The Challenge Of Darkness - LET'S SEE IF YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES

What kind of changes will I begin to see if I complete all of these challenges?


Oh and quick question who is Ahura Mazda?
He’s the god of light right?
I’m familiar with Ahriman but no Ahura Mazda

Spirits and demons and gods of darkness will not only see the dramatic change in power but so will you.

You will blacken the chakra’s which doesn’t only drain the influence of slavery, it boosts your power, your energy, your senses, the darkness will always be there with you and within you,

New doors will open in your path of ascent and expansion, your consciousness will become heightened, the darkness will be behind you, you shall be able to command legions of dark powers at will, you will be able to perform umbrakinesis, the ability to control and mold dark energy at will more than ever.

And much much more, by the way Ahura Mazda is the god of light stasis and limitation, he is total weakness, the enemy of ahriman, the being who is the enemy of the Zanda ( priest/sorcerer of ahriman ).

This challenge is well worth it but challenges will soon be a foot, since the path of dark ascension and expansion is needed for this.


Looks like I got a set of challenges to complete :ok_hand:


Ehhh this is a little too edgy for me and I’m not sure if I can get behind the philosophy that light is the great evil of the cosmos and vise versa for darkness. But to all who try it I hope it works out.



No your miss understanding light is basically a field of colors in white light.

Darkness is actually unlimited possibility, as you know the universe is composed of 73% dark energy which is the void, it is also composed of 23% Dark matter, there is only 4% light visible matter.

So to access most of the void’s power and to truly to become the incarnation of the all void, which is the gist of becoming a living god, then darkness is more of a must.

Light is known as weakness and limitation compared to darkness, because if you take the seven colors of the chakra system you’ll understanding that the colour black, ( Darkness ), absorbs all the other colors and field of light usurping the weak light.

Using that as the fuel of darkness, in occult and magickal and spiritual sciences many agree that light is stasis and has limitations, the darkness however is unlimited potential everything came form the void, the primordial darkness, so in actuality darkness is more potent, more efficient and more powerful than light.

We can even break light a part and understand, but this cannot be done with darkness even with our scientific advancements, dark energy and dark matter is a mystery and if it can be harnessed for fuel it could be the greatest source of power and energy our planet needs.

I am not going on the bandwagon with evil is better than good, because evil and good are human made things, when we are dealing with the primordial darkness, that transcends good and evil, for darkness is a power source never ending and without weakness, so it isn’t just philosophy, it’s also logic and practice and experience.

But i understand what you were referring to, don’t worry this isn’t that over exaggerated Hollywood darkness theme i hate that shit.



Well from my understanding light is apart of the Electromagnetic spectrum of energy that makes up the universe. It’s an EM wave form that propagates/moves through space using the medium of Aether.

And by “move” like a waveform i’mean its has a vibration and frequency that we can measure, Which is far from a “stasis”.

My years of research has led me to the inevitable conclusion that the universe is Electric this means no Big Bang, no Black Holes and no Dark Energy or Dark Matter.

To save my self a quite lengthy typing session I’ll direct you to several videos that illustrate this point that I and many others have come to.

This should suffice for now, As there are many more I could post. These factored in with the Cosmological Red Shift that has proven to be an issue when considering this.

Since “dark matter” and "Dark Energy are needed in order to have expanding space-time which this above video puts into obvious question.

But maybe that’s just me.


Yeah i understand your entitled to your opinion but from my understanding if dark energy and dark matter are needed to have expansion then this is one huge reason we should embody it, i have seen those theories but i don’t really put my belief in theories but like i said everyone deserves a opinion.

I believe that darkness is unlimited possibility, so to incarnate darkness is to embody unlimited possibility and forever expanding in power and knowledge, as EA Koetting put it we are becoming living gods, this state of becoming continuously just like the expansion of the universe, as we know its a fact that the universe is still expanding.


This is great @C.kendall:black_heart:


Thanks baby :black_heart:


Welcome sweetie :black_heart: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s actually not a fact that the universe is expanding ( as demonstrated in videos above) because that theory requires the ingredients of Dark matter and Dark energy. It’s just a theory with ad hoc Assumptions to help their math stick.

Which so far have not been found and as of now are only mathematical constructs.

The only facts are those we can demonstrate and measured with consistency. And at this point it stops being opinion and drifts into the realm of facts.

The expanding universe was based on the idea that redshifted galaxies observed through stronger telescope and to explain them they devised that space-time is expanding in all directions causing the light to stretch to the red spectrum.

Halton Arp and the Electric Universe | Space News - YouTube

They then had to figure out a driving force for this to occur and they decided on dark matter and dark energy. which has never been seen or tested unlike the aether and electric/plasma theories.

I’m only saying this because I find it dubious to reference scientific theory as being a type of “proof” for a spiritual path or power without being able to validate those powers in the cosmos.

You may be accessing a type of spiritual energy like a “dark energy” of the astral plane but certainly that’s the only place this Dark energy or matter could exist.

“THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.”–The Kybalion.


Lol ive did every challenge unknowingly except the Last one. Jumping on that last one now!
I was asking the darkness what else do i do to advance…took a few weeks but here it is!


i agree that science can’t validate magick or spiritual path workings but the logic of the expansion of the universe to me makes a lot of sense for example.

" Astronomers measure the movement of objects relative to us using Doppler shift. When you hear a train coming, its whistle is heard at a different frequency compared to when it is receding, right? In the same way, light also has a Doppler shift, whereby its frequency is shifted depending on the motion of the emitting object.

Astronomers observed that light from distant objects in the universe is redshifted (shift in the frequency of light towards red color), which tells us that the objects are all receding away from us. This is true in whatever direction you look at: all the distant galaxies are going away from us. This can only be due to the fact that the Universe is expanding.

Further, by measuring the distance to the galaxies, one finds that the velocity of recession is proportional to the distance of the galaxy from us. This is called Hubble law after Edwin Hubble who was the first to discover it. "

If we’re taking it to a magickal understanding then we understand that spirits for example are power and consciousness embodied, if there’s one thing power does, that’s to act and energy and power when gaining critical mass by being called or observed grows and expands.

For example the astral realm is constantly expanding i have witnessed it, not only that but the astral realm can be built upon by the collective consciousness, which when we create astral temples, explore hidden worlds.

Also as any experienced soul traveler will tell you, the soul planes are planes that expand and expand, there are countless hells, heavens, planes, dimensions etc.

Also if we take into consideration of everything coming from the void and the source, void is infinite possibility, so there are infinite emanations of the void then, so the spiritual planes are constantly expanding with the infinite possibilities of the void, this isn’t 100% fact, because nothing really is in a spiritual stand point.

As observers of creation we are the creators, so in my world my universe is constantly expanding because i am the observer, and in yours it maybe stagnant and finite or what ever your may belief maybe.

So there can never really be finite fact or proof as everything is constantly changing when we dictate and change everything, in a matter of speaking.


Glad i was your synchronicity haha.


Anyway like i said reality, is down to the creator and observer therefore your entitled to how your world works as this physical world is merely the canvas and testing field for our will.


That video I linked talks about the doppler shift you should watch it.

I can respect that.

I absolutely agree. from my research The universe is infinite both microcosmically and microcosmically, A fractal if you will. so I don’t find it finite at all. But I still don’t see how you can make infinite bigger…Because it’s its already infinity.

I actually disagree here I Believe you can absolutely prove magic with science, Using things like Parapsychology, Telekinesis, EEG machines, Zener cards and it seems to all point to consciousness.

Which is and Electromagnetic phenomena caused by Faraday’s law of induction. which produces the magnetic field around human body.

Watch the videos I linked I think you’ll find them interesting.

I think we agree for the most part and just differ on how it happens. I follow the Electric plasma universe theory and you believe in the standard theories. at least from what I can tell and that’s cool.


looks interesting :slight_smile: I just have a question about the formating. is it suppose to be a do all 7 exercises in one go? or split up into one exercise a day for a week?

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This is up to the individual.


I walk the twilight path; neither pure darkness or pure light is accessible to me, yet both the dark and light heed my call as I demand.

Thusly, I cannot attempt your challenge, as it would disrupt my careful balance between the two.

That said, I may take some of the ideas and methods behind this and modify them to my needs.