In listening to various podcasts, and also in his books, I’ve heard E.A. mention to the effect that what you surround yourself with you eventually become, and that surrounding yourself with dark or sinister spirits is ultimately self destructive, and could cause you or those you love to suffer illness, etc. How does this integrate into the life of one on the Left Hand Path?
Demons don’t attack or negatively influence the black magician because they are allies in darkness, right? We both share the same goal, which is to wield our power as we see fit; to re-shape reality as it pleases us, and bask in the glory of our omnipotence as we watch our will manifest itself. It is the old methods of constraining with certain names/making demands and generally being an ass to the spirit that instigates the stereotypical demonic havoc that working with them brings about, right? Hence, the need for all the prescribed banishings. These at least are the ideas I have gleamed in my relatively new introduction to Koetting’s methods.
I’ve always used energy to bring about the results I desired, but have long felt a burning desire to evoke. I contemplate these things now because I have decided to take that step. Like many, I was raised in a fundamental Christian home. Observing their ways taught me what not to be. I could never bring myself to use Solomonic methods because I just couldn’t force myself to use the names of a deity I feel so aligned against. This is all just my round-about way of telling you how pleased I was when I came across E.A.’s methods which avoid the Judaic flavoring I’ve always found when studying evocation.
I am not a self destructive person, and have no desire to bring unfortunate events and poor health to myself, my wife or my home. I’m confused by the statements E.A. makes at times when it sounds like he is warning of negative consequences of working with demons. And yet, here we all are, doing just that. Is it merely that we are drawn so profusely to wielding the power “that negative consequences be damned?!”
Related to this, how many of you have chosen to not banish after your workings? I do my work in a room not attached to my home, but it is a mere few feet away. For now, I have not banished, but I question this as I certainly can sense the darkness surrounding the room outside, and noticed some creepy-crawlies occasionally; especially as I pass by a window I’ll notice something meandering around my yard. My wife has certainly had more than her fair share of illness recently, and I have pondered whether it would be best for her if I were to clear things out regularly.
Maybe some of this is covered in his other books. I’ve mostly only studied Works of Darkness. This turned out to be a relatively long introduction filled with questions. Pleased to meet you all.