The Cool Music Thread

Ambient, I’ll call it.

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@Mulberry :black_heart:

An oldie but a goodie

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Some good and not much know here:

This had me crackalackin :rofl:
Its perfect!

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Reminds me a wee little bit of this band:

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Its quiet nice,weird,funy ngl!

:weary: :ok_hand:

hint: dance bottomless and shake dem nuts while you banish some undesirable little shit (while listening to the song)

Perfect while walking around the workplace, while people look at you, like they just saw a celebrity and beautiful women stunned by my mere presence, lol. My aura sounds like this now, lmao. Timeless

Great for seductive vampirism.


I’m a White Zombie.

Magickian Jason Augustus Newcomb has made a song based on the Eleusinian mysteries.