The Black Pullet

Bro could you teach me how to operate those magic operation in black pullet?,i really need it bro, thanks in advance, am new here and i searched for a long time but i failed, hope you will share your experience on how to do it bro.

Saritap parnisox ottarim.

Back whenever I work with that book, I used this chant like a madman, desperately trying to get things to open, but I was holding myself back and I didnā€™t believe in it at all. Thanks for reminding me of this publication.

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Itā€™s intriguing, and bookmarked in my mind for later dealings.

You used only sigil opening? What about words that are in book you should say when activating talisman, and about colors?

I used the right the colorsā€¦

Itā€™s been a while since I did this. I think said the words in the book but added my own as well


Can you describe the method how you use it?

I just made thing with the right colors and inscribed a ring ā€¦ the did the work. I left it on my altar for a few days afterwards ā€¦

Making it and putting your intent into it is the thing ā€¦


The Black Pullet is actually realized or not, King Paimonā€™s book. He is the mysterious turbaned old man that shows the lost French soldier all the various sigils and trinkets.


@charles9 have you used the talismans from the black pullet to transport yourself somewhere or teleport? does it actually work? I am looking to try that but donā€™t know what will happen and how to correctly use that

Welcome to the forum, @XCrazy_mos. Please take a moment to go to our New Magician and Introductions area and introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about yourself, what magical experience you may have, and what youā€™re interested in. It is a rule here.

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Iā€™ve used it once or twice with helping in soul travel. But for physical teleporting?

Short answer no, long answer is it might give some aid at the beginning of that path. Iā€™ve no reason not to believe a person couldnā€™t learn that skill but it would require years, most likely decades of single minded devotion to that one goal at the expense of everything else.


While I personally prefer to make my own stuff like this, I have periodically seen the the full set, on etsy.

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When you used it, what happened? Did you go to the location you wanted to see but in the astral world

Essentially yes, but as you can imagine thereā€™s a bit more to it, once you get the hang of things like opening sigils, scrying and building a body of light (i think itā€™s called) then you take all that to the next step and use that seal to help project your consciousness to wherever you wish it to go.

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@XCrazy_mos The first thing to understand about teleportation and telekinesis is that they are the exact same principle as walking or moving something about physically, both are done by spirit/mind but one is something you are temporally accustomed to and therefore the other seems very ā€œhardā€. All things exist but attachmentā€“and it can be quite restrictiveā€“to one habitual consciousness makes other states hard to accept even but they exist.

I think this book works more than anyone realizes. Iā€™m still finding golden eggs. Not as expected where I just go cash in gold eggs. But they are showing themselves everywhere and in the most unexpected ways


All things work because consciousness is the key. You are the consciousness, the goose, and you are the one laying those eggs. This whole reality is an illusion of consciousness. Yes, the Black Pullet does ā€œworkā€ I use it toā€“anything to you can accept, sometimes even half-way, will ā€œworkā€. There, I have now completed my daily, yet ever valid, ā€œconsciousnessā€ rant.


@charles9 did you ever use the circle?

I havenā€™t . I did use the talisman and made my own make shift ring. I believe I posted some of the results on this thread.

But im curious about the circle. I might try stepping it up a bit and see what happens.

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Nope, once i bought a universal circle i got a bit lazy about such things. :sweat_smile:

Please do let us know what your impressions are of it if you give it a go. :+1:

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