclical idea present in that myth? It’s almost as if the souls of the gods are obliterated. I’ve always found it fishy that they aren’t reborn anew and according to the UPG of other Norsemen, they are. I completely agree with @TeufelhundOR that Odin is a very fatherly figure to those he chooses to be as such. In my darkest hours he was there. Just this week as I was grieving, I would see ravens every time I left the house. Not crows but ravens and always either six or nine of them.


Hmm. That is interesting.

Personaly i have allways liked the idea of how Ragnarök is presented and with the death of the gods.
Ragnarök is not part of a cyclic story for a yearly cycle as for explaining winter and spring for harvest like in many mythologys.
Ragnarök is the end time but its the end for the gods not man.
The wery fact that the gods are flawed makes it in a sense logical for me that they can die, as opposed to the Christian god that is eternal and ofc is perfect in everyway.
Remember the Norse gods are mortal both by aging and can be killed.
This is why i have allwaysed enjoyed the buddist view of gods where gods are allways accepted but they are only part of the ”creation” aswell and being that they are only a part they cant be perfect, perfection is the ideal of perfect balance with everything that exists and and being a part the total to me by default makes it impossible to be perfect.

I like this thread gave me some new spins of ideas and force me to think through stuff, i have a long ranting now on the wery flaw of the perfect abrahemic god but sadly i havent got time to writte it. Mayby when i get him this afternoon if there isnt to much hate on this post.(;

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This is solid gold ^^^. I couldn’t agree more. They might have a use for your spiritual energy, but I am not yet convinced they have any ability to do anything with the actual soul spark. I think that is something outside the scope of the kind of entities a human could even be aware of at this point.


I always viewed ragnorak as a metaphorical thing to be honest

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