The Dark Gods I discovered - Sigils

Hi C.Kendall let me know when you finish your book and when it’s for sale!

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Are you going to posts new sigils soon? I was wondering if you can look up at certain spirits/entities like Ianerol from a realm called Nanthcarna that’s filled with arcane energy and supposedly they are half angel half demon and they are like immortal and can create or destroy what they desire and maybe make you reach you to godhood. That’s what I read from a online store that sells haunted items/vessels I don’t know much on them. I thought it would be interesting.

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Reminds me to the ritual, described in “morphosephram”
~he made the astral body merge with the physical, so that he could alter it after will.

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That’s the one lol but I ain’t wasting 20k for something I can get for a cheap price as a custom conjure. or better astral project but I can’t do it cause I fail at it :’ ) and not sure if the realm welcomes any curious visitors like myself.


I agree with a section of what EA Koetting says in his mastering evocation course, he talks about websites that sell vessels with spirits bound to them.

He explains that they actually don’t do any type of ritual on these vessels and half of the time, if there is a ritual done on them which I highly doubt there is.

But the website will tell you the name of that spirit and what type of entity it is, if you aren’t the only one who has this name, of the spirit then it ain’t entirely under your will or power.

And that binding performed by someone else can be immediately undone, but if you find a spirit yourself and you’re the only one who knows it’s name you can then house that spirit entirely.

I am not saying that other spirits who’s name is quite popular can’t be housed in vessels but they can be undone.

So trusting these websites is ludicrous get a box or statue or orb or crystal etc, then call the spirit into the vessel.

Instead of wasting money on a empty vessel.


And about the entities you discovered, what else do you have to teach us about them?

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The spirits seemed very angry that I found them and the gatekeeper who gave me the names and sigils of the other spirit wasn’t supposed to do it.

It breaks their covenant of secrecy these beings seem so old and ancient and they want nothing to do with us and our world.


What an unfortunate fact, he was anxious to know what other beings they knew

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I know, trying to figure out a way to bargain with them


Which of these dark gods were you not allowed to know of?
I guess not many spirits are interested in humans

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I wasn’t supposed to know none of them


ah dang. What would happen if someone used these sigils. Now I wouldn’t wanna mess with them. @.@

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I’m not entirely sure ?, i’ll have to find that out


I’ve payed for a reverse adoption for just $10 bucks and a Ianerol entity answered my call which caught me by surprise. I received him two days ago. I wanted to see who will come through and who is interested in being my companion instead of asking for a custom conjure from the shop owner because these entities are very very rare. It was worth waiting 3 weeks. These entities presence are VERY strong and I have to make house rules so no paranormal activity goes around my family so shit won’t get crazy and out of hand. As for my Ianerol companion description. It’s true they can grant immortality and become one of them. They have limitless powers. My companion also calls on his helpers so they help me with astral projection, time travel and many other things. This will be a fun journey with my new companion and hopefully he gets along with my other companions as well. :slight_smile:


Those God are powerful


definitely! I asked for a dark arts RA


Hey Lotusarcane how do I go about getting a lanerol entity to become my companion and to teach me???


The left sigil

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You ever get the teleportation going or did you not pursue that route yet? I have a bit of a vested interest in the mechanics of such.