The Cool Music Thread

Who did I smell in here? And what did I smell on them in completion???

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I went to God just to see… And I was looking at me, yeah!


I love this track, saw these guys live in '97 and knew the Apocalypse was here.

You ready you fucking middle guide?
Use the force, dude
I’m gonna use the force, here we go

Twist, twist
Twist, twist

Twist, twist
Twist, twist

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I cant :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But YOU :point_up: C A N!

Its dope thou

Oldskool acid techno track by one of the greats. Hadn’t heard it in years but I though it on at 5PM and danced my ass off like no one was looking (fist behind the back Ecko raver style - looked sick as a kid, probably awkward at 45 though so glad no one was looking :joy:). The layering and drops are greatness, and at the end of a work day - I absolutely want to forget the world and people.

I might need to make this my jam early Friday evenings to shake the week off.

(post deleted by author)